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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. It's hard to tell what he got wrong since most of his comment didn't make much sense.
  2. So you're claiming that the scale of threats now is now different than what judges and DAs ordinarily experience? Are you also claiming that Trump's attacks on the judge are not a factor promoting these threats? And are yo seriously defending an ex-President who uses such vitriolic and unhinged language?
  3. Whaddya mean? Unemployment is not at a record low level. I think it's 0.1% above that. It's a disaster!!! And inflation is rapidly coming down. Disaster!!! And the previous 2 quarters showed strong economic growth. Disaster!!!
  4. A talk by Stephen Moore? Why one editor won’t run any more op-eds by the Heritage Foundation’s top economist https://archives.cjr.org/united_states_project/stephen_moore_heritage_foundation_paul_krugman_kansas_city_star.php His career is riddled with nonsense and falsehoods. Here's just one: "In September 2018, Moore wrote a Wall Street Journal opinion piece entitled, "The Corporate Tax Cut Is Paying for Itself," in which he asserted that "faster-than-expected growth has produced a revenue windfall." Corporate tax receipts for the fiscal year ended September 2018 were down 31% from the prior fiscal year, the largest decline since records began in 1934, except for during the Great Recession when corporate profits, and hence corporate tax receipts, plummeted.[49][50][51][52]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Moore_(writer) Plenty more of his nonsense is listed in this article.
  5. You'll find in the KIng James Bible this passage about Lot and his daughters: Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis 19&version=KJV
  6. I'm guessing you believe that there is somethingin your post that pertinent to the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Could you share with us what that is?
  7. And why would it have been different under a 2nd Trump administration? How would a complete withdrawal under the Trump administration have had different consequences for the Afghani people than the complete withdrawal under the Biden administration? Your statement is prima facie ridiculous. Once the US had pulled out of there, what would subsequently happen in Afghanistan would not be under its control.
  8. The reason that the US withdrew from Afghanistan is because of the agreement signed by the Trump administration. That agreement specified that the US withdraw.
  9. Thomas has a long and sleazy history of accepting gifts. Thomas ranks supreme among court’s gift takers WASHINGTON — Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has accepted tens of thousands of dollars worth of gifts since joining the Supreme Court, from $1,200 worth of tires to valuable historical items and a $5,000 personal check to help pay a relative’s education expenses. The gifts included a Bible once owned by 19th-century author and abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass, which Thomas valued at $19,000, and a bust of President Lincoln valued at $15,000. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/thomas-ranks-supreme-among-courts-gift-takers/
  10. The economy is growing, unemployment is at near record low levels, and inflation has been declining. And which administration was it that loosened regulations on banks?
  11. Actually, you forgot the failed Durham investigation which began under William Barr. That lasted about 3 years, too.
  12. It's typical of those who have no rational arguments to offer that they, like you, make it personal instead. And I will concede that invoking Robert Blake makes no less sense than invoking OJ Simpson. Just no more. If, in fact, you have a Bachelor of Science degree, that doesn't signify whether or not your posts hear are actually rational.
  13. Someone made a documentary (hagiography?) recently about Clarence. In it he says this about how he prefers to spend his vacations: “I prefer the RV parks. I prefer the Walmart parking lots to the beaches and things like that. There’s something normal to me about it,” Thomas said. https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-scotus-undisclosed-luxury-travel-gifts-crow What a phony, lying sack of ....
  14. Not so long ago someone who contributes here claimed to be a swing voter. It was ludicrous because they wouldn't hear a word against Trump. When people make pronouncements like yours, it's just to cloak whatever political agenda they have in a mantle of nonpartisanship. Maybe spend a little less time wrapping yourself in the flag and little more telling us about what policies you support and what policies you don't. Although, given your earlier comments, including that ridiculous invocation of OJ, it's clear that the ground you're standing on is really a pile of B.S. I think it's useful to recall what Samuel Johnson said when he criticized a lowlife politician's claim to similar sentiments. "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."
  15. It's clear you still haven't read the article. So you think that the way government should provide jobs is by encouraging the purchase of luxury goods? Because some of the taxes foregone will go to workers? Seems like a very wasteful way to do that. As for charitable deductions, there's lot of dubious exploitation there. https://www.propublica.org/article/the-irs-tried-to-crack-down-on-rich-people-using-an-abusive-tax-deduction-it-hasnt-gone-so-well As for the rich paying more than their fare share of taxes... The Forbes 400 Pay Lower Tax Rates Than Many Ordinary Americans https://www.americanprogress.org/article/forbes-400-pay-lower-tax-rates-many-ordinary-americans/ As for most of the rich being self made: Study Shows Only 27% of Wealthy Americans Are 'Self-Made' https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/personal-finance/articles/study-shows-only-27-of-wealthy-americans-are-self-made/#:~:text=If you're not independently,ultra rich are self made.
  16. Well, you expressed eagerness when I said I was going to post something about storage costs in the Green Forum. I did and apparently you didn't read it.
  17. That the levelized costs of nuclear generated electricity is far higher than any other large scale source of power.
  18. It would certainly help to read the article before you contribute your thoughts. There are justifiable ways to get tax deductions and then there are ways crafted just to benefit the rich. for example allowing a 100% deductible for a private jet in the first of use is not financially justifiable.
  19. All I have? A data heavy graph with a link to the latest annual report from Lazard Freres? Where you can dig into the weeds all you like. I've got a big something here. You've got nothing.
  20. Let's try it another way. Let's say a women who is officially a resident of NY State gets an abortion that the state of Texas decides is a crime. Would she be immune from prosecution?
  21. If I commit a crime in New Zealand, but I'm a resident of NY State, would Zealand law apply to my case? Crimes are judged in the locales where they are committed. What does residence have to do with it?
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