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Everything posted by vinci

  1. I stop taking this clown serious for a long, his spewing bunghole has no end
  2. turn down the pressure switch
  3. bank to bank transfer, not all at once but you can in a few time.
  4. the clown is running for president again and all he does is lashed out at anybody or anything, no idea what's he running for except for his own interest, his whole purpose of running is for revenge.
  5. i heard it was the golfer fashion back in the days is to protect their neck from the sun since you stand out there all day
  6. I think he suffer enough, its not like any after him done any better from what i see they are worst then him
  7. some bad news the presiding judge over Trump case is a MAGA, she had some ruling history with Trump in the past, how did this happen is beyond me
  8. by now i hope these maga would understand that everything Trump touches die, see what happen to the Jan6 clowns let that be a lesson.
  9. plead guilty or go to prison
  10. Thailand water pressure is enough to drip into your water tank on ground level and that's about it, every house have their own pump
  11. there are no inflation only price gouging
  12. 82 and 29, she love you for your look and your hard rock genital, she just secured her money by having your baby. "but they work. Trust me" old man excuses to get laid with younger woman
  13. as long as they are still afraid or speak of Trump none of them will be president that's include Ron DeSantis
  14. its all for show to get last minute deal, ofocurse they will pass or else their donor will hang them
  15. twice a week is the norm, did you pay your bill they come by every few month college fee.
  16. its all a show even the watchdog are corrupt themselves
  17. i have hernia at the goin small bump, doctor said its not urgent to laparoscopic surgery, but sooner or later i still need that surgery. i have a question regarding hernia, every time you lay down the bump disappear presume it went back in, when you go on surgery, you will lay down to have the operation, how would the doctor know where it is to pull it back and stitch/mesh it up.
  18. i don't know which country they export those car, but here in Thailand there's a lot of Japanese car and only a few Chinese car
  19. all these people talk about corruption and how bad it is, take a good look at your country before you judge
  20. its call lunch money, we know he know everybody know, no point of arguing with him, you can sit there and fight with him for hour and hour or go down to the station for another half a day, your choice me, i just ask him can i pay fine here with him and he bring it down to that station for me, 5 minute and im on my way, time is a luxury that we can't waste.
  21. you might have seen them holding a bunch or passport, but how do you know they don't have supporting document, you have x-ray vision or something. i use an agent to do all my paper work, have all proper paper work, money in bank, etc...all 100% legit, yes agent cut line for me doing all the walking and talking for me, don't be jealous for people that can afford to use agent and stop pulling facts out of your
  22. if oil leak from the compressor side it would not spray oil like that, there's a wall between compressor side and fan motor side
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