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  1. Thank you for the fact-free rebuttal. You can't even acknowledge that you got an inflation claim wrong.
  2. Actually, on an annual basis, core inflation declined from 4.7% to 4.3% "This pared-down measure — known as “core” CPI — fell to an annual rate of 4.3% in August from 4.7% in July." https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/13/heres-the-inflation-breakdown-for-august-2023-in-one-chart.html#:~:text=Inflation measures how quickly prices,2022%2C the highest since 1981. And while inflation did rise, over half of that comes from the rise in price of gasoline/petrol. And how does the US record on inflation compare to other economically developed nations? Still pretending that this is a US phenomenon that the Biden administration had some hand in causing? Still conveniently amnesiac about the effect of the Covid pandemic on the economy?
  3. First off, you ************* , I have always strongly condemned Israel's treatments of the Palestinians and consider it an apartheid state. So try to keep some measure of control over your Pavlovian responses. As for the 9/11 dash line being pure theater, really? You don't think China has its eyes on controlling all the natural resources that are adjacent to those various islands? Please. You accuse me of being blind about Israel, which is false, while you offer overwhelming proof of your blindness towards China? You think Vietnam is cozying up to the USA because of mere Chinese theatrics.? That China's attempt to control the Paracels hasn't earned it the strong animus of the Vietnamese govt? Vietnam and U.S. Forge Deeper Ties as Worries Rise About China But as Beijing continues to encroach on waters claimed by Vietnam and as the United States looks for more partners to counter China in the Indo-Pacific, the former enemies have found common ground. Some experts believe Hanoi may take the unprecedented move of raising Washington’s designation up two notches, from the bottom tier of Vietnam’s bilateral ties hierarchy to the highest. “It is a very remarkable event because we all know that Vietnamese foreign policy is very cautious,” said Nguyen Khac Giang, a visiting fellow at the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore. https://archive.ph/xHBcJ You think that the Filipinos are happy about inviting the U.S. back? THE CHOICE THE PHILIPPINES DIDN’T WANT TO MAKE https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2023/06/philippines-united-states-military-china/674418/ Opinion: Facing China, Manila cozies up to US The Philippines aims to strengthen its security cooperation with the United States. This is not to antagonize China, Alexander Görlach writes, but it is borne out of a real need for self-defense. Speaking at the sham parliament, the president complained that his country had been encircled by the United States and that China's army would therefore need to grow into a wall of steel. His government is misrepresenting the truth, however, as it does so often; no one is interested in invading China. But the reverse may be true: All of the country's neighbors have a real fear that China could invade them. https://www.dw.com/en/opinion-china-in-mind-philippines-cozies-up-to-us/a-65015992 As for Xi learning from Russia's mistakes. What makes you think so? In fact, when an economy starts to head south, as Xi's reimposition of centralized control of the economy and the enlargement of the state sector of the economy progresses, resorting to war is a surefire way to mobilize support as the economic status of its citizenry declines.
  4. Yes, actually China attacked India not so long ago in the Himalayas.. And it has also attacked ships of nations whose internationally recognized suzerainty (except for China and North Korea) over various islands in the South China Sea has not been recognized by China.
  5. Projecting much. Here's a link to the extremely right wing Heritage Foundation take on the issue and nowhere is wokeness mentioned: https://www.heritage.org/defense/commentary/bidens-pentagon-cant-recruit-new-soldiers-and-threatens-us-all#:~:text=Officials cite numerous reasons for,portend trouble for military readiness. I remember not too long ago having women serve in the military was considered to be woke, or whatever the equivalent word was then. Another problem not mentioned is bad pay: Veteran blames low pay on failed military recruitment https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/military/veteran-blames-low-pay-failed-military-recruitment/ When there's low unemployment in the civilian sector, which is the case now, recruitment suffers.
  6. Whatever happened to your repeated promises to put me on ignore? This is so disappointing. At any rate, I wasn't replying to you but to evenkeel. Now, please, I beseech you, ignore me.
  7. Trump lobbying key Republicans over attempt to impeach Joe Biden Republicans prominent in move to accelerate long-shot bid say they have been in close touch with twice-impeached ex-president https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/13/trump-impeachment-biden-republicans-lobbying
  8. Had you actually read the piece you would know why Hausfather chose those models. And the criterion wasn't the results.
  9. Really? I guess it depends on what you mean by "war with the US". China has been continually aggressive against not just it's neighbors, but even Asian nations that it doesn't share borders with. If the US comes to their aid in the face of a Chinese attack, will China just retreat?
  10. I concede you got me there. But your point about the wisdom of crowds is ridiculous. Based on what? Videoclips?
  11. Can you please share with us the polls showing that people think Biden is suffering from dementia?
  12. All you've done now is make an assertion that because some old people are senile, therefore Biden is senile. Oh I forgot, you do have the authoritative backing of the comedy writers for the Simpsons.
  13. Once again, the double standards of right wingers are confirmed. They're very quick to defend Trump from being held responsible for the economic consequences of the Covid pandemic. But when it comes to Biden, it's all his fault. In fact, the US is outpacing the rest of the most of the developed nations in its recovery from the massive inflation that afflicted most of the world. Anyone in command of an ounce of rationality would acknowledge that this inflation, being so widespread, cannot rationally be attributed to the actions of any administration. But the response to it can be. And it's clear that Biden's economic program has boosted the US out of descending into a recession. Remember all those predictions of an imminent deep recession facing America with high unemployment? Instead the US is enjoying historic low levels of unemployment. And inflation is falling faster in the US than in other major developed countries.
  14. Really? The essence of science is a theory or model that predicts accurately. Models that were hypothesized before the advent of rapid global warmng, yet predicted it accurately, is not a remarkable achievement? Are you actually claiming that this is not strong confirmation of these models?
  15. So what was it before when South Carolina had to take a back seat? Why is it destroying Democracy when South Carolina goes first but in line with democratic principles when it comes later?
  16. A common early problem with AI was that it would often apply irrelevant criteria to an issue. Apparently, there are some humans, like you, who still do. In the first case, anyone who believes that Trump's abrogation of the Iran Nuclear Agreement did not have a drastic affect on the situation is simply massively ignorant of the facts. In effect, blaming the Biden administration for the current state of affairs is like blaming someone for being unable to put the toothpaste back into the tube. As for the kingstonkid, what don't you understand about the fact the he introduced the issue, not me? Do you suffer from some kind of selective blindness when it comes to right wingers broaching certain topics?
  17. Once again, MrMojoRisin introduced the claim that because 73 percent of Americans think Biden is too old, therefore that means they believe he is senile. And by the way, the current retirement age in the US to qualify for full social security is 67.
  18. You might better ask that question of kingstonkid since he's the one who introduced that issue into this thread.
  19. You keep on repeating the falsehood that "lightly" (I presume you meant to type "slightly") more than half. Actually it was 14 out of 17 got it right. But surely, you, as an self-alleged STEM major understand what the significance is of the fact that algorithms of most also got results that were statistically insignificant from what measurements actually showed. That's remarkable. Of course, if you're not a STEM major graduate, you might believe that it's a question of predicting only whether or not global warming is attributable to human activity. A yes or no question. And that such things as an astonishing level of accuracy are unimportant. But that would mean you weren't being truthful about your field of study, wouldn't it?
  20. Can you share with us anything else that Q or their successor has told you?
  21. Remember that Trump is the guy who hosted superspreader events. And nearly died from Covid.
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