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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Such a claim is of course virtually meaningless. In the EU there are about 500 million people. Can you assign a numerical figure to "many"? With evidence to back it up?
  2. An SAR, Suspicious Activity Report, is filed by a bank. It has nothing to do any action taken by the Federal Govt. In fact, only 4 percent of such reports lead to any govt. attention and only a tiny fraction of them are used in prosecution. And then only as backup evidence, not to trigger an investigation. While the wealth accumulation of Biden family members may possibly be suspect, as far as I'm aware, it is not a crime to have the last name of Biden. Where is the evidence to incriminate Joe Biden's wealth?
  3. Stop with the nonsense about Reagan. Reagan ran record deficits in peacetime because of his tax cuts. He claimed that his tax cuts would pay for themselves with increased revenue to be taxed. Later, his budget director, David Stockman admitted that was a falsehood.
  4. "In addition, the law is seen by some as disproportionately affecting Muslims, arguing that Christians rarely wear oversized crosses, and Sikhs have successfully lobbied to be able to wear a simple under-turban, whereas Jews have greater opportunities to enroll children in private Jewish religious schools owing to their long presence in the country." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_law_on_secularity_and_conspicuous_religious_symbols_in_schools Why are even small Christian religious objects allowed to be displayed? Makes no sense if the goal is to keep religious identity anonymous. By the same token, why are Sikhs allowed to wear any kind of turban? The target of this law is obvious.[2]
  5. Really? You really have to be trying hard not to see what evidence there is against Trump. Trump refused to return documents when asked by Nara. That refusal already constitutes a crime. He lied when he claimed he had kept no documents. That's obstruction of justice. His lawyer actually signed a letter to the Justice Dept affirming Trump's claims. And no, it isn't a defense to claim that it was the lawyer who said it, not me. Further, he is recorded on audio, explicitly saying that the document he was reading hadn't been declassified by him when he was President, and further said that it was too late to declassify now since he was no longer president. And there's so much more. You got anything comparable to offer against Biden? Anything?
  6. So that's what recommending what public health officials recommend means? It is to laugh.
  7. Actually, it seems dubious that Biden is heading towards impeachment. And there are several Republicans who don't want have their re-election put in jeopardy. https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-could-torpedo-effort-impeach-biden-1819005
  8. At his point, it is impossible to accept any other explanation for your assertion than that you are being deliberately untruthful. Over and over again evidence has been presented to you showing that Biden had the backing of the State Dept, Obama and the EU. He was fired for not pursuing cases against oligarchs. He did however display great zealousness in prosecuting...wait for it... anti-corruption organizations. Two of the prosecutors in his dept were found to be in possession of large quantities of cash and jewels of inexplicable origin. Shokin of course was very indignant about this and rushed to prosecute them...just kidding. He fired the prosecutor who went after these people. The evidence that Shokin is corrupt himself is overwhelming.
  9. Please share with us your evidence of this. I won't be holding my breath whilst I wait.
  10. Please share with us what has changed about the Biden story in relation to Burisma or Victor Shokin. Devon Archer specifically testiifed that Hunter told him he had nothing to do with Joe Biden coming to Ukraine at all. Archer also said that other members of Burisma and Biden's company told him that Shokin's firing was a bad thing since the CEO of Burisma had Shokin under control.
  11. First off, where is the evidence that any of this money came from the governments of China, Russia or Ukraine? Was it a crime to do business with companies located in China, Russia, or Ukraine? Because if it was, thousands of business people should now be occupying jail cells. In fact, the so called Russian payment came from an oligarch who fled Russia because of a dispute she had with the Russian govt. She's wanted for arrest by the Russian govt. She's lived in the UK since 2010. And that's where that payment came from.
  12. What Archer also repeatedly sent, and what the Daily Mail remarkably fails to note, is that Devon Archer was repeatedly asked if, during any of these conference calls, was any business discussed. He emphatically and repeatedly said no business was discussed. The conversations consisted of pleasantries. And Archer said "about 20 phone calls" not 24. Archer also noted that Joe Biden and his son spoke to each other every day over the phone. Archer said these phone calls occurred over a period of 10 years. That would average out to 2 phone calls per year. Given that they spoke every day, has it even been proven that Joe Biden knew his son was with business associated when these 20 calls were made?
  13. One can only hope because so far there is zero incriminating evidence.
  14. First off, when is James Comer to be trusted on anything he says? As far as I can tell, his committee hasn't released documents that actually prove that these people received payment from monies that originated in China or Russia. But, for the sake of argument, let's assume it's 9 or even 12. Are any of those people named Joe Biden? So what does the number of people have to do with proving that Joe Biden is corruptly involved?
  15. As I've pointed out before, those figures aren't just for payments to the Biden family but to Hunter Biden's associates as well. But whatever the amount that ended up with Hunter Biden and 2 others connected to the Biden family, your contention that this qualifies as evidence that Joe Biden was in on it is nonsense. As Devon Archer testified. Hunter Biden told him repeatedly that he was using his father's name to get business. But that, in reality, he had no influence him. I have no doubt that various characters in China and Eastern Europe hoped to profit from the fact that Hunter Biden was Joe Biden's son. But this does not qualify as evidence that Joe Biden actually profited from Hunter Biden's dealing or that he was in on Hunter Biden's plans. Whereas there is a huge amount of hard evidence to show that Trump lied about this possession of the documents and obstructed justice.
  16. I did use the quote to see if google could track it down. Here's the quote: "President Joe Biden has revealed that he’s asked Congress for funding to develop a new Covid vaccine, asserting that “everybody” will take the shot. Speaking to reporters, Biden said his administration will require all U.S. citizens to take the new shot, “no matter whether they’ve [been vaccinated] before or not.” Here's Google's reply No results found for "President Joe Biden has revealed that he’s asked Congress for funding to develop a new Covid vaccine, asserting that “everybody” will take the shot. Speaking to reporters, Biden said his administration will require all U.S. citizens to take the new shot, “no matter whether they’ve [been vaccinated] before or not.”.
  17. Can you share with us what damage has been done that's due to Joe Biden?
  18. And some of us still don't see a problem with that. Can you explain why it's a problem?
  19. This nonsense has been tried on already. There was nothing in Hunter Biden's email that required access to those documents. That information could easily have been gathered from news sources and Wikipedia. All that accusation has to support it is speculation.
  20. Why do you keep on repeating the same falsehoods about documents. The crime wasn't that Trump had them in his possession. One crime is that once they were requested back he refused. Another crime is that he lied about being in continued possession of documents after the claiming that all had been returned.. That's obstruction of justice. He also lied about his claim that he had declassified all the documents. We know that because there's an audiotape of him confessing to that. As for "interference". You've tried that one on before. Trump and other Republicans are still s making accusations of actual widescale and massive election fraud. Democrats claims are about Russian intervention, and various rulings designed to make it harder for voters likely to vote Democratic to cast their ballots.
  21. There's a ton of unequivocal evidence to convict Trump in the Mar-a-Lago case. There is nothing like that that has so far been revealed in the case of Joe Biden. No good evidence at all.
  22. Townhall may have misrepresented his quote, you actually made one up. That is dishonest.
  23. First off, your quote above is a lie. Biden said no such thing. Stop making things up. As for the article you quoted, it's lying too. It represented that the following is what Biden said when asked if he would make a vaccination mandatory: "Yes, I can," Biden said. "I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works." But here's what he was really answering: "Biden, who is vacationing in the Lake Tahoe area, was asked by a reporter on Friday if he could say anything about the uptick of COVID cases and a new variant." "Yes, I can," Biden said. "I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works." https://news.yahoo.com/biden-plans-ask-congress-funding-003513892.html
  24. Get a memory check. Mueller specifically said were Trump not President he would have recommended several counts against him on the charge of obstruction of justice. However, you are correct in a way about the fact that no reference was made to collusion. That's because collusion isn't a crime.
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