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  1. I know what you mean. It's disgusting what Democrats are calling Republicans: 'Human scum:' Donald Trump has harsh comments for 'Never Trumper' Republicans Having attacked some of his critics as "Do Nothing Democrats," President Donald Trump reserved a harsher term Wednesday for "Never Trumper Republicans" who continue to opposed him amid an impeachment inquiry. "Human scum." "The Never Trumper Republicans, though on respirators with not many left, are in certain ways worse and more dangerous for our Country than the Do Nothing Democrats," Trump tweeted Thursday. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/10/23/donald-trump-describes-republican-critics-human-scum/4076555002/
  2. In a way, what they're saying could be true. By continually filing baseless motions Trump's legal team managed to delay the gathering of evidence and the onset of various trials.
  3. Do you understand that Switzerland has signed many agreements with the EU and pays into it for the privilege of being connected? You think a similar arrangement for the UK would be a good idea?
  4. If ever there was a case of self-inflicted damage, it's Donald Trump's.
  5. I get it. If some is arrested, that's because they are a threat to somebody. Not because that they actually committed a crime. Or crimes.
  6. "Latent" is the scientific term. But so what? Dormant is perfectly clear. Another feature of denialists is that they confuse semantics with science.
  7. 4 recent polls all said the same thing. Not including the one previously referred to. But since for you, the standard for evidence is whether you care or not, to you that's totally insignificant.
  8. Please. People who had every motivation to find evidence found nothing as the results of the work by 2 forensic teams hired by Trump's campaign show. Even judges appointed by Trump repeatedly ask his intercessors to produce actual evidence. How many victories did they manage to get in court?
  9. And the thing is, as far as I can find, he's never actually committed to writing any kind of fact based challenge to ACC.
  10. You've still got nothing. Come up with a link to a credible source the epidemiologists are lying about varying rates of mortality among different cohorts. In other words put up...
  11. When someone says 2+2=5, I'm going to say that's false, I could dress up my reply in any number of ways, but the answer would amount to the same thing. The fact is anyone who makes a claim like yours, is just inventing stuff to avoid facing the fact that they've got nothing. But if you do have proof that epidemiologists are lying, you should post a link to that. "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/
  12. You've truly got to be purposely ignorant or living in a cave not to know of the huge amount of evidence there is against Trump in this case above all. But thanks for the Pavlovian response.
  13. And here's the conclusion which you failed to note: "In conclusion, our study showed the possible association between COVID-19 vaccination and herpesvirus reactivation."
  14. And extreme right wing ideologues love to make over-the-top generalizations.
  15. I guess when you've got nothing, resorting to accusations of lying is one way to go.
  16. So why should anyone believe anything you claim in regards to numbers if you're going to invoke the excuse of hyperbole? What in your comment showed that it wasn't meant to be taken literally? The fact that it echoes what a certain failed candidate claims?
  17. Well, what do you think epidemiologists get up to during and after a pandemic? You don't think that they parse how people in all sorts of cohorts fared whether or not they were vaccinated? You think that it wouldn't be of particular interest to examine how those most at risk fared? You really want to run with that?
  18. Well, my exclusion from the group photo still hurts. Thanks for not caring. As for the consciousness of guilt thing, you've got nothing.
  19. I guess in Medical School they never go to the part about epidemiology and how mortality rates are determined before you left.
  20. And you certainly had nothing relevant to reply with on the subject of unnecessary deaths due to the refusal to be vaccinated with covid vaccines.
  21. My fellow tag team members? I split from that crew after they didn't include me in the group photo. And the point I raised is such a basic one that not even a sudden onset of fatigue, can readily explain your bemusement.
  22. I see you have no evidence to offer against the fact that not even 2 independent teams of forensic investigators hired by the Trump campaign could come up with any evidence of significant voter fraud. But what matter the conclusions of those 2 teams compared to the probative value of your "common sense"? It is to laugh.
  23. Thank for not offering any evidence of why lessening the production of greenhouse gasses will have no effect on climate change.
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