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  1. Cherry picked examples are invalid evidence. When Biden is interviewed or talks at length, it's clear he's up to date on current events. A neurologist or gerontologist would find the cherry picked examples you offer laughable as evidence.
  2. Apparently, you haven't been doing much reading for the past 2 years. The only reference I can find to that 13% figure is from a poll that Levada took before the war began.
  3. There's nothing insane about this post from Trump. Not in the least. Definitely the kind of chief executive America needs to be ultimately in charge of the Dept. of Justice. Trump Blasts Prosecutor He Appointed for Not Giving Hunter Biden ‘Death Sentence “Weiss is a Coward, a smaller version of Bill Barr, who never had the courage to do what everyone knows should have been done,” the former president wrote of U.S. Attorney David Weiss. “He gave out a traffic ticket instead of a death sentence. Because of the two Democrat Senators in Delaware, they got to choose and/or approve him. https://www.imdb.com/news/ni64153358/?ref_=nws_nwr_li OK, maybe a little bit insane. And laughable, too. David Weiss was nominated for the position by Trump. But he assigns the responsibility to the Senators from Delaware. And if you thought that wasn't bad enough, the appointment was made when the Republicans had a majority in the Senate.
  4. He's consistently defended and praised Kim and has yet to personally criticize Putin. And any criticism he's directed at the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been tepid and infrequent. So, yes, those are good reasons to believe he's telling what he believes to be the truth.
  5. Lots of gotcha moments don't make a case for anything. Here is a link to the transcript of that recent interview with Nicole Wallace. https://factba.se/biden/transcript/joe-biden-interview-nicolle-wallace-msnbc-live-new-york-june-29-2023 Biden clearly has no short term or long term memory problem. He shows he's au courant with current events - a marker of dementia is an inability to recall recent events. He makes a few gaffes; but he's always made gaffs.
  6. Well, a new endorsement for Twitter has popped up and I have to say, it's making me rethink my support for alternatives to Twitter The endorsement is from from Anas Haqqani, the son of the founder of the terrorist Haqqani Network Taliban Leader Endorses Elon Musk’s Twitter Over New Rival Threads: “Twitter has two important advantages over other social media platforms,” Haqqani wrote on Twitter. “The first privilege is the freedom of speech. The second privilege is the public nature & credibility of Twitter. https://www.thedailybeast.com/taliban-leader-endorses-elon-musks-twitter-over-new-rival-threads
  7. Really? I've watched him during interviews where he shows a clear grasp of issues and is able to make nuanced explanations as in the case of the interview where he left a little prematurely. Has the other guy shown that he has a grasp of complicated issues?
  8. The truth of the matter is that the Monroe doctrine is defunct.
  9. They're not criticizing Trump's crowds. We criticizing the size of the crowds that's been claimed. Do you see the difference?
  10. Please, a couple of times he mildly snapped at a reporter. If he's really so hot-blooded that means his self-control in public is excellent. Otherwise the accusations of being deceptive make no sense. In fact, given that virtuallyl everyone behaves different publicly than privately, maybe the whole world is suffering from dementia? Marianne Williamson is supposed to be a horror show behind the scenes. Is she suffering from dementia. How many public persons are reported to have a different personality behind the scenes? Are they all suffering from dementia. Your allegations are, as usual, baseless.
  11. Luft is "a long known to be credible whistleblower." Really? C You got some evidence that he has long been known to be credible? Has the Justice Dept killed any other witnesses alleging Biden misconduct lately?
  12. So, on the one hand Joe Biden suffers from dementia. On the other hand he's controls his temper in public. Which is to say possesses situational awareness the lack of which is also a halllmark of dementia. In addition he "aggressively interrogates" his staff. In other words, his thinking is cogent enough to conduct interrogations.
  13. If you want to find out, all you have to do is follow the link I offered previously. Here it is again: https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/104425
  14. Should be flattered that you prefer my word to that of the Orlando Sentinel? Your objection is ridiculous.
  15. As you understand it? How did you acquire your understanding? Telepathy? You could actually read about what these laws proscribe. https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/104425
  16. There's no chance that most other NATO members will opt to allow Ukraine entry into NATO whilst the war in ongoing. What's the point of creating disunity or even uncertainty about this issue? It's a nonstarter. Better to reassure NATO members that the US has no intention of pushing for this.
  17. Then why the criticism? You think it's sensible for Biden to propose something that would be opposed by many other members of NATO? You think now is a good time to create disunity?
  18. For those who don't care to read the full article, Luft jumped bail in Cyprus and is now a fugitive from justice.
  19. I think we need to consult Ivan Pavlov to come up with an answer to that one.
  20. Wow! Given claims by the right that gender affirming care increases suicide risk based on no studies this is better. What's more, there have been lots of other studies the majority of which show improvement after gender-affirming care. More rigorous work needs to be done, but until then, the presumption that this care is therapeutic outweighs the virtually no evidence from studies to the contrary offered by the right. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36950718/
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