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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Clearly it was his mother who was at fault and the police officer who shot the boy was just an innocent bystander.
  2. What has this to do with your claim that govt inflation figures are manipulated?
  3. Really? I think it's far more likely the fact that the public now has mobile phones which can record police misconduct and criminal behavior. Body cams also aid in the detection of police misconduct. In this case the fact that the mother was in the midst of a recorded call with the police is also powerful evidence.
  4. Here ya go: https://www.businessinsider.com/million-prices-project-vs-the-cpi-2012-3
  5. If you're going to make an appeal to authority, provide a link to that authority. "Ask any economist" is just rhetorical BS. I know that in the US there were some outlier economists who claimed that the Bureau of Labor Statistics was seriously miscalculating the CPI. Then something called the billion price index from MIT came along and confirmed that the BLS had gotten it right all along.
  6. One of the big problems with IRS agents second guessing the Justice Dept is that they generally haven't a clue about what it takes to win a criminal case of tax evasion. "Proof of the crime requires first proving the attendant circumstance that an unpaid tax liability exists. Second, the prosecution must prove some affirmative act by the defendant to evade or attempt to evade a tax. Third, prosecutors most show that the defendant possessed the specific intent to evade a known legal duty to pay. To convict, the jury must find the defendant guilty of each of these elements beyond a reasonable doubt. " https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/tax_evasion This was a time, as right wingers gleefully point out, that Biden was addicted to crack. He could also invoke personal trauma due to the death of his brother. And his long time accountant had died. Given that his personal situation was chaotic, it's not going to be easy to prove all 3 elements beyond a reasonable doubt. .
  7. What you're leaving out is how much CD's counted towards calculating CPI. Without that figure, all you're doing is playing gotcha. Periodically, outdated items are ejected from the basket and new one introduced to reflect how consumers shop.
  8. Where have I misquoted you? Do you understand what "misquoted means" Here's what you originally wrote: "19.1% food rise. 8.7% is manipulated and way too high." You claimed that the CP of 8.7% is way too high. Now you're claiming that it's way too low. Make up your mind.
  9. That's exactly what Republicans said about Clinton's tax increases last time. Why would tax increases this time threatened to bring down the economy?
  10. You've hit the nail on the head. The criteria for what would constitute a felony are vague. It's the same problem that crops up with abortion laws. Neither librarians nor doctors know what the limits are so prefer to err on the side of caution. As for erring on the side of caution being a good thing, maybe not so much when right wong loons are waging war on the schools.
  11. If Social Security taxes were to be reimiposed upon income exceeding $250,000 per year, not only would Social Security be safe for the next 100 years, but benefits could be raised for the elderly, who have been far more adversely affected by rising costs over the years than most other Americans. This $250,000 was cited before the rise in inflation over the past years or so, so maybe that number would be $275,000 now.
  12. So, in sum, this book, like many others was targeted due to right wing hysteria and moved for the obviously fake reason that it was done to protect children. Required Florida training tells educators to ‘err on the side of caution’ for library materials The training also makes clear that teachers violating the restrictions could face a felony charge, which can result in up to 5 years in prison. https://www.k12dive.com/news/Florida-required-library-teacher-training-CRT/640952/
  13. You're back to that again. She had witnesses back up that she made that at the time of the incident she spoke with them about it.
  14. Thank you for sharing with me your belief. I'll go with what Target says.
  15. First you denied that tax cuts had substantial effect on the national debt, I purposely excluded assigning responsibilty to cases where national emergencies necessitated increased deficit spending. And thanks for sharing with us your faith based belief that Biden would have spent more. I guess in your world, speculation counts as evidence.
  16. Do you understand that the information you linked to says that inflation is actually worse for lower income people with than what it is according to the CPI? And there's nothing there at all to back up your transparently unfounded assertion that "8.7% is manipulated and way too high."
  17. The pound hasn't risen so far, but even if it did, that may just mean speculators are responding to the believe that the BOE will raise interest rates. Exchange rates aren't a great tool for prognostication. Up or down.
  18. From the landing page of the World News Forum "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." There must be a fiction forum out there somewhere that would be better suited to your kind of comment.
  19. If there is a huge group of people "who just think that life should go on without mentioning LGBT all the time" they must be listening to voices in their heads. Obsessed much?
  20. Can you share that poll with us? Realclearpolitics.com doesn't show it and given their rightwing bent, one would expect to find it there.
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