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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. many people don't bother reporting any adverse effects through official channels, as they realise it;s natural and expected. They dont want discourage health professionals and overburden them with paperwork. Neurotics, hypochondriacs, psychotics and those coerced in very different ways to get a jab might have a negative attitude from the start, hence will be complaining more. Besides, in thailand it's nearly impossible for a foreigner to report - application doesnt take any reports, there is no own GP or clinic. People go to clinics, hospitals which are very large and they dont have the same doctor with a personal relationship. For my shots I have travelled from bangkok to pattaya. Many travelled from provinces to bangkok.
  2. write a letter. visit their office
  3. they haven't visited you 3 month ago when you were making an extension. There were overstretched with the majority doing their extensions at the same time, end of september. now they were passing in you area and decided to visit. They never visited us in the very first extension in september 2020 and not in 2021. During the application process immigration officer was informally chatting to my wife, while doing all the paperwork. That was enough for them to check everything she wanted to know about our marriage. We are married for many years and my wife lived with me in europe for very many years.
  4. cancel it and get another one. Use an agent.
  5. the test result from the 5th day will be coming on day 6th, often over 24h, possibly already after check out at max 12pm. It looks like it can be any hotel on sha++, not the original one. In bangkok there are some 100 of them. They go from 1200b/night
  6. I have never said to listen to him and obey his rule. He could organise vigilante mob, chase you from village or home imprison you, call police. Thats why deal with health authorities, do atk, stay in the nearest guesthouse beyond his view and jurisdiction. They are bloodthirsty nationalists, stay out of view as much as possible and have a back up with medical paperwork
  7. you can leave the very same day. Apply for sandbox or the newly opening from the 1st february T&G
  8. go to the local health authority to get some paperwork, they are responsible for self-isolation, quarantine and not medically qualified government goon. Do atk test at hospital with certificate. Stay at the nearest guesthouse, hotel, resort for a few days and visit your place daily for the whole day. While there ask health volunteer or any health professional to come and confirm, you are healthy and should not be confined in any way.
  9. get a lounge, shower, resting area, drinks and snacks. Might be around $100 for that long. Opened 24h. Your air line would allow you only if upgrade to business. But they are opened only 2h before flight, so no use for you (exception is TG which opens 24h). There are not specific resting rooms or areas, just crash wherever fancy on recliners. Try to get blanket/s from the airplane. Free filtered water at many bathrooms. Take your own food. Very few restaurants opened, no budget ones. There are no showers, you can try disabled toilets for cleaning skin with wet towel or washing hair in the sink (big enough to do so). Try to run to transit office and ask to be put on an earlier flight. Might be even free.
  10. if they got their QR they can enter on the date. Program is still running, just suspension of new applications
  11. so the second pcr test on day 5 will be now formally endorsed, adding some 2200b to the bill. They should try to regulate private hospital which charge positive asymptomatic up to 300k
  12. so the UK unmasked in June, clubs opened. then delta came. What the problem to wear mask at public places? they have also introduced masks as the last during the first way in march 2019. Immigration officers telling passengers they don't need to wear them. it's very unwise to follow the UK trend. They screw pandemic in every possible way from the very beginning till now, check dead per 100k
  13. blame it on a sacrificing sheep. It still won't help to win at the general election. Good to know infighting is going on. That means party might split and consequently disintegrate.
  14. as much safe as going to hospital, going to workplace (even more so using public transport). Plenty people travel internationally, some air planes are full, same as BTS, metro, offices and factory floors
  15. read full post and conclusion is opposite to yours. It does not cost more to travel now then before covid - I save some 10k on airfare each time. Had to upgrade health insurance below 10k. 3pcr - some $60 plus 2x2200b in thailand
  16. this phone on the container works and that's what I was told in a very broken english
  17. according to this article Rambo now leads some royalist group and this group is responsible for this action. They accuse AI for supporting pro-democracy movement. They see pro-democracy movement and AI it as a danger to monarchy being abolished. “NGOs that are supporting the three-hoof mob to destroy the country’s stability and abolish the royal institution are extremely dangerous,” Seksakol Atthawong, better known as Rambo Isaan, told reporters on Tuesday. Clearly, they are obsessed with anything which has a strait of social progress, development. https://www.thaienquirer.com/36644/royalists-say-theyve-gathered-one-million-signatures-to-call-for-amnesty-international-to-leave/
  18. they do only ATK 550b and 2h (that is very long, others do in 10 minutes). No pcr
  19. were they asymptomatic or mild symptoms? delta or omicron? are they thai or foreigners? have their own house/condo or rented hotel room? how many other in household? what is their age and do they have underlying conditions? do they have insurance and how large? that questions all to consider
  20. if positive it's 10 days hospital or hospitel. After the second test on day 7 they might consider letting you go if no symptoms and you have space for self-isolation
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