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  1. Good news! No need to wonder any longer. The reason that the indictments took so long is that Trump had his lawyers resist the various probes every step of the way. Almost always, their motions were dismissed. Often, the lawyers were chided by judges for filing frivolous motions. If Trump believed he was innocent, you'd think he'd have wanted the trials to be held as quickly as possible to establish that innocence.
  2. As far as the economy goes, it looks like what we are seeing is the same phenomenon as when people are asked about the state of education in the U.S. When asked about it in general, a majoirty Americans say it's in bad shape, but when asked about their own school systems a majority are content. Majority of Americans say the economy's bad, but their own finances are good: poll By the numbers: In the telephone survey of 1,818 adults Aug. 10-14, 71% of Americans described the economy as either not so good or poor. And 51% said it's getting worse. But 60% said their financial situation is good or excellent. https://www.axios.com/2023/08/18/americans-economy-bad-personal-finances-good
  3. Well, they never had a chance to prove it. Mueller said if it were not for Justice Dept policy against indicting a sitting President, he would have had grounds to go after Trump for obstruction of Justice which included broadly hinting to Paul Manafort that he could be pardoned. William Barr misrepresented the report for which he was castigated by a Federal judge.
  4. We can go back to Obama's time in office. After the midterm election, in 2014, the Republicans pushed for austerity in the wake of the greatest financial disaster since the Great Depression. You know, the Herbert Hoover approach. The results were predictable. Recovery was slowed immensely.
  5. I don't see why. It's not like Trump is paying for his legal defense.
  6. It could as reported below that he transferred ownership to one of his children. This is a tactic often pulled by people who fear that they might be legally on the hook for damages in court cases. Donald Trump seemingly transferred Mar A Lago estate to his son before his arrest https://www.express.co.uk/news/us/1806124/donald-trump-mar-a-lago-ownership
  7. Actually, the infrastructure plan wasn't bipartisan at all. Which makes its passage under Biden even more impressive. Biden understands how to negotiate and drew on his long experience to do that.
  8. The evidence and reasoning you bring to bear are as overwhelming as they are absent.
  9. This is from the NY Post. Not exactly know for it's adoration of Joe Biden Biden ripped for apparently glancing at watch during ceremony for fallen troops "Biden and first lady Jill Biden were at the airport for a “dignified transfer” ceremony, a somber military ritual of receiving the bodies of fallen service members who died in foreign combat... During the event, he placed his right hand to his chest as the flag-draped coffins were carried off the Air Force C-17 Globemaster plane. But at one point, the commander-in-chief appeared to cast a furtive glance at his watch before putting his arms behind his back, prompting criticisms from veterans, Republican politicians and conservative commentators." https://nypost.com/2021/08/30/biden-ripped-for-apparently-looking-at-watch-at-troops-ceremony/ Nothing quite so awful and demeaning as a furtive glance at a watch. Far better if he had been laughing or playing solitaire on his phone. At least those activities wouldn't be furtive.
  10. Now this is a truly ridiculous comment. Your indignation is farcical.
  11. Well that depends with the grand jury was drawn from. If it was drawn from Atlanta, which is a democratic stronghold, most likely that wouldn't be the case
  12. I wasn't aware that the poll asked the people who contributed whether or not they were afraid of Trump running? Maybe there were some secret questions that you have access to? If so, can you share them and the result with the rest of us?
  13. And some (all?) of his supporters here keep on insisting that none of the charges against him have any validity or lie and compare his actions to those of Biden or Pence. And claim that all the cases are politically inspired. But not you, of course.
  14. Actually, some of Trump's favorite people pushed a kind of military coup when they advocated declaring martial law and having the military confiscate voting machines. Even after they made that proposal, they are still some of his favorite people. And here's what Trump wrote on Truth Social: "A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”" He followed up by posting “UNPRECEDENTED FRAUD REQUIRES UNPRECEDENTED CURE!” https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/3761987-trump-comes-clean-says-america-should-terminate-the-constitution/
  15. Well speaking of schoolyard taunts... "You are right... when dems get caught out they immediately go into the "I'm sorry mode"... I'm sorry that I got caught out that is." A foolish, unproveable generalization from someone who clearly has little use for fact-based discussion. The real issue is that Trump repeatedly makes these kind of statements and never apologizes whereas Schumer did.
  16. Because if there's one thing we know about Putin, is that he would never resort to violence against his enemies. Especially when those enemies threaten his regime.
  17. But they do apologize: On Thursday, Schumer walked back his original remarks somewhat in a statement on the Senate floor. “I should not have used the words I used yesterday,” he said, adding that, “they did not come out the way I intended to.” He says that his intention was to convey that “there would be political consequences—political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans—if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed Justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.” https://www.vox.com/2020/3/5/21165479/chuck-schumer-neil-gorsuch-brett-kavanaugh-supreme-court-whirlwind-threat I'm sure an industrious researcher such as yourself can come up with plenty of examples of Trump apologizing for his many similar statements. How about just one?
  18. Right. It wasn't the Devil that made Trump do it. It was the Democrats.
  19. Speaking of the ignorant...I guess you don't understand that Trump was the Commander-in-Chief and had the authority to call in the National Guard under these circumstances. Trump refused to take phone calls imploring him to do that. He refused to listen to Republicans in the White House asking for the same thing. Instead, he was glued to his TV set to watch the insurrection. Afterwards he lied about watching it on TV. Instead, he claimed he was in meetings. But members of the administration in the White House, his people, reported that he was watching it on TV.
  20. You mean the Democrats actually tried to keep a Republican from winning the Presidency? Now this is shocking news.
  21. The issue isn't that both high heat record and low cold records are being set, it's the ratio. In a stable climate, the ration should be about one to one. Worldwide in 2022 it was 10 to 1. Hot records are outpacing cool by more than 10-to-1 this year as Europe, US brace for dangerous heat Hot-temperature records are far outpacing cool records across the globe this year as Europe and the United States brace again for dangerous heat waves. In the US, 92 all-time record high temperatures had been set through July 16, compared with only five all-time record low temperatures, according to data from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Globally, 188 all-time heat records were broken versus 18 cool records. https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/18/weather/heat-records-outpace-cool-records-globally-climate/index.html
  22. Perhaps they would have wanted him or if someone else were President to stay longer and tie up resources? Really? As for the rest, get back to me when you have the results of the Nielsen ratings.
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