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Posts posted by Grover

  1. get with the game grover will ya, :D

    yes, maybe I was a bit slow there. :o

    I guess I was expecting a 'sincere' apology to be more straightforward, such as

    A sincere public apology. For flaming terry. It won't happen again.
    instead of...
    A sincere public apology, Endure, I was a little over- eager to get the thread back on track again. Out of genuine interest. It won't happen again.

    anyway no big deal.

  2. A sincere public apology, Endure, I was a little over- eager to get the thread back on track again. Out of genuine interest. It won't happen again.

    I haven't been following this thread at all, but why on earth are you apologizing for trying to get the thread back on track for? :o thats a good thing me would thinks

  3. I recently bought A Manual of Abhidhamma by Naranda Maha Thera.

    I found it a bit heavy (not weight :o ) so have put it away for a while.

    ive read this book. its not great. doesnt define the terms well enough (so important in abhidarmma studies to know precisely what each of the pali words mean), and the info is not presented well.

    dont be turned off by this book, i recommend B. Bodhis book instead

  4. From what I've seen on the web there is:

    Abhidhamma in Daily Life - Nina Van Gorkom

    Abhidhamma Studies - Nyanaponika Thera

    and a rather heavy-looking volume by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

    Any others?

    I've read

    Abhidhamma Studies - Nyanaponika Thera

    and a rather heavy-looking volume by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

    The first one is good but best understood after reading Bhikku Bodhis book, which is excellent. It is a little heavy, but the abhidarma is heavy anyway. ITs not an easy beginners book, its a serious beginners book.

    pail definitions are very precise, its a comprehensive introduction, good tables. doubles up as a abhidarmma dictionary

    Abhidharmma studies is just a series of essays covering interesting topics but would be more suitable for intermediate students. IMO

  5. Hey can a mod delete this user name because I want to use a different name.

    As you cant have 2 accounts (as per rule)

    Also i can start on leel 0 instead of level 9 or whatever im on.


    c'mon mods. the donz, he smiled so nicely.

    i say make an exception

  6. I don't get it. Why does everyone think he'd be feeling so sheepish over a little accident?

    and if it happened to ewe, you could feel rammed

    Then I'd lambaste 'em.

    a rather sheepish comment dont you mint

    sheepish comment? kon baaaa! :o

    most wool agree that there is muttin to be concerned about.


  7. The meaning of ไม่ได้เรื่อง is the same as เฮงซวย but it is more polite. You can say that something is ไม่ได้เรื่อง or someone is ไม่ได้เรื่อง. I hope it helps you understand it more clearly.


    I always thought the meaning of ไม่ได้เรื่อง was something like "he doesn't have a clue", or "he is dumb".

    But after reading your post i'm thinking its more like "he has a bad attitude".

    Is this the correct interpretation of the word ?

    By the way, in english we normally say "He sucks!" not "he is suck". :o Just letting you know

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