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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Being "clear-eyed and cold-blooded" is actually the opposite of "Winning with her is visceral." The former is about being rational and unsentimental and the latter just the opposite. As though the motivation was winning for winning's sake and nothing more.
  2. A puppet who will brave the wrath of his masters, huh? Those malignant agents who surreptitiously destroy everyone who gets in their way?
  3. Actually it's 3 quarters. And it makes it harder to count the votes? Seriously? Maybe if some loon demands hand recounts, but even then, how hard is "much harder". Basically, it's still arithmetic.
  4. But that belies the assertion that it's Pelosi and some unnamed billionaires in control and that Biden was just a puppet.
  5. There's nothing insulting about the truth if you can back it up with facts and arguments. But if all you've got to offer are insults without such backup then all they are is insulting and otherwise empty.
  6. Why am I not suprised that you don't know what ranked voting is?
  7. I believe you could count all such instances of his politesse towards his opponent on one hand. Even if that hand had only one finger.
  8. Can you share with us a second instance of kind words he had for Harris? What makes this news is that Trump for once didn't behave badly. That's quite a low bar he's just cleared.
  9. And still, all you can offer is insults instead of addressing policy issues.
  10. Biden was wrong. At least in his case it was out of his devotion to his son. Trump's action was out of devotion to money.
  11. Again with the empty insults. And nothing to address the fact of how utterlly false were TroubledandGrumpy's claims about Trump and Obamacare.
  12. So instead of answering specific points about policy, you just insult Harris. No wonder you're such a fan of Trump.
  13. I can still recall the heartwarming anecdote about he threatened to cut off the health insurance coverage for the gravely ill baby of his nephew over a dispute about Fred Trump's will. It still brings tears to my eyes.
  14. Apparently, you are unacquainted with the facts. The Biden adminstration does have tariffs in place. Harris is in favor of targeted tariffs. Trump's proposed taiffs are lunacy. Up to 20% tariffs on everything and 60% to 100% tariffs on Chinese imports. Where are the workers going to come from to run all these new industries that such tariffs are allegedly going to create? How will this not be inflationary as Trump claims?
  15. And of course, they've been engaging more and more in shameless gerrymandering. Ohio actually defied its Constitution to gerrymander congressional districts to favor Republicans. Ohio Voters Ask State Supreme Court to Hold Ohio Redistricting Commission in Contempt Once again defying the court’s orders, the commission resubmitted a legislative plan that violated Ohio’s ban on partisan gerrymandering. Petitioners in Ohio Organizing Collaborative v. Ohio Redistricting Commission today filed a motion, which asks the Ohio Supreme Court to reject the legislative maps adopted on May 6 by the Ohio Redistricting Commission and hold the commission in contempt of court. For the fifth time, the commission had defied the court’s orders to produce maps that meet the Ohio constitution’s standards and instead submitted districts already found to be unconstitutional. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/ohio-voters-ask-state-supreme-court-hold-ohio-redistricting-commission
  16. Once again, for your benefit: US election officials decry Trump's threat to jail them if he returns to White House U.S. election administrators and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris' campaign condemned on Monday threats by Donald Trump to jail "corrupt" election officials if he wins on Nov. 5, accusing him of intimidation and inciting potential violence. They were responding to a social media post by the Republican presidential candidate on Saturday in which he threatened a range of people with prosecution if they were to engage in voter fraud in the 2024 election. https://archive.ph/6657v
  17. We already know that states like Texas make it difficult for some to vote. For instance, a hunting license is OK, but a student ID from the state system is not. Driver's license bureaus can also issue IDs For poor people who can't afford to miss work, obviously there should be special hours outside of work hours for people to get their voter ID. Texas has ruled that out. As it has ruled out increasing the number of offices that can issue such IDs.
  18. The thing is that this is a highly edited reel that's making a case. Whereas Trump doesn't need the assistance of such editing to utter nonsense.
  19. I'm not going to go into detail about your characterization of whose lands these really were. They were ethnically mixed. But the Germans did seize Danzig from the Poles in 1793, But of course, what you're really up to is defending Hitler and the reasons for the invasion. There are voluminous records about what the Germans planned for the Poles. We know what Hitler said about lebensraum. There's no point in continuing with someone who denies the huge role that Nazi racial theories played in the German invasion. You are a Nazi apologist. You may declare that you don't support their crimes that were based on their vile racial theories, but you pretend that they can somehow be abstracted from Hitler's motivations to invade Poland.and elsewhere. That somehow Nazism is irrelevant to the invasion, It's obvious nonsense. You may not subscribe to Nazi racial theories, but you are a definitely a defender of Hitler's motivations in launching this war. As though his vile racism can somehow be ignored when it comes to his motivations.
  20. And you previously had claimed that the UK was the first to deliberately target civilians in Europe. Now we know that at least as early as 1937, the germans did that. And on a massive scale against the Poles in 1939. As for the British bombing of germany in may... "While it was acknowledged bombing Germany would cause civilian casualties, the British government renounced deliberate bombing of civilian property, outside combat zones, as a military tactic.[66] The British changed their policy on 15 May 1940, one day after the German bombing of Rotterdam, when the RAF was given permission to attack targets in the Ruhr Area, including oil plants and other civilian industrial targets which aided the German war effort, such as blast furnaces that at night were self-illuminating. The first RAF raid on the interior of Germany took place on the night of 15/16 May 1940 while the Battle of France was still continuing.[67" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_bombing_during_World_War_II#:~:text=The first RAF raid on,of France was still continuing. As for Rotterdam, In 1940, Rotterdam was subjected to heavy aerial bombardment by the Luftwaffe during the German invasion of the Netherlands during the Second World War. The objective was to support the German troops fighting in the city, break Dutch resistance and force the Dutch army to surrender. Bombing began at the outset of hostilities on 10 May and culminated with the destruction of the entire historic city centre on 14 May,[2] an event sometimes referred to as the Rotterdam Blitz. According to an official list published in 2022, at least 1,150 people were killed, with 711 deaths in the 14 May bombing alone,[2] and 85,000 more were left homeless. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_bombing_of_Rotterdam
  21. As the English language article I cited explains, that first bombing, which you characterized as an assault on civilians, was actually meant for ships of the German navy. And not only didn't the English bomb the city, which they purposely kept clear of, but they failed to accomplish their mission. In fact, it was a debacle for them. And you repeatedly claimed that 435 civilians died in that first bombing. No carpet bombing or anything like it occurred then and there's no evidence that any civilians at all died.
  22. Here's the translation During the Second World War, the Western Allies carried out 102 air raids on Wilhelmshaven, 16 of which were so-called major raids.[1] Two thirds of the city's buildings were destroyed. Thanks to the numerous air raid shelters (built before the war), only 435 people died. Wilhelmshaven was the first German city to be targeted by British air raids in the Second World War. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luftangriffe_auf_Wilhelmshaven And if it's a deflection, then that deflection comes from you. You're the one who raised the point.
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