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  1. Not sure why you invoke the Conservative party. What has it got to do with a curriculum made in America by evangelical christians? "Accelerated Christian Education is an American company which produces the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE, styled by the company as A.C.E.) school curriculum structured around a literal interpretation of the Bible and which teaches other academic subjects from a Protestant fundamentalist or conservative evangelical standpoint. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerated_Christian_Education Where do most evangelicals in the US stand politically? While it's understandable the Biblical literalists would oppose the teaching evolution, not so much in the case of teaching that human-climate change is false.
  2. Maybe because the authors of this book not only claimed that evolution was false, but also human-caused climate change?
  3. Desantis wife is married to a governor of a state who just announced that he's running to be the Presidential candidate of the Republican party. It's a little premature to accuse the media of ignoring Casey Desantis.
  4. Now if she had been married to a Presidiential nominee of a major palitical party who then went on to become President, your point wouldn't be so well taken. But as it is....oh wait a minute...
  5. Such a good person! So forthcoming and open! Melania Trump Announces NFT Venture Trump said she will release NFTs “in regular intervals” on her website, with a portion of the proceeds going to foster children... It's unclear what percentage of the proceeds will be donated, or whether the donations will be given to specific foster child-related charities. An email inquiry about how the donations would be structured were not answered by Melania Trump's press contact. https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/entertainment/entertainment-news/melania-trump-announces-nft-venture/3082395/
  6. What is especially weird about this is the Sweden, like the UK, was never part of the eurozone.
  7. Desantis' facility at feeling resentment over trivia is matched only by his chief opponent in the race for the nomination.
  8. 60 Republicans voted for, 23 against. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/27/ken-paxton-texas-house-impeachment-vote/ And guess what Republican Presidential candidate condemned the impeachment?
  9. What's more, she's a graduate of a prestigious, if imaginary, university. Melania Trump's website taken down after degree claim debunked Melania Trump's website that had incorrectly claimed that she had received a college degree has been removed and the address now redirects visitors to the Trump Organization's website. The website's removal was first noticed Wednesday by The Huffington Post. In a tweet Wednesday, she said that the "website in question created in 2012 and has been removed because it does not accurately reflect my current business and professional interests." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/melania-trumps-website-taken-down/
  10. It's a good thing that people like you focus on the important stuff (though linkingRon to niceness is questionable) like having a nice family in the White House. I well remember how the people in the mideast rejoiced that during the George W. Bush presidency, there was a nice family in occupancy. I'lm sure that they took great comfort in that.
  11. Nothing personal in that comment. jingthing just called it out for what it is. And Buttegieg took 4 weeks leave. Not months. Some might call him a real man for living up to his parental responsibilities. Apparently, you wouldn't.
  12. You are likely 99.999 percent correct. One problem for Scott is that he is a 57 year old bachelor. Given the anti-gay sentiment among Republicans, how likely is the suspicion the Scott is gay not going to be an issue?
  13. Right. Rick Scott, former CEO of Columbia/HCA "During Scott's 2000 deposition, he pleaded the Fifth Amendment 75 times.[37] In settlements reached in 2000 and 2002, Columbia/HCA pleaded guilty to 14 felonies and agreed to a $600+ million fine in what was at the time the largest health care fraud settlement in U.S. history. Columbia/HCA admitted systematically overcharging the government by claiming marketing costs as reimbursable, by striking illegal deals with home care agencies, and by filing false data about use of hospital space.... In all, civil lawsuits cost HCA more than $2 billion to settle; at the time, this was the largest fraud settlement in U.S. history.[40][41]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Scott#:~:text=During his tenure as chief,fraud settlement in U.S. history. I could definitely come up with a few choice names for Rick Scott. As for them being slurs...I guess that depends on if you think a slur is an unkind name based on reality.
  14. This makes no sense. You've taken a list from the Guardian the openly and clearly says these are the items the prices of which have risen the most. Naturally the average of these prices is going to be higher than the average of all the prices. What do you think this proves? That actual inflation is higher than what the government reports? What if the Guardian had posted a list of those items the prices of which had risen the least? Would that prove the inflation in the UK is actually lower than what the official report says it is?
  15. Trump urges hardline position as debt ceiling talks paused: ‘Do not fold!!!’ “Republicans should not make a deal on the debt ceiling unless they get everything they want (Including the ‘kitchen sink’),” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “That’s the way the Democrats have always dealt with us. Do not fold!!!” https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4012313-trump-urges-hardline-position-as-debt-ceiling-talks-paused-do-not-fold/
  16. Kissinger at 100: How his ‘sordid’ diplomacy in Africa fuelled war in Angola and prolonged apartheid https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/may/25/henry-kissinger-100-strategic-genius-or-damaging-diplomacy-held-back-africa Yet Another Disgrace On December 7, 1975, Indonesia invaded East Timor. Less than twenty-four hours before the invasion, President Ford and his secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, met with Suharto, Indonesia’s dictator, in Jakarta. Kissinger would later insist that he and Ford had not talked about East Timor while meeting with Suharto (an assertion that would be proven false by the release of a damning transcript showing Ford and Kissinger essentially giving the autocrat their blessing to invade). https://newrepublic.com/article/78704/yet-another-disgrace-east-timor-genocide
  17. Trump Justice Department kept Clinton Foundation case open until last days of presidency: report The Trump administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) kept an investigation into the Clinton Foundation open until the last days of his presidency, The New York Times reported Monday. The Times reported that documents and interviews with former DOJ officials revealed that the investigation continued significantly beyond the point when FBI agents and prosecutors knew that the case would not result in any charges being filed. The Times obtained the documents through a Freedom of Information Act request. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4016912-trump-justice-department-kept-clinton-foundation-case-open-until-last-days-of-presidency-report/
  18. I wish theyi had spent their time posting what a BS piece of legislation it is. But instead they've been negotiating.
  19. Disney actually owns the copyrights and trademarks for the Winnie-the-Pooh with the exception of the original books.
  20. Got a surprise for you. There are actually 2 houses of Congress. And clearly, the Republicans are deeply concerned about the debt which is why they slashed funding to enable the IRS to go after wealthy tax avoiders and evaders and instead return the IRS to its underfunded condition. Oddly enough,, no proposals in their bill to rescind the Trump tax cuts. Anyway, it's going to be interesting to see if McCarthy can get more than 50% of Republican representatives to go along with whatever he negotiates.
  21. What this proves is that the UK was very foresighted in reducing its industrial base so much that it only accounts for 9.5% economic output whereas in Germany it accounts for almost 27% of economic output. It was the hit to the manufacturing sector, where the UK so brilliantly lags Germany, that accounted for Germany's current decline. What makes the Germans case even worse is that their GDP per capita is in US dollars about $5000 more than the UK. And still more bad news for Germany. Not only is GDP per capita greater in Germany, but Income is more evenly distributed there than in the UK. In fact, the median German yearly income amounts to about 41700 in pounds (converted from Euros) compared to the average British yearly income of 33000. https://data.oecd.org/inequality/income-inequality.htm
  22. Here's what Farage said: “What Brexit has proved, I’m afraid, is that our politicians are about as useless as the commissioners in Brussels. We’ve mismanaged this totally,” Farage said, responding to a raft of data suggesting there had been a negative economic impact of Brexit. “Brexit has failed,” he added. “We’ve not delivered on Brexit and the Tories have let us down very, very badly.” Unless he is actually not speaking English but some foreign language that looks like English that you've translated, your interpretation is clearly nonsensical.
  23. Another thing I don't understand is why support a draconian cut in govt. spending if you're so concerned about the fragile state of the economy.
  24. How would tax rate like on the wealthy slow the economy? We know that tax cuts in the past have unbalanced the economy so much that wealthy people were content to actually park their money with governments and have to pay a penalty for doing so. They have so much money that gimmicks like Bitcoin actually draw investments. There's only so much money that can be usefully invested in an economy. Thanks to the way Republicans have allowed the wealthy to keep so much more cash than the used to, there's a surfeit of liquidity. And of course if you were concerned about the deficit as you claim to be, this is a good way to slow down the rate of increase.
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