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  1. Another Pavlovian response from a climate change denialist.
  2. First off, Israel helped to keep Hamas in power. Second, by your abysmal standards, any tactic that Israel adopts, no matter how brutal, is justified. To your way of thinking, the Hamas attack gives Israel carte blanche.
  3. Once again, rather than address the facts, you try to slur the source. The facts are clear, Not only are very very few of the signatories not climatologists, but a large number of them aren't even scientists. Once again, you've got nothing.
  4. Underlying psychological traits could explain why political satire tends to be liberal The need for cognition — a psychological term used to describe the enjoyment of thinking and analyzing problems — could help explain the differences in humor appreciation between liberals and conservatives. According to new research in Psychology of Popular Media Culture, political conservatives tend to score lower on a measure of need for cognition, which is related to their lack of appreciation for irony and exaggeration. “Having studied the content, effects, and psychological processing of political humor and satire for 20 years, I could never escape the question of why political satire tends to be liberal,” said study author Dannagal G. Young, an associate professor at the University of Delaware and author of the forthcoming book Irony and Outrage: The Polarized Landscape of Rage, Fear, and Laughter in the United States. https://www.psypost.org/underlying-psychological-traits-could-explain-why-political-satire-tends-to-be-liberal/
  5. Here's a rare piece of journalism about what it's actually like for refugees living in Rafah. It's based on an interview with Scott Anderson, deputy head of the UNRWA. Among other things Anderson points out that Al Mawasi, the area it has designated for Rafah refugees to decamp to, is barren of any kind of infrastructure. "It is a crappy place. It’s like trying to set up a city on a beach. There’s no infrastructure, there’s no sewage, there’s no water. None of those things exist, and there’s already 450,000 people in that general area. It is crowded." https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/08/israel-rafah-scott-anderson-unrwa-00156924 There's a lot more in the article which will probably go unread by the apologists for the way Israel has waged war in Gaza.
  6. Once again, you get it wrong. This time you fell for a fake. (At the time this article was published the total number of signatories was 1609) Climate list claim melts away under closer inspection PolitiFact FL: Not all 1.6K signatories of declaration against climate change were scientists The updated version with 1,609 signatories, published Aug. 14, marked 12 people as deceased. Among the scientists, specialties included geology, chemistry, physics and agriculture. Those with climate expertise were few. The list included engineers, doctors, lawyers, mathematicians, architects, entrepreneurs, and economists. Others did not list any occupation at all. Some descriptions read: "Sceptical (sic) Scientific Contrarian in the Climate Debate" "Leadership development and coaching" "Physicist and YouTuber" "Sculptor, designer and innovator" https://www.wusf.org/environment/2023-10-11/politifact-fl-not-all-1-6k-signatories-declaration-against-climate-change-scientists WHAT WAS CLAIMED 1609 scientists have signed a declaration stating there is no climate emergency. OUR VERDICT False. The list of signatories includes lawyers, teachers, IT workers and relatively few climate scientists. https://www.aap.com.au/factcheck/climate-list-claim-melts-away-under-closer-inspection/
  7. Thanks for the correction. But that still doesn't mean that you got it right. What you're referring to is a record breaking day or days. This article is about record breaking average temperatures for the month. Also, the days of the month you cited occurred later in May. Who knows, a record breaking day may yet be to come.
  8. It's said that right wingers are less able to detect irony and autistic people not at all. Which one are you?
  9. Certainly the evasiveness in regards to this issue reveals the hypocrisy and callousness of both of you.
  10. Thanks for the reply. I was worried that any guarantees on the phone would be voided. Given that the phone is already over a year old, maybe there aren't any guarantees to worry about?
  11. Do I really have to explain to you that the point of the comment was to make clear the hypocrisy Israel's gung-ho supporters who blame the Palestinian civilians for supporting Hamas and maintain that the Palestinians have no one but themselves to blame for their suffering? If anything is disgusting, it's that.
  12. More empty comments from you. It is a fact that Israel helped perpetuate Hamas' hold on power in Gaza. Maybe you're living in an information bubble?
  13. Do Samsung repair centers do this on the spot? Or do you have to return at a later date?
  14. Someone else who doesn't understand the concept of rates.
  15. Like all the gung-ho supporters of Israel, I see you have no answer for the fact that Israel helped to perpetuate Hamas' hold on Gaza.
  16. What I think is sick is that the gung-ho supporters of Israel continually blame the Palestinians in Gaza even though Israel took action to bolster support for Hamas in Gaza.
  17. amnesia much? Here was your first rebuttal: "There were countless other newspaper headlines where the Holocaust wasn't mentioned , why focus on the one headline that mentioned it" In fact, had you looked google results, you would find it in this connections addressed in the headlines of many major media sources.
  18. Yes. Hostages linger in the tunnels. And those big bombs are designed to collapse those tunnels. This looks like good news for them. And to date Israeli forces have freed an impressive total of 3 hostages from captivity.
  19. The change that Somsak is proposing would put more people behind bars.
  20. Allow me to unconfuse you. The report was about the highest temperatures for today and its implications. Here is the table for the previous temperature records for May 8: So a high of 26 is a huge jump.
  21. The article in question was about published research. If you have any proof that the article contain falsehoods, please share that with the rest of us. In other words, put up or...
  22. Without offering evidence and explanation you have previously accused me of not understanding. And yet here is proof that you don't understand the difference between climate and weather. I am happy to be able to offer this piece of assistance that should dispel your ignorance: "Climate is the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area. Weather can change from hour-to-hour, day-to-day, month-to-month or even year-to-year. A region's weather patterns, usually tracked for at least 30 years, are considered its climate." https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/all-about-climate/
  23. Actually, one of the falsehoods perpetrated by denialists such as yourself is that the scientific consensus was that the earth was cooling. Even back then, when climatology was in its infancy, that was a falsehood. Study debunks 'global cooling' concern of '70s The '70s was an unusually cold decade. Newsweek, Time, The New York Times and National Geographic published articles at the time speculating on the causes of the unusual cold and about the possibility of a new ice age. But Thomas Peterson of the National Climatic Data Center surveyed dozens of peer-reviewed scientific articles from 1965 to 1979 and found that only seven supported global cooling, while 44 predicted warming. https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=4335191&page=1 The article goes on to say the 20 articles were neutral on the issue.
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