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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. just some 1 month ago the BA has cancelled flights to bkk. I don't think they would change their plans so quickly. They would have to apply for a new landing slot. They are after the high season in thailand, flying half empty now is not much point. who wants to fly directly goes to Thai International. Unfortunately, it's bankrupt airline and risky to fly with them anymore. There are many other airlines, which offer flexible covid policies and even throw in free covid insurance, including hotel when symptomatic. nobody knows when they lift restrictions to thailand. Albeit going back to europe is easy, just covid vax
  2. a similar story. beginning of february, positive with minor symptoms, taken to piyavate. Detected from blood only small level of infection (probably antibodies markers), no changes in lungs by xray. My first reading of temperature 37.3C was commented as "high fever", the following were all below 37C. Offered medicines, which I have refused all. I have insisted on quoting me price - for 200mg faviripavir they wanted 350b and I suppose to take 9 pills after receiving them, as a first dose. This medicine was imported from japan by thai government for 30b per pill. It's now also generic made in thailand by the GPO, probably around 10b per pill. In India 800mg for $1. I have asked dr for hospitel. He said, that because I have refused medication I have to stay at hospital. Total 140k was covered only partially by Dhipaya some 50k for "medical", but not for hospital stay (room, food). I walked out from hospital. So far no any paperwork, bills, were delivered to my address. That also includes recovery certificate. But I have original copies of positive test and medical certificate (I have requested them on the first day and posted it to my insurer).
  3. yes, until 30.11 AIG was a health insurance, covering for $500k. From 1.12 it's only covid accident policy for $200k. So some people used it for CoE, but for TP pass wording changed from "covid $100k" to "health $50k". That was within the first days of TP program. Still, before that, some travellers were complaining for not being covered. AIG require immediate contact on testing positive, before starting any isolation, treatment.
  4. some people claimed the last year, yet before TP (on CoE), that it worked. This insurance can be cancelled at anytime by the insurer. Some consulates stated at that time that is not valid for CoE. Even if you will get TP, you might have problem at check in or on landing. Personally I would chose full health insurance for the whole stay, but with the largest possible deductible and largest possible accident
  5. yes, the 5th day suppose to be only a temporary measure, for omicron prevention. But by January it was already known that symptoms appear very fast, 2-3 from infection. At that point they should cancel the 5th day test.
  6. his party was part of the governing coalition, so good direction. However, he should push to switch to opposition. there are rumours that the former flower minister prompaw and another 20 MP expelled from the PPP are joining this very party Thamanat likely to join NEP with 20 ousted MPs: source https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40011311
  7. only depending on you destination. air lines dont require anything, but some transit airports (like singa), do
  8. any pharmacy should have Testos capsules 40mg, box 30 for below 400b. if they dont have on stock, they can order for you
  9. From 15.2 thai companies dont cover asymptomatic. Before that non of foreign policies were good at all. AQ isolation for 10 days and from 21k. Or insist on home isolation. same goes with sitting directly next to positive, but isolation supposed to be shortened to 3-4 days already from the last year (that from 7 days). Its possible, that health officials dont do tracing and isolation anymore, even if you have to write seat number on airplane on landing health form. Still, insist on private transport from airport, usually hotel try to charge a minimum 500b. there are not anymore covid specific accident policies, as the last years. The same companies are doing them, but they would cover only hospital up to 10k baht (premium 1.5k), so not worth. do count on self- insurance. For trailand pass any 30 days policy will do
  10. In january only less than 200k came. And that was in majority thai citizens. Most of them came by T&G scheme, which was suspended at the end of december and re- launched in february. since then also 5 day test and hotel was introduced. Which would further decrease arrivals. Uncertainty over already issued T&G cause many to cancel travel completely. From the beginning of january there were frequent reports they will be withdrawn. Situation was clarified only after 2 weeks. so february figures will be lower. Yes, there was also phuket sandbox available, but not as convenient, as T&G
  11. For not religious people its a holiday (with chance of extension to sunday 20th), yet motorways are empty and pictures show empty beaches. Possibly folks are saving their holidays for songkran in 2 months time. Ban on alcohol dumpens holiday spirit and partying
  12. As we speak another data leak from thailand pass. This time spoofed email is not trojan, but disclosure of personal info. Somehow they cant connect stolen emails to names. This is already a third email to my box within 10 days. They come to my box, not to spam folder, as I have already got emails from the real true thailand pass so gmail still doesnt recognise it as spam. "Th system noticed some problems in the documents you submitted to the embassy You should correct some information so that you are not held responsible by the government Please reply to this message and write the following information Your full name Date of birth Last 4 digits of the passport We apologize for any inconvenience caused Best regards, THA PASS". possible that is a leak which richard barrow referred to yesterday and was mentioned here earlier. thai government cant protect personal data being constantly leaked to criminals. some suspect its an inside job. Some IT guy selling all data
  13. Airplanes are using the newest HEPA filters and you spend on them 10x less time, than on train. nice article, but outdated and sounds like an advert
  14. Many serious glitches were spotted from the very beginning of TP in november. nothing was done, that despite very explicit statement from 22.12, that temporal close down of T&G till 4.01 would be used to fix all problems. Then just before relaunching a massive hack on 28.01 of database. Ministry denied any responsibility, but put some measures. Yes, spoof emails with trojan virus from TP are still coming, which means that patch was temporary or hackers found a new open gate. from what I read TP for phuket sandbox was often over a week. Interesting to know how long is it now, if the PM has to intervene with his instructions. Something serious is going on if decisions are have to be made at such level
  15. do you have tickets to bangkok and some hotel accommodation? mai me. can you drive me to bangkok hospital? there is no bangkok hospital anywhere in thailand
  16. bangkok is a name taken from thai language - means village of olive tree. Krung thep is pali language, now only used by budhist monks (actually, most of monks don't understand meaning of recited words). Means in pali city of angels. This language is much more extinct than Latin. All south european languages are based on latin and are close to each other, so for example italians are able understand some basic from partugese etc. But pali based languages in India are so far apart, that they can comprehend each other. In the south india alone there are 720 different languages used by tribal populations
  17. so you think 3 tests, 2 nights at quarantine on day 1 and 5 for travellers with a minimum 2 jabs is justified, but refusing 30% of local population their right for a vaccination or forcing 50mln sinovac on them (with large objection, but no choice left) is right on part of thai government? And now the very same government is refusing medical care to it's own citizens, unless they are feverish over 39C for a minimum 24h or are suffocating with minimum 25 breaths per minute (the normal rate is 6-12 per minute)? I have also just entered T&G, positive and forced to hospitalise with minor symptoms, now with an outstanding bil 90k, because insurance covered only medical care (almost non existent, because I did not have any medicines or treatments, just temperature and blood pressure taken 3x per day and dr phone call every second day) but not hospital room per se
  18. the majority on thailand pass and test and go are thai themselves. Not foreigners. Many of those thai have second passport from countries they are settled now, they do travel on thai passport for easier entry (no insurance needed, free medical care if positive). Where this lady was, when Thanathorn from future forward raised over a year ago an issue of vaccination program and was charged with lese majeste? https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Turbulent-Thailand/Thailand-targets-Thanathorn-for-questioning-king-s-vaccine-maker because of the government reluctance to order proper quantities and from many different companies and reliance only on a locally made AZ, thailand was forced to buy 50mln substandard and expensive sinovac and sinopharm, and that's why only some 70% are fully vaccinated by now. With many boosters wasted in support of those poorer quality vaccinations. Thailand began it's full scale vax program far behind the other countries, because they believed they can stop covid by crossing borders. That not worked, because illegal border crossing by thai nationals themselves, as well as migrant workers from birma and later from cambodia. Illegal border crossing is on a large scale, thousands every day in any direction, untested and largely unvaccinated. That scale compares in numbers to legal entry into thailand with Thailand Pass, tests, vaccinations (many with boosters), health insurance etc.
  19. so all positive incomers to country go to AQ hotels for 9 nights for a minimum 20k?
  20. as I remember in 2020 songkran holiday was cancelled as a work free days and in plac of it long weekends were introduced later on. So many people worked. I think including the government institutions, banks and private companies (who wasn't told to work from home). the last year's was not cancelled. Just on Saturday 10th April the government said not to travel, at the same time road blocks on major entrances to provinces. That spoiled some fun, but hindered travel. Nothing like this this year. Judging by the New Year celebrations an extra day was added on 31.12 as a holiday. All participants in large gatherings had to have jabs, tests and capacity was fenced to 5k people. I would think similar for songkran as it was for the new year. But it's not really possible to control the younger generation, informal gatherings will go on. Police would not enforce rules, maybe just tell people not to carry on into late night, just for the sake of some order. That is fine. Priority, as always, should be speeding and drink driving. Thailand failed that the last year. Even if the police said it was the great improvement over the usual years
  21. very unusual, because la nina finished already the last year and this year suppose to be dry. Looks, like winds are coming from the south, bringing moisture from the ocean. That pattern suppose to start in April. Prevailing winds suppose to be now from north-east, continental weather from china, dry and cold air. I would not complain that much for some clouds, random drizzle. Less fires, less pollution from china, less small particles in the air. Also some vegetation to lower dust. Possibly rain load for this whole year would be spread more evenly, so only good from it
  22. all forms of certificates are fully recognised in thailand. Even if can't be uploaded (yet) to Morprom application or any other thai application. The best is to have it printed, to avoid handling your smartphone around by health officials. But if some place requires a test on top of vax, you have to do it. I haven't come across any place checking either. I think only some restaurants and bars in pattaya do, as well as entry to phuket, koh samet, koh chang
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