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Posts posted by Grover

  1. At the time, I think most Thais were simply relieved by the fact that the coup diffused the boiling point political tension. No one likes it when their country is divided and brought to boiling point.. Most sabai sabai Thais (and thats most of them) were probably relieved more than anything else. In this sense the 75% poll results don't surprise me at all.

  2. VATSIKOPOULOS: Dr Thaksin Shinawatra, thank you very much.

    THAKSIN: Thank you very much Helen. Thank you for interviewing me, thank you.

    Link to transcript of Foreign Correspondent programme


    These are the closing statements of the interview. For those who didn't see the interview - Thaksin was at his ass-kissing best here. He put a "charming smile" :D, overly thanked and there was even a pleading expression on his face as if to say "maybe if I smile nicely enough and kiss your ass a bit, you and your viewers will get the impression im really, truly a nice guy" :o


  3. And just to show how wacky and distorted messianic Buddhism can get, here's an article about a guy who claimed to be the Buddha-to-be. The year is 515, in northern China:

    The Mahayana Rebellion. In the late summer of that year, the renegade monk Faqing married a nun and formed a sect in the Northern Wei province of Jizhou (in the southern part of today’s Hebei province) with the assistance of a local aristocrat named Li Guibo. The sect was named the Mahayana ("The Great Vehicle", in reference to Mahayana Buddhism), and Li Guibo was given the titles of "Tenth-stage Bodhisattva, Commander of the Demon-vanquishing Army," and "King who Pacifies the Land of Han by Faqing."

    Using drugs to send its members into a killing frenzy, and promoting them to Tenth-Stage Bodhisattva as soon as they killed ten enemies, the Mahayana sect seized a prefecture and murdered all the government officials in it. Their slogan was "A new Buddha has entered the world; eradicate the demons of the former age", and they would kill all monks and nuns in the monasteries that they captured, also burning all the sutras and icons. After defeating a government army and growing to a size of over 50,000, the rebel army was finally crushed by another government army of 100,000. Faqing, his wife, and tens of thousands of his followers were beheaded, and Li Guibo was also captured later and publicly executed in the capital city Luoyang. :o


    sounds like a good plot for a japanese manga though.

  4. While the coup may be having an veritable orgy of group sex in their spacious bed, Thaksin is left to masturbate by himself in the closet.

    Well, not completely alone- there seems to be a lot of people who are fixated on his every stroke. Including those at the orgy.

    He is in a closet by himself...in another "house" even...

    away from all the action including any action he could get from the hot, sexy significant other of his.

    Things will get interesting only if decides to come over to the main house... but I think he won't like the kind of rear action that awaits him there, so he may prefer to simply fiddle with his little self over in that foreign house.


  5. Jack, the problem is that we mods need to draw a line, thaivisa isn't a sleazy thai forum.

    I removed a members avatar today that lived on the other side of that line, yours is directly above the line. It makes a statement, one car manufacturer f***s another and I find it quite clever, but if we allow it where does that leave the line?

    As far as TV is concerned no sexual content is allowed (some gets through, us mods are not robots, we need atleast 15 minutes sleep a day) and your avatar is definately sexual in nature.

    We have removed two of your previous avatars due to their sexual implications, it would be good if you volunteered to change this one too, a great show of faith and thanks to the people who pay for tv.com.

    Best and all that,


    tuky, I think you are confusing me with someone else.

    I have NOT had any avatars removed before.

    I was advised on one (which was non-sexual) which I happily removed

    :D:D who me? :o mr innocent :D

  6. had just finished reading an article on genocide in Rwanda then went to register on thaivisa and needed a handle...the Hutus looked to be the perpetrators hence tutsiwarrior, DEFENDER OB DE PEOPLE!!!

    tutsiwarrior crucified, tutsiwarrior excoriated, tutsiwarrior whose face is regularly ground into the dirt...but tutsi always recovers and in triumph returns to de 'fray...

    tutsi in thai language means a man that acts like a woman in an overly gay&happy way.

    I always imagined you as a gay warrior (whatever that means :D ) , wrestling and tearing people apart perhaps...


  7. And I prefer your old avatar Grover but as to moi being an immature adolescent? It's what you write that counts not the avatar...people choose avatars for different reasons we can have a "Why Did You Choose Your Avatar? ", "Is My Avatar Cool?"poll.The vanity of some people, come on.

    Its slightly funny and original.

    I dont think I said you are an immature adolescent, its just the association that springs to mind when I see the image. I made this association because I think I tried something like this once or twice.

    The thing about avatars is without even reading a single post, people can make a judgment. With a striking avatar, in once brief glance a whole series of associations will come up, perhaps in a more potent way than 500 posts could.

    Grover, you must have a lovely life with very little to worry about, other than superficial impressions.


    It's very easy to make a small leap from this social forum into society's "forum" and imagine how you may behave in everyday life to people / things and the pictures / words that you "associate "with them. You are a little bit of a worry!

    We make these associations in spite of ourselves. For example, if I see an old scraggly homeless looking man I might immediately associate that image with the idea of a penniless alcho/bum & feelings of sympathy, pity, etc.

    Or if I see a policeman in uniform in LOS I might immediately have another set of associations. If I see a person wearing a mask that depicts a pig with a wiggling snout I might have feelings of amusement/disgust, etc. All this happens just by looking and without even knowing the person. Its more subtle than name calling.

  8. And I prefer your old avatar Grover but as to moi being an immature adolescent? It's what you write that counts not the avatar...people choose avatars for different reasons we can have a "Why Did You Choose Your Avatar? ", "Is My Avatar Cool?"poll.The vanity of some people, come on.

    Its slightly funny and original.

    I dont think I said you are an immature adolescent, its just the association that springs to mind when I see the image. I made this association because I think I tried something like this once or twice.

    The thing about avatars is without even reading a single post, people can make a judgment. With a striking avatar, in once brief glance a whole series of associations will come up, perhaps in a more potent way than 500 posts could.

  9. momo, when I see your avatar I think of an immature adolescent. It is only slightly funny, in an anally expulsive sort of way. :D

    I see that 'dancing star gobbling muppet boy' has abruptly changed his avatar .... :o

    Strange .... :D

    well, I found it amusing for a while but the dancing was a little too epileptic for my liking.

  10. Slightly irritating at first but now i'm used to it. No where near as bad as PATTAYAPUNTER.

    IMO I find jasreeve17's pig avatar the most annoying.

    Avatars are important. They should be chosen with the same care and attention as you would visit upon choosing a tailor or cobbler.

    I concur.

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