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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. There are from Tune $50k for 7.5k and $100k for 15k. For some 20k you can get a cheapish full health insurance, covering all conditions and around the world for around 400k, which is good enough even for covid ICU at the government hospital. there is a new covid policy from bolttech.co.th for 750b and 1.5k, but they cover just below asymptomatic hospitel, so not worth a baht
  2. I just got sms from dtac. they send me a link with 30% discount till 28.2. so cheap insurance is still possible, but their offer is next to nothing, it can barely cover asymptomatic hospitel https://www.bolttech.co.th/en/dtac/corona-virus-insurance?utm_source=dtac&utm_campaign=Micro30&utm_medium=sms_cvm "Coronavirus Insurance for Expats: Insurance Cover for Coronavirus, for Foreigners in Thailand We offer insurance cover for Coronavirus for all nationalities. Whether you are a Thai national looking for Coronavirus cover or an expat, we can provide you with a policy. Our Coronavirus insurance for expats includes all the same benefits of our Coronavirus insurance cover for Thai nationals, at the same prices. Thailand expats with existing healthcare plans or critical illness insurance should contact their insurers to clarify whether Coronavirus and medical treatment for conditions related to it are included in their coverage. If this turns out not to be the case, you can choose one of our inexpensive plans, proceed to the payment area and buy your COVID insurance right now (there is a 14-day waiting period before coverage starts but your policy will be issued immediately)."
  3. Who is your broker? i have contacted 2 people at my broker in bkk and they have never heard about this insurer
  4. I just got covid myself, so started to read. Virus might hinder work of testicles, where most of testo is done. But there are many other mechanisms. Some might indicate undiagnosed condition. Read of lot of research, talk to doctor for a remedy, treatment. The sooner usually the better. You can do testo level laboratory check, can be done privately, so you will have ready results. The best do full body check up. Its some 5k at the government hospital, includes dr consultation
  5. so pandemic is used as a backdoor for taxing, supposedly for medical care. not so. From those 300b only 20% will go for health insurance ie 60b. same 20% goes for administrative cost running this scam - serves impoverished tourists as much as civil servants getting their inflated wages. the rest 60% suppose to go for tourism infrastructure, which might again be just more income for tourism moguls getting their share of free money. From April, just after my 2 covid specific insurances expire, I would not say at private hospital, that i have 3mln health policy with 300k deductible. i would ask to be put at the governmental hospital for a very moderate fee 2k per night plus medicines. If it comes free that would be even better. i would refuse up to 300k rip off by private hospitals with an additional up to 3500% mark up on favinopavir
  6. Once you had pf you should not take az. All within such short 3 months. Dont take anything until end of year. there should be 2nd generation coming within the next few months. But you dont have to rush. before jabbing do tell dr about all previous ones. i got 2 pf in thailand. In january i had full moderna (they didnt habe half dose). Now my european vax application doesnt allow me any further jabs. just recently they have integrated thai and EU vax systems, so now they know about my pf and wont allow anymore
  7. Thailand hospitalises asymptomatic, that is not covered by international insurers. the last year there were thai insurers doing it for below or around 1000b. Some of them got bankrupt. the new policies, from Tune, are from 7.5k per year. If somebody doesnt have health insurance at all, that insurance might be good. With $50k it covers international travel. but if somebody doesnt need to travel internationally, just any thai health insurance will do. The basic ones with some 400k cover start around 15k per year. That covers all medical conditions, not only covid. thai health insurance with over $50k do start from some 40k. They are worldwide, so no need for an additional travel insurance. once those thai covid policies expire within the next few months, probably it would be wise to look at those 3 options. in my case I had basic health plus 2 covid specific. when chance for international travel appeared since november i have first upgraded to over $100k and shortly after downgraded to over $50, when requirements had changed. For those living outside thailand and just visiting for short there is free emirates insurance $200k for 30 days, with each ticket, including one way. Can be tried for TP. They still offer this policy for fares bought before 1.03.22 (unless they extend it once again)
  8. This scam is ongoing. I got emails from them yesterday and today. Same content. would be interesting to know if the site was upgraded to be secure or still leaking to spider nets. i am afraid that hackers still have access after that time. Possibly found a new entry gate
  9. Prevnar 13 is 2400b at red cross. They are the cheapest, but dont have booking system. You have to turn up early. i would expect the governmental the same price, but again waiting. this vax is for over 60, smokers or with underlying
  10. By my nature, and in face of a potentially serious condition, i would rather exaggerate symptoms to have better attention, more check ups and faster treatment. so if they ask me over the phone to evaluate my condition, what temperature I had in the morning, i would say very high fever, rather then i dont know my temperature because there is no thermometer in the hotel room. i rarely see doctors, but when i see them, i tell them to do check ups beyond what they think is needed. Saves me time going multiple times, possibly lowers my overall bill and i have better quality diagnosis. i do it no matter if i have to pay or insurance covers it. but i would refuse unnecessary treatment or overpriced medicines. I always ask about pricing. I am covid positive and i have symptoms. I dont have an issue being hospitalised and under constant medical care, rather than in hospitel with poor care. Hospital has already insurance money and is not letting me go anywhere. i know i have symptoms before travel and i have expected to be positive. So i was prepared in all ways. with recovery certificate i can travel with some very few airlines even if i am positive asymptomatic. So staying now in hospital protects me from future travel problems.
  11. This rule about arriving on international flight has changed at the end of december. Now from bkk there are 2 daily flights, bangkok airways. Has to be on one ticket. Small turbo planes 2h flight
  12. The red cross, travel clinics are selling vaxes. They are not giving them free. but its thai administration which orders them abroad
  13. Even if available, you most probably will be offered 13. After a year 20 or 23 get any now. I dont think vaxines are priority.for thai health service. Almost all vax which i received the last year were very close to expiry date. This indicates a large portion of vaxes were for international travellers, taking advantage of the lowest prices in the world. Now a lot of them got wasted
  14. First prevnar 13. I had one the last year. Stamped simply as 1st doze, no indication if and when the second one. after a year suppose to be prevnar 23. I will talk about it when doing seasonal flu in May. i dont think 10 is already available in thailand. Maybe for many years yer. i do vaxes at the red cross and mahidol travel clinic in bkk
  15. Early january statistics for phuket arrivals were 10% from 2 tests. All of them had minimum 2 vax. i had 3 mrna vax and now symptomatic at thai hospital. yes, they are policies which cover asymptomatic. For the sake of being sure of the cover do exaggerate symptoms, have better medical care. Otherwise its a hospitel with not much equipment and personnel to take care of sudden worsening. Hence still very much need for a good and long insurance policy, beyond the government minimum requirements
  16. "S" in SNP stands for scotland, not for socialism. "N" stands for nationalist, something opposite to what internationalist socialism stands for. i have tested positive on arrival or exaggerated my symptoms for 2 reasons. I wanted to end up in hospital, and not in offered me hospitel, to be sure my insurance would cover me. I have dhippaya and they suppose to cover asymptomatic. That what they said a year ago, when i was buying their policy. How is there in practise i dont know and dont want to find the hard way, as the other did. secondly, i had recent bacterial lung infection, which required 4 nights hospitalisation on antibiotic drip. My case turns up very mild, so far., but can turn for the worse at anytime. hospital is definitely not getting me off to hospitel. Home isolation was never mentioned. i have refused all medication (bar a bottle of kamomille, for which i hope i wont be ripped off - in pharmacy 20ml special edition is only 145b), because their mark up is up to 3500% (that is for favipiravir). with added meds to my bill it might turn above 100k cover from dhippaya. I have carefully chosen my hotel, which is associated with a moderately priced hospital (80k for mild symptomatic). Some other hospitals (i have contacted them directly and indirectly) charge 100-300k for same. but out of this ordeal i might turn out reacher by 200k from yet another insurance windfall (i hope before before they file for bankruptcy within days or weeks).
  17. Majority of countries dont require any tests anymore. Some would take atk done with 24h. when leaving hospital you should get original, stamped and signed pcr positive result, medical certificate and recovery certificate. You should update morchana, and morphrom (if you also have that one). even if your return test will be positive, you will allowed to board with same (very few) airlines. That includes thai international and emirates. with all those documents you can also plead to immi officer, or rather his supervisor. But usually there is time for an extension for an additional 30 days.
  18. I hope to live long and healthy life. Wearing mask for a average 1h per day (usually just for 5 minutes every few days during my brief shopping, for 1h per month during supermarket shopping and for tens of hours when travelling internationally) doesnt bother me the slightest. Even if it only prevents in 1%, still will do it. Cost next to nothing, just matter of habit, which is already ingrained
  19. Since when they were compulsory and since when they are not? To my recollection compulsory from the 1st wave around 7.03.20. i would not pay any attention what dr a-nut-in is saying. On phuket they are supposed to be worn even on motorbikes, which is outright death hazard (and drivers did die because mask blinding them). So very much masking with at least one mask where there are people and no chance for distancing. And definitely 2 masks in crowded enclosed space - a hospital mask and larger and better fitting any other mask, including those with valves. Strictly avoiding eating in enclosed area, restaurants. So eating only in outdoors places. I would rather take my own food from home, buy from shop or get hungry, rather then waiting at the table for food to be prepared and served, when is crowded and slow.
  20. Lets do discuss agoda in the proper thread. Dont deflect this one. that one is about antibody test
  21. I did give the same reply reply, and more, before you did. have you copied my info?
  22. Antibody test by laboratory blood check is 24h and some 1500b, including paper. also pin&pricck is 15 minutes and 750b. medconsult on thonglor, but probably any private clinic. probably would be good to have a recovery certificate, so you are protected for 90 days since infection, just in case your any future test turns positive. Recovery certificate would even allow enter thailand with a positive result. that one rather at hospital, after seeing doctor, but check at the clinic you are doing test. antibody test cant distinguish between vax and recent infection, but it's to a doctor to classify as a recent infection
  23. All thai should pay upfront. All thai covid policies are an accident one. For not much more you can get proper full health policy, protecting from any illness, accident and cover you also abroad, outside thailand. the longer policy is the cheaper per day/month. You can do one year. To lower premium you can chose high deductible. you can also upgrade by adding accident up to 1mln. during your cover you can change your plans, if needed by immigration
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