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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Fairness doesn't enter into it. It's only a crime if you willfully withhold those documents. No evidence that Biden did so. Evidence overwhelming that Trump did.
  2. I don't think this was a devious ploy on their part. They want to win elections. And EU membership is now very popular.
  3. Lying about the continued possession of unauthorized documents is clearly grounds for an obstruction of justice charge.
  4. And it's significant that other major European right wing parties have also done a U-turn and now favor continued membership in the EU.
  5. So you agree that there's a war going on in Ukraine? And that claims to the contrary are nonsense? You seem very coy about actually condemning that claim.
  6. You used this nonsense as a launching point to promote skepticism. Why shouldn't one assume that you are at best uncertain about the claim? Or do you agree that it's nonsense?
  7. Well, what it could mean is that JonnyF has had a sudden conversion experience since the data he produced actually supports what I claimed. It's a miracle! Hallelujah! There is the unlikely possibility that he meant to refute my claim and just got it massively wrong.
  8. This holiday is "part of Easter"? Really? I think most Christian theologians would challenge your contention. And even it it were true, you think it's a good thing that a government endorses a particular religious practice? Oh wait a minute...Of course you would think that given how closely and corruptly tied together are the Russian Government and the Russian Orthodox Church.
  9. One poll by itself doesn't mean much. The trend still favors Desantis.
  10. You might be able to make a case for skepticism about some things. But skeptical that there's an actual war going on in Ukraine? Really?
  11. And it was noted that it doesn't help in the war aganst this disinformation that the BBC World Service has had its outreach curtailed due to budget cuts. Thanks, Tories.
  12. The only reason he used it when "absolutely necessary" was because he was where he shouldn't have been in the first place.
  13. Well, if it's from a Russian Govt News Service, one that doesn't call what's going on in Ukraine a war, it's definitely a reliable source.
  14. Freedom of speech in the USA means freedom from government interference. It doesn't mean freedom from consequences.
  15. Comintern? Really? Are you a time traveler? Or Rip Van Winkle?
  16. It's possible, really? Here's the definition of sub-human: So apparently you can be not human but be white. Here's the definition of subhuman of a lower order of being than the human. https://www.google.com/search?q=sub+human&oq=sub+human&aqs=edge..69i57j0i512l4j0i10i512j0i512l2j69i64.1847j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 So, saying a sub-human can be white makes about as much sense as saying that a chimpanzee could be white or black or categorized racially in any way that lumped them with humans.
  17. Rational folks would expect a pollster not to take a political stance. Just because Rasmussen pays poeple to do its polling, that doesn't make it reliable. It could be that it's found a profitable market niche and is acting accordingly. And it's telling that you consistently engage in name calling to characterize those who disagree with you. Not a trait that's indicative of rational thinking. It's also telling that you offered response at all to examination of the falseness of your other claims.
  18. Tell that to the Nazis. Or white supremacists. Or go back a hundred and see what the consensus was then.
  19. And be sure to make them retire when they legally become adults..
  20. It's not beholden to advertisers because it's funded by the dictator oops emir of Qatar.
  21. Another version of the arithmetically challenged arguments offered by Brexiters. I remember before Brexit actually occurred that Brexiters were claiming that Brexit was going to hurt the EU worse than the UK. This seems to be just another case of this kind of thinking. What don't Brexiters understand about the fact that the EU's economy is over 5 times as big as the UK's. Yet somehow to them this means the EU needs the UK more than the UK needs the EU.
  22. Are tortoises the real power behind world government? I'm not claiming tortoises are the real power behind world government. I'm just asking a question.
  23. I rather enjoyed this characterization of the current Russian effort in the Donbas: “Russia’s big new offensive is underway,” said Kyrylo Budanov, the head of Ukraine’s military intelligence agency, in an interview last week with the Ukrainian edition of Forbes magazine. “But going in a way that not everyone can even notice it.” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/27/world/europe/russia-offensive-ukraine.html
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