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Posts posted by Grover

  1. I've had trouble for the past few months.

    I can't go to sleep before 11 even if I've had sleeping pills. The next day I'm barely awake but at night I am fully alert. If I go to bed early on very rare occasions I end up waking up at like 2 AM and being awake for the rest of the day and resuming my usual late-night sleep time.

    Any suggestions to try and balance this?

    I used to do this when I was doing shiftwork: try not sleeping one night and stay awake into the daytime till about 8pm or at whatever time you want to sleep. It will be hard but you have to do it, preferably without coffee, etc. You will be so tired that you will be able to sleep at this time and your sleeping cycle will be reset.

    worked for me anyway

  2. Thanks mdeland for the reply. The problem for me is maintaing a sense of serenity/equanimity while becoming more caught up in the world. I get days where everything seems to be in its proper perspective and I have a sense of a barrier between myself and everthing around me. Other days I get completely caught up in the world and begin taking it too seriously. It is times like this that my mind will focus on silly things like winning the lottery or posting nonsence on TV. I want to have more of the days when I am able to step back and just observe without getting caught up in it. These days just seem to come on their own accord and I don't seem to be able to force them to come in any way.

    if you can change your lifestyle it will probably be easier. This is one reason why monks have a better chance at achieving results in meditation.

  3. All your friends are eager for your return. I believe the one in the front middle is especially eager. :D


    they look eager indeed but they dont have to wait too much longer...

    Only his left fist is broken, right? :o

  4. If possible you should rid yourself of the view that anyone expressing a position with which you disagree is flaming.It's childish and intellectually lazy since it's an easy way of avoiding marshalling thoughts and making a considered argument.I make no claim to getting every thing right, and I would be delighted to have a rational dialogue.This is what you should be aiming at.

    :D very funny: here is a tasty selection of some very recent venom filled quotes from younghusband:

    I accept that the bone headed anti-Thaksin mob on this forum will never "get it"
    "Why don't you get a life?" is not an expression I use very often but by God it applies to these guys.
    Ah well, against stupidity, the Gods themselves struggle in vain.

    f words or not? ok folks, you make up your own mind. :o

  5. I had a run in the other day with another member insulting me personally.

    I had seen insults directed at others by this guy many times, but always kept my mouth shut as he was a well known member.

    Then he pulled his crap with me.

    I found myself so angry I gave in and lowered myself to insults as well.

    I was so pissed I lost sleep.

    I imagined myself tracking this guy down and pounding some manners in to him.

    I ran the scenario over in my head as I plotted my revenge.....and when the final scene emerged.........

    I would find a scared old man sitting at a computer.

    That's it.

    Fukc it, it's just a forum for people to chat.

    Sometimes it pisses you off.

    hey, leave my friend kayo alone! and, he is not that old :o

  6. Tony if I were to guess, I would say that because of all the issues with Thaksin going on in Thailand and indictments, having him speak may damage the view the public has of the IISS. It would be a bit like having Saddam Hussein at the podium speaking about how to put down people he does not like. That is just a gut feeling, however it may be as simple as it is Friday night there and the webmaster may have went out for a pint. I guess the next 72 hours will tell.

    Are you living in a complete fantasy land? The public has no view of IISS one way or the other:It's just an obscure London based strategic think tank.The world at large has no particular interest in Thai politics at all.For those outside Thailand who do take a specialist interest, the disapproval rightly or wrongly is mostly levelled at the current junta not Thaksin.

    I accept that the bone headed anti-Thaksin mob on this forum will never "get it", and will continue to put Thaksin on a level with Saddam Hussein.The murderous drug war is always the example they cite notwithstanding its almost universal support among Thais from the very top (sic) downwards.Oddly enough the anti-Thaksin mob is strangely quiet on Thaksin's murderous policies in the South, even to the extent of suggesting he wasn't ruthless enough.

    Still it's quite amusing to think of these guys waiting over their computers this weekend for the IISS to post the Thaksin presentation."Why don't you get a life?" is not an expression I use very often but by God it applies to these guys.

    forgot to have your cup of coffee this morning eh ? :o

  7. He said he thinks the military government installed in Thailand after he was overthrown will hold elections this year as promised, and he has offered to help the reconciliation process "in any way I can." :o:D

    Mr Thaksin said he will stay abroad "for a while" because he wants to give the ruling junta time to reconcile the country. :D :D

    His message to the Thai leadership was: "Whatever I can (do to) be beneficial in reconciliation, let me know. I believe reconciliation in Thailand will happen soon." :D:bah:

    slimy bugger :bah::o

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