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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. Those sha++ are for the 5th night. No point for stretching yourself for the 1st night.
  2. Looks like hospitel, from 30k for 10 days. Depends very much on hospital they are associated with. You can also say you are broke and they will put you at AQ/ASQ hotel. Those start at 20k. Might even keep you at A-one. If you have any symptoms, you can try to play them up and hospital from 80 to 300k (mild symptomatic, excludes medication and any treatment). But probably its too late for that. Depending when you got infected and your body reaction, you might still experience strong symptoms. Demand immediate hospitalization. You have all night to read what symptoms can be and how to make them look more serious
  3. 1-7.02 there were 1% on the first test and 3.82% on the second. that is falling. In january there was some 10% on both tests
  4. In endemic areas, like in thailand or philippines, statistical chances for infection is every 9 years. thats why local population is advised to get jabs between age 9-45. yes, to check for previous infection, and to prevent potential bad outcome from first infection, would be checking antibodies. But cost of laboratory check is more expensive than one dose. thats why its advised to get vax after the first infection. Whether confirmed by hospital visit or by spread of dengue in community and symptoms at time. First time i got sick home, from schoolkids, who were later hospitalised. I did not need hospitalisation. the second time i got it at erewan national park, where i was camping for several days. One day fumigating crew came to spray camping area, houses of locals. I have asked them for a reason and they have confirmed several hospitalisations of locals. dengvaxia is the only one. Was developed over 20 years of research. Is approved in thailand, as well as in the EU and the usa.
  5. Dengue is spread in towns, where there are many people. Mosquito has to get infected blood and pass it around. So it doesnt spread in sparsely populated area. villagers might get it from children from town schools. each dengue infection is more severe and dangerous. There is no remedy, just controlling symptoms. my first infection was bad, knocked for a month. my second, a few month after the second jab, was mild and just few days
  6. Did they find shooters already? allegedly the top 100 top guns for hire assassins are thai cops - former and present serving. so what if this guy was gunned down by thai mafia by a thai cop? what is this mafia is closely associated with drug peddling cops? what if entry to thailand by this dealer was passed from thai immigration or some other branch of royal thai police to a local mafia?
  7. She meant each new infection will act as a booster for a vax. If you want to be protected from catching the next 3 strains you need vax. if you have confirmed dengue you can get get vax from the red cross, the mahidol travel clinic, large governmental hospitals for some 2400b per shot. i have red some years ago that even 2 shots should be enough. The 3rd one is just in case one given earlier did not work. Worth to talk to dr. I did my vax at private hospital back in 2017, when it was not widely available and with red tape. I am still thinking about a booster as soon as possible, if somebody offers me one (but this time I wont go to private hospital - too easy for them dish it out without medical consideration)
  8. Dengue is more deadly than covid (around one death per 1000 detected cases), but can be easily contained (with the first detected cases move in local health authority with mosquito eradicating program). Thailand has around 60k cases per year and around 60 deaths. The biggest spreaders are city schools, kids hanging out after lessons in the neighbourhood. So there is fall in infections when schools are closed for holidays or due to lockdowns. since 2017 there is available in thailand Dengvaxia - 3 doses are some 9k at private hospitals and given in 6 months gaps. Originally thought to protect for 5 years, but doctor i have spoken at mahidol travel clinic refused to give me a booster. She believes that every dengue infection will act as a booster. I will talk to another doctors to confirm it, when i go for my flu shot
  9. That is cheapish. My is 4500b per month, but covers only 3mln bht per condition. Looks, like yours might have many exclusions. please do tell how much your insurance payed for your hospital? What hospital was it and what town?
  10. Dengue is during rainy season, not cold (as now) or hot. the last 2 years were wet, under la nina influence. This year will be el nino. as virus is spread by mosquito, there cant be herd immunity. Virus doesnt spread directly between people. looks, like this doctor has his qualifications from his employer, dr A-nut-in
  11. What insurer, how much and for how long? what hospital, town, how much, what and how many pills of each medicine?
  12. What hospital name and town? How many patients in the room? what medicines and how many pills of each you got? 97k is about rigt, if you got all those inflated price medicines
  13. Its an old news from 28.01, but spoof emails are still coming. no, there are no credit card details required on TP. Its free.
  14. Please go to frankfurt airport lab. Or read report above from ohare about 1h results for $200. Some bangkok hotels offer pcr in 2h for T&G for an additional 2k
  15. Roojai still offers 1 year policy for 750b and 1.5k and benefits are exactly same as a company i have quoted earlier - hospitalisation cover is just 5k and 10k. That is not enough even for asymptomatic hospitel or asq https://insure.roojai.com/quote/#/covid19
  16. Vax policies do change and be country specific. there suppose to be prevnar 23 a year after prevnar 13. but even a second dose of 13 after a year os good enough. in face of covid better to sort out lungs relayed vaxes
  17. Apply for a test&go. you can do it just 10-14 days before return, when you know your exact day. by May requirements will likely change. probably no 5th day pcr. maybe even no 1st day pcr.
  18. He should plan it in the first place, instead of doing an improper test. Those 24h tests are around $100
  19. Its good that some reds are moving away from their leadership, but moving forward is much more progressive and attacking them in baseless. Reds are moving away from pro-democracy movement in order to position themselves yet before the general election as the ruling party in coalition with the present ruling party. non of them were ever principled
  20. Tell him to check for a chance of test in the airport. there might be 24h waiting time for result. But some laboratories do at 45 minutes and around $300
  21. Try further south, maybe hua him should be already ok. close to sea and away from mountains (which trap smoke)
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