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  1. What exactly are America's hate speech laws? It's true that you can't make direct threats against the life of somebody or threaten them injury. But apart from that what laws are there in the USA that prohibit people from saying offensive things?
  2. What alternative universe do you come from? Trump’s North Korea Peace Drive Is Over Metaphor is officially dead, another casualty of 2020. North Korea’s Kim Jong-un wants to signal to his counterparts in Seoul and Washington that he will blow up what’s left of their relationships unless his regime receives more concessions, so … he has literally blown up the liaison office, built and paid for by South Korea, that sat in the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/06/north-korea-blows-up-liaison-office-trumps-hope-for-a-deal.html Growing NKorean nuclear threat awaits US election winner “Where’s the war?” That’s how President Donald Trump defends his North Korea policy at campaign rallies even though he’s joined the list of U.S. presidents unable to stop the ever-growing nuclear threat from Kim Jong Un. That threat will transcend the November election, no matter who wins. https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-donald-trump-north-korea-elections-national-security-5272f98730704dd863d62f489760bdcb
  3. "so far in history it has been the most fairly judged political system in the world... why tear it apart?" Is this your idea of a fact? Maybe 200 or so years ago that might have been the case. But now? Can you provide a survey of various political systems that comes to the conclusion backed by evidence that this is the case? Whenever someone writes a passive formulated expression like "it has been judged" or "it is said" or "it has been found", the obvious question arises? Who made that judgement? Who said it? Who found it? If you can't provide the agent or agents who made this judgement, why should anyone believe what you claim?
  4. Exactly. It's a ruse to evade the obligation to provide actual evidence.
  5. I don't know if your post is a new low in dishonest posting but it certainly among them. I've challenged you in the past to name the major media companies that claimed that the laptop was Russian disinformation. Can you name those companies? Can you name the companies that cited Twitter's brief hold as a reason not to unquestioningly report this news? You've got nothing.
  6. What nonsense. How exactly has the Biden adminstration helped the Iranian nuclear program? Iran resumed nuclear enrichment before Biden took office. What did the previous administration do to stop that? In Major Nuclear Step, Iran to Resume Enrichment at Underground Site Iran will start enriching uranium at Fordow nuclear facility on Wednesday, officials say By Laurence Norman Follow in Brussels and Aresu Eqbali in Tehran Updated Nov. 5, 2019 1:44 pm ET https://archive.ph/B1rqZ https://www.wsj.com/articles/iran-plans-to-breach-nuclear-deal-again-11572955701
  7. Thanks for not addressing the fact that Republicans are the ones creating ridiculous roadblocks to getting a military bill passed. And what about 'Tommy Tuberville, the Republican Senator from Alabama? He's holding up hundreds of military promotions as part of the military anti-abortion campaign.
  8. And here's another: A review of the endocrine disrupting effects of micro and nano plastic and their associated chemicals in mammals Approximately, 1000 chemicals classified as endocrine disruptor chemicals (EDCs) alter the expression of various hormone receptors and interfere with the synthesis, secretion, transport, and action of hormones, leading to endocrine and developmental abnormalities (23, 24). Nearly nine different forms of MPs are reported in human feces from multiple countries, clearly validating the presence of MPs in the human food chain and warning us about their harmful effects on human health (25). MPs and their composite toxic additives can cross various biological membranes, blood-brain barriers and both can interfere with various hormone receptors, thereby disrupting different hypothalamic axes such as the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis [HPT], the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis [HPA], and hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (HPG; Figure 1) (23, 26–29). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9885170/ Just because RFK is a loon most of time, that doesn't mean he's a loon all the time. Even a stopped clock...
  9. If he ever was a viable candidate, which considering his support of an extreme interpretation of the 2nd Amendment and his opposition to childhood vaccination is simply ridiculous, his current racist and anti-semitic comment has definitively put the kibosh on his candidacy. Although, I could see him as Trump's running mate.
  10. It isn't just Trump who has no use for democracy. A growing segment of the right wing is of the same opinion. You can read about a vile a$$h0l3 who has drawn respect from the Claremont Institute, a prominent right wing think tank: How Bronze Age Pervert Built an Online Following and Injected Anti-Democracy, Pro-Men Ideas into the GOP Of all such figures on the scene today, including clearly BAP-influenced anonymous accounts with names like Delicious Tacos, Raw Egg Nationalist and Zero HP Lovecraft, BAP stands out as one of the most influential — and the one associated with the most clearly articulated and far-reaching political and cultural vision. Further, that vision is an extreme one, built around a rejection of equality, democracy and other promises of modern liberalism — and it’s being taken seriously by prominent conservatives and Republicans. BAP counts Michael Anton, former White House national security spokesperson, Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House aide who was fired for speaking at a white nationalist conference, and a number of young former Trump staffers among his readers. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/07/16/bronze-age-pervert-masculinity-00105427
  11. Thanks for the rant that apparently has nothing to do with the BBC report on the Russian parliament outlawing transgender surgery.
  12. This is the World News Forum. One of many forums hosted by aseannow.com.
  13. So, freedom of speech means saying whatever want to except for criticizing what other people say? Are you serioiusly contending that what RFK said about the Chinese and Ashekenazi Jews wasn't racist and anti-semitic? Are you claiming that he didn't invoke fake science to support what he said?
  14. He cared so much that for months he tried to wriggle out of the deal.
  15. If you're living in Thailand, that's simply not the case. Although this year record heat also occurred in Thailand and most of east Asia as well..
  16. The story characteriized Aileen Cannon's approval by the Senate as a bipartisan vote. Actually, only 12 Democratic Senators voted to support her nomination. https://www.newsweek.com/these-12-democrats-voted-confirm-judge-granted-trump-special-master-fbi-mar-lago-1740028 I would think if you're going to characterize a vote as truly bipartisan than a majority of the members of a particular party ought to have voted in support. Since even one Democratic vote in favor could, by the criterion of this article, be classified as bipartisan, it seems misleading at best. Especially since the vote supporting her nomination could have been characterized as having succeeded despite overwhelming Democratic opposition in the Senate.
  17. I guess that means the extremely conservative justices who laughed at, or rather, scorned her earlier decisions favoring Trump, must not love their country.
  18. What you don't seem to understand is that it's a democratic republic. Which means that it's a democracy but there are certain rights and practices protected by the Constitution. And the USA gotten a lot more democratic throughout its history thanks to the 14th, 15th, 17th, and 19th amendments to the Constitution.
  19. Really? RFK Jr comes out against gun control and blames school shootings on ‘drugs’ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/robert-f-kennedy-jr-gun-control-b2351943.html Being against childhood vaccinations, not to mention Covid, is a classic Democratic position? He said he wanted to seal the Mexican border permanently.
  20. Yes, you keep on with claims of gaslighting and lying. And every time you offer evidence I and others shoot it down. And you never respond to those critiques. You just repeat your proven lies over and over again. Burisma anyone?
  21. Calendarically challenged much? The article was from October 25, 2022. Right before an election. Do you think Biden got a booster live on TV because he thought that it was politically a bad move?
  22. Trump did ask why the Federal prosecutor had sought misdemeanor charges instead of a death sentence for Hunter Biden. But I don't suppose that implying that someone deserves a death sentence isn't the same thing as a death threat.
  23. You might want to consider brushing up a bit on your grasp of the English language: obnoxious very unpleasant or rude: Some of his colleagues say that he's loud and obnoxious. When she's in a bad mood she's obnoxious to everyone. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/obnoxious Really? Can you offer some instances where Wray or Garland made insulting comments publicly about those with whom they disagreed? Or when did they behave rudely?
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