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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. In other words, on the issue of people dying unnecessarily because they refused to get vaccinated, you've got nothing.
  2. You've gone curiously ignorant on this subject yet you seem to possess so much detailed information about other aspects of the law. Curious, isn't it? CONSCIOUSNESS OF GUILT Consciousness of Guilt is both a concept and a type of circumstantial evidence used in criminal trials by prosecutors. It refers to a powerful and highly incriminating inference that a judge or jury may draw from the statements or conduct of a defendant (accused) after a crime has been committed suggesting that the defendant knows he or she is guilty of the charged crime. In other words, the defendant's conduct after the crime is circumstantial (indirect) evidence that the defendant intended to commit the crime, or, in fact, committed the crime. https://www.lacriminaldefenseattorney.com/legal-dictionary/c/consciousness-of-guilt/ The article goes on to list telling lies as one proof of consciousness of guilt. That you think this needs explaining is odd in itself.
  3. This is your idea of evidence. One Nobel-Prize winning scientist? Not actually a climatologist. You think this is how science gets corroborated or not?
  4. Not even Donald Trump's campaign could come up with evidence that there was significant election fraud. They actually hired 2 separate teams of forensic evidence to try and come up with evidence that this was the case. Even they found nothing. Please provide a link to a credible source that backs up your claim: Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source. https://aseannow.com/forum/428-the-war-in-ukraine/
  5. Isn't there is thing in law called consciousness of guilt? And wouldn't Trump's lies about the document being just newspapers and magazines go a long way towards proving that Trump believed what he did violated the law?
  6. Doesn't the transcript also show that Trump claims it was a classified document, one that he said he couldn't declassify it then because he was no longer President?
  7. Well, given that Jack Smith has entered it as potential evidence in a very high profile case, I'd say yes.
  8. Actually, it's an audio, but the gist is the same.
  9. Center for Immigration Studies is a notoriously unreliable source of immigration information. And the article you cite is about the Press Secretary's claim. Not whether or not unauthorized immigration is up or down. Illegal Immigration Gets Less Attention When It Falls Recent news coverage indicates illegal immigration gets less attention when it falls. Articles about the significant drop in illegal entry in recent months have been less noticeable than earlier stories, which often appeared on the front page when numbers on the border spiked. Some argue it’s not surprising editors may view “bad news” as more newsworthy. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2023/08/01/illegal-immigration-gets-less-attention-when-it-falls/?sh=17adc2426750
  10. Actually, that remark was puncuated with a question mark. And Hunter Biden reported in a later text that his father met his request to join the business with an "emphatic no." But a subsequent email from Hunter says his “Chairman” gave him “an emphatic no,” and a further email clarifies that the chairman is his dad. https://www.vox.com/22992772/hunter-biden-laptop
  11. And many people died as a result of such foolishness. Not only that, but because hospitals were overloaded with vaccine refuseniks, people with other illnesses received a lower standard of care.
  12. No, unless doctors and nurses are also epidemiologists, they're not qualified to examine and compare the results of studies. You think because doctors wear white, that makes them scientists or statisticians? Anyway, "evidence" like yours is useless. Come up with something that's independently verifiable. From the landing page of The World Forum: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/
  13. I guess I must have missed that article that was published in the journal of three of my doctors and couple of nurses . You got any evidence from actual epidemiological studies?
  14. Well the reason I ask is because the article didn't support what you claimed. Did you read the follow-up paragraph?
  15. Are you referring to the people Trump read to or to the justice department? If, to the justice department, then I suppose they can match up what Trump read to the text of the document.
  16. Since your original post about this has apparently been deleted by the mods, it's impossible to know what you are getting at. If it's only about allegations against Hunter Biden that's one thing. But as for proving Biden's involvement, you've got nothing. In fact, 2 of the links you provided are to articles that rebut various claims against Joe Biden. Care to get more specific than merely providing links. How about some quotes?
  17. You sure that vaccines don't prevent transmission? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10073587/
  18. Really? A common side effect? Got any actual evidence to support that? Or was your source Will Witt?
  19. Wow, somebody's been getting drunk on the Kool-Aid. Now you're seeing zombies. No matter how many times that falsehood about dead people voting gets shot down, it keeps coming back to life.
  20. Except that the discrepancy in mortality rates only appeared after the vaccine was introduced.
  21. Will Witt, the author of this piece, is an anti-covid vaccine loon. It’s not true that nearly half of pregnant women in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trial miscarried This statistic was based on a misinterpretation of data. It has since been corrected. The miscarriage rate during the trial tracked with the rate of miscarriages in society at large. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/aug/29/viral-image/its-not-true-nearly-half-pregnant-women-pfizers-co/ So much for Will Witt.
  22. So how has the EU singled out the hated UK as opposed to other non-EU countries? Doesn't Brexit mean Brexit?
  23. More nonsense about the Ukraine war isn't Russia's doing. As for Iran and BRICS, you are confused. Whatever the importance of membership in the BRIC nations turns out to be, it was Trump who denied Iran continued participation in the world economy through prohibiting them the means to conduct transactions in dollars over the SWIFT system.
  24. Can you share with us what wars Biden has declared? As for Trump, he did manage to antagonize Iran to the effect that it doesn't have much longer to go to create a nuclear weapon.
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