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  1. I think the free version of Chatgpt stopped acquiring new information after Sept 2021.
  2. If there's any childishness in all of this, it's about making bowing an issue in the first place.
  3. Twitter traffic sinks in wake of changes and launch of rival platform Threads Twitter’s website traffic is “tanking” according to the chief of internet services company Cloudflare, amid signs users are migrating to alternative platforms such as Threads, BlueSky and Mastodon. On Sunday, Matthew Prince posted a graph from Cloudflare’s ranking of the most popular websites in the world showing Twitter has been in decline since the start of 2023, not long after Elon Musk took over the platform. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/jul/10/twitter-traffic-sinks-in-wake-of-changes-and-launch-of-rival-platform-threads-elon-musk
  4. Desantis won Miami by 11 percentage points. Not blue any longer.
  5. Is this all you've got? Well, it's an improvement. It's nonsense but at least nonsense isn't nothing.
  6. Well, you understand it wrongly. The laws stop any gender-affirming care including medication. Because when it comes to one's children who knows best? The parents & doctors or the keep-the-government-from-interfering-with-parental- decisions party otherwise known as the GOP. After all, these politicians know best. Or maybe not. Suicide Risk Reduces 73% in Transgender, Nonbinary Youths with Gender-Affirming Care https://www.hcplive.com/view/suicide-risk-reduces-73-transgender-nonbinary-youths-gender-affirming-care Montana House votes to formally punish transgender lawmaker, Rep. Zooey Zephyr Republicans, who dominate the Montana House of Representatives, have voted Wednesday to formally punish Democratic Rep. Zooey Zephyr. Zephyr, who is transgender, has been blocked from speaking since last week. That's when she told supporters of a bill to ban gender-affirming care that when they bowed their heads in prayer, she hoped they would see "blood on [their] hands." She says she was alluding to studies that show that transgender health care can reduce suicidality in youth. https://www.npr.org/2023/04/26/1172158461/montana-gop-transgender-zooey-zephyr-punishment-banned-speaking-lgbtq
  7. Actually, given that the thesis of the piece is that Biden is continuing to follow Trump's policy as far as tariffs go, how does that make it an anti-Trump piece unless it's also an anti-Biden piece? You've got it exactly backwards.
  8. Because the way to negotiate is to concede in advance? You sure he's the fool? Biden demonstrated some pretty sharp negotiating tactics with the House Republicans just recently.
  9. When someone makes an assertion that begins with "we all know..." that's a sound indicator that a highly debatable proposition is being pushed. In other words, speak for yourself.
  10. Obama failed? Really? Obama Moved Aggressively to Restore Relations with Cuba "During the presidential campaign, President-elect Donald Trump said he will reverse all of what he called the "concessions" President Obama made in an effort to normalize relations with Cuba, unless Havana meets certain demands. "Those demands will include religious and political freedom for the Cuban people and the freeing of political prisoners," Trump said in Miami, home to a large Cuban population. The real estate billionaire said "We're going to stand with the Cuban people in their fight against communist oppression." https://www.voanews.com/a/obama-restored-relations-with-cuba/3612438.html
  11. I got some really sad news for you. China's building and planning seems to have gone badly wrong. Years of economic mismanagement are now catching up with them. Maybe you should go looking for a super Machiavellian opponent elsewhere instead of Xi. China’s economy is way more screwed than anyone thought https://www.businessinsider.com/china-debt-economy-implode-stock-market-wall-street-xi-jinping-2023-6#:~:text=Far from an economic explosion,up 30% of the economy. I remember when right wingers were crediting Putin with those Machievellian qualities.
  12. Actually, Meta denies that any of the people involved in the development of Threads were previously employees of Twitter. "On Threads, Meta spokesperson Andy Stone said "no one on the Threads engineering team is a former Twitter employee - that's just not a thing"." https://www.ign.com/articles/elon-musk-accuses-meta-of-cheating-with-twitter-rival-threads
  13. As the seas in the tropics are getting warmer, sea life is migrating towards the poles. The warmer the seas become, the less oxygen they can hold. Global warming is causing a more pronounced dip in marine species richness around the equator We use distribution data on 48,661 species to show that marine biodiversity has been responding to climate warming at a global scale. We show that marine species richness levels off or declines in latitudinal bands with average annual sea surface temperatures exceeding 20 °C. This results in a dip in species richness around the equator that has become more pronounced as the climate has warmed, especially for pelagic species. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2015094118
  14. Even if your claim wasn't false... The Mercury in the northern province of Sukhothai, Thailand's former capital, has shot to 44 degrees Celsius, the highest the province has ever registered in April, and nearing the highest ever recorded in the country of 44.5 degrees in Uttaradit. https://www.thejakartapost.com/seasia/2016/04/13/forecasters-warn-of-heat-stroke-in-thailand.html it would only go to show that you don't understand the difference between weather and climate. If, contrary to fact, Sukkothai had avoided extreme temperatures this year, which it didn't, that would just have been luck.
  15. This news is already dated. New highs were reached on Tuesday and Thursday of this week. And Wednesday tied Tuesday. https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/hottest-day-of-the-year-2023-earth-b2371394.html
  16. Let's all be grateful for the fantastic success of the insurance industry at keeping medical costs low. That's why America has the lowest medical cost of any economically developed country in the world...or is it the opposite? But at least the outcomes in the USA are better than in any other developed nation...or is it close to the opposite?
  17. The thing is, given the right's propensity to create conspiracy theories, what would they say if the Secret Service actually did manage to identify the culprit who turned out to be someone other than Hunter Biden?
  18. "Define the line" Am I a mind reader for what the person said? Apparently, you believe that you are. But for those of us who can only count on what we read and or hear with our ears, was any kind of censorship proposed in that speech? Any limitations on the First Amendment? And please, spare us the alleged reactions of putative parents and other relatives and friends. It's a silly and transparent rhetorical vacuity.
  19. Clearly problematic to those who dismiss an instance of political satire as a "comedy speech."
  20. There's all kinds of comedy out there, In this case it was political satire. Stephen Colbert is a prominent political satirist.
  21. "And reality has a well-known liberal bias..." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Colbert_at_the_2006_White_House_Correspondents'_Dinner
  22. "the mixed reports and consistent message that they won’t be able to find the offender make me very suspicious is all."
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