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  1. I checked the date on that article. It was published today. US confirms holding up sale of heavy bombs it feared Israel would use in Rafah Feeling its concerns over looming major offensive weren’t getting through to Israel, Washington took unprecedented step to ensure its heavy explosives weren’t used in south Gaza city By JACOB MAGID FOLLOW Today, 7:30 am https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-confirms-holding-up-sale-of-heavy-bombs-it-feared-israel-would-use-in-rafah/?utm_source=article_hpsidebar&utm_medium=desktop_site&utm_campaign=us-signals-backing-for-limited-op-after-idf-takes-over-gazan-side-of-rafah-crossing
  2. This is what's new: Confirmation of the arms pause came just hours after Israel sent tanks into the city in southern Gaza. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/07/us/politics/israel-biden-arms.html You think the timing of that confirmation is just a coincidence?
  3. I guess I've seen I've seen the Holocaust shamelessly exploited too many times in order to justify Israel's tactics in its invasion of Gaza such as the meme "Deadliest Day for Jews Since the Holocaust" and similar formulations. Or criticism of Israel's conduct in Gaza being equated with anti-Semitism. source
  4. Would this be the same Joe Biden who is now withholding bombs from Israel because of its plans to invade Rafah? Or is that a different Joe Biden?
  5. And is Israeli solicitude for the welfare of reporters the same reason they won't allow them to visit camps where Hamas prisoners are being held?(whether all those being held are actually Hamas soldiers or linked at all to Hamas is another matter)
  6. Reporters have made it clear that they don't expect any protection from the Israelis. And your foolish comment about Al Jazeera demonstrates precisely why independent outside reporters are needed. People like you will reflexively use the affiliations of those reporters currently inside GAZa to disqualify them.
  7. "How much protein is in an egg? On average, a medium-size egg contains around 6.4 grams of protein which makes up around 12.6% of the overall edible portion." How much protein i The thing is, eggs don't just happen by magic, do they? It takes chicken feed. And what does chicken feed consist of? "The main ingredient of all chicken feed (over 85%) is grains and grain by-products, protein-producing seeds, and meal made from them such as canola or soybean meal. So, in essence, all chicken is “grain-fed.” And what is the ratio of chicken feed consumed to eggs generated: "The average FCR can vary depending on various factors, including genetics, nutrition, management practices, and environmental conditions. However, a commonly accepted range for FCR in laying hens is between 2,5 and 4,0. This means that, on average, it takes 2,5 to 4,0 kilograms of feed to produce one dozen (12) eggs" So if it takes on average 3.25 kilograms to produce 12 eggs, that mean takes about 250 grams of grain, over half a pound, to produce one egg or about 7 grams of protein. Not so efficient. As you apparently aren't aware, a far more efficient way to get a complete protein is to combine eggs with soybeans in a 2 to 1 ratio. For pulses the ratio is closer to 1 to 1. It's clear that the civilizations of the east have hit upon a far more efficient way of getting their protein needs met than yours does. What a shocker that is!
  8. Just as in the case of what Trump says, there's very little that Orban says that should ever be believed. This is one of those very rare instances where he's speaking honestly.
  9. The sense I get from the MIT article I've linked to is that it could take centuries to return the climate more or less to where it was before (keeping in mind that climates are dynamic moving targets) but not millennia. https://climate.mit.edu/ask-mit/how-long-will-it-take-temperatures-stop-rising-or-return-normal-if-we-stop-emitting#:~:text=Temperatures will likely stop rising,we started burning fossil fuels. But no one knows for sure. Also, none of the scenarios addressed in this article posited active CO2 removal intervention by humans over and above natural processes. I don't hold out much hope for that being feasible anytime soon, but who knows?
  10. Another irrelevant comment. If always being "against something" is behind the current campus situation, then such demonstrations would always be taking place. Obviously that's not the case.
  11. Et tu, Biden? Biden withheld bomb shipment to Israel out of fear it could be used in Rafah: Israel's Rafah plans prompted review of weapons transfers, official says. https://news.google.com/articles/CBMid2h0dHBzOi8vYWJjbmV3cy5nby5jb20vUG9saXRpY3MvYmlkZW4tYWRtaW5pc3RyYXRpb24tcGF1c2VzLWFtbXVuaXRpb24tc2hpcG1lbnRzLWlzcmFlbC11cy1vZmZpY2lhbHMvc3Rvcnk_aWQ9MTA5OTkzMjcw0gF7aHR0cHM6Ly9hYmNuZXdzLmdvLmNvbS9hbXAvUG9saXRpY3MvYmlkZW4tYWRtaW5pc3RyYXRpb24tcGF1c2VzLWFtbXVuaXRpb24tc2hpcG1lbnRzLWlzcmFlbC11cy1vZmZpY2lhbHMvc3Rvcnk_aWQ9MTA5OTkzMjcw?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen I guess Biden is now on the side of the terrorists, too
  12. Et tu, Tories? Israeli offensive on Rafah would break international law, UK minister says Andrew Mitchell says military action on city will not eradicate Hamas and priority is to secure a permanent ceasefire https://amp.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/07/israeli-offensive-on-rafah-would-break-international-law-uk-minister-says
  13. Actually, you prefer to ignore them. As it's been the case that Ukraine has been starved of munitions thanks to the Republicans in Congress. And now that situation has dramatically changed.
  14. What you apparently don't know is that Russia right now is taking advantage of Ukraine's current shortage of weapons. That situation is about to change.
  15. This is relevant how? You mean Chinese aggression only counts if it takes place in Asean? So I guess the attacks it launched on India don't count either? Is Taiwan a member of Asean?
  16. "I was just suggesting that they move permanently to those other countries since they seem to be rooting for them rather than our friends." Just more binary thinking.
  17. The point you made before is the same kind of nonsense that was directed at protestors of the Vietnam War and the Iraq War. Namely, if they don't like it here, let them go and try to protest in Vietnam or Iraq.
  18. Sure. China's way of negotiating territorial disputes is to seize or settle disputed territories. Satellite Images Show China Building Houses on Neighbor's Territory https://www.newsweek.com/china-bhutan-building-house-territory-land-grab-satellite-imagery-1851900
  19. Please. The got their butts kicked in Western Ukraine by a far more lightly equipped foe. And they still have to recover all the territory they lost after their initial incursion in the east. If Russia didn't have an ally in Trump and the Republicans, the story would be very different now.
  20. It's amazing how many right wingers now acknowledge that the Iraq War and the Vietnam war were wrong and how few acknowledged it at the time. Let's see how hindsight changes their views of this war a year or 2 on.
  21. As you well know, since it was your comment I was replying to, you didn't call them idiots because they were blocking traffic etc. Here is your comment that I was replying to along with my reply:
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