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  1. But for a couple of weeks of good feeling are they worth the billions it costs to stage them?
  2. Does Trump command the wind? Who has been more confrontational with the Chinese? Trump or Biden?
  3. Given how routinized medical care is, especially during the first session with a medical practitioner, if anything, AI is probably overkill when it comes to making an initial diagnosis. In fact, I suspect it could probably unqualifiedly do a better job in diagnosing an illness than could a medical professional One thing we can sure of: the medical community will do all in its power to stop technology from making them redundant.
  4. Godwin's law, short for Godwin's law (or rule) of Nazi analogies,[1] is an Internet adage asserting that as an online discussion grows longer (regardless of topic or scope), the probability of a comparison to Nazis or Adolf Hitler approaches 1.[2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law
  5. "California likes being anti-Fed"? Really? Just because they opposed the Trump administration's enforcement polices that makes them anti-Fed? That's nonsense. California has very strict gun control laws. They're not going to oppose federal involvement. Clearly, you're just using this case because you have an axe to grind against California's progressive politics. You've got nothing.
  6. I guess if you can't criticize the article on the basis of facts, then you'll go after them on the illegitimate grounds of nationality. You've got nothing.
  7. Coupling a yiddish word with "Arians" in a sentence is a dead giveaway. "Once the deal goes sour, the entire mishpachah can blame the Arians again and right they are. " You used the word "Arians" (your spelling) as though Jews have some kind of animus towards people who are members of a scientifically invalid race concept. A concept promoted by Nazis. In fact, a concept that was the core of Nazism. Only someone obsessed by antisemitism would make a blatantly irrelevant reference to "Arians". As for your claim to be Jewish...why should I give any credence to an anonymous member of aseannow.com when his comments make that claim exceedingly unlikely?
  8. Good thing you're not bigoted. Because if you were, you would say something like the Tyre Nichols was "black guy resisting arrest" when in fact, he wasn't. Tyre Nichols seen not to resist officers in bodycam footage released of arrest by Memphis Police Department https://inews.co.uk/news/world/tyre-nichols-not-resist-officers-footage-released-arrest-memphis-police-department-2114150
  9. And leave out #1? Recent Russian doping controversies at the Olympics https://apnews.com/article/winter-olympics-figure-skating-kamila-valieva-coronavirus-pandemic-sports-4229adb5538bc0b299e6b4f0294a1feb
  10. From May, 2022 Probably in about four or five generations, no one will be straight anymore. Everyone will be either gay or trans or nonconforming or whatever the list of 50 or 60 different options there are."
  11. Here's another one. This goes all the way to the Dark Ages, otherwise known as October 2022. "In a recent campaign video, U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican from Georgia, likened Democrats to destructive feral hogs allowed to range free and destroy the American countryside... As the camera followed her, she grabbed a rifle and climbed aboard a waiting helicopter, where she tracked down and shot a fleeing hog. In the next scene, quite pleased with herself, Greene posed next to her dead prey and invited supporters to enter a free drawing, with the winner accompanying her on her next hog-killing expedition." https://newjerseymonitor.com/2022/10/20/top-republicans-embrace-marjorie-taylor-greenes-violent-rhetoric/
  12. Yes, we'd have to go way way way back to Feb 1, 2023 to find crazy stuff that she has said as she did during a Congressional hearing: Greene: "Oh, Mr. Dodaro. I have to tell you in Illinois that they received $5.1 billion at an elementary school there that used it for equity and diversity." The funding Greene is discussing came from the 2021 American Rescue Plan, a stimulus package in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which included billions to support school reopenings. Illinois received about $5.1 billion, with the majority of that split among the state’s roughly 850 school districts. The state did not receive $5.1 billion for a single school. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/feb/03/marjorie-taylor-greene/51-billion-for-one-schools-diversity-program-marjo/
  13. Not so long ago, Michael Flynn claimed that there were signs in Arabic directing Islamic terrorists who had illegally crossed the border from Mexico, where to go. Now it's Chinese spies.
  14. The thing is, that most, if not all, of those other offending countries don't enjoy the same level of support from the United States as does Israel.
  15. Fred Kaplan at Slate.com offers a very good explanation of the drawbacks and benefits of giving Ukraine F-16s https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/02/biden-ukraine-f16-fighter-planes.html
  16. No, I wouldn't agree that a technical matter of economic judgement has anything at all to do with her bad judgement in the other case. None at all. Nada. Zip. The motive behind your attempt to conflate 2 kinds of "judgement" is transparently obvious. As for productivity. here's the results of a meta study that analyzed 41 different studies: "According to the unweighted average of all estimates in our data set, a cut in the corporate tax rate by 10 percentage points would increase annual GDP growth rates by about 0.2 percentage points. However, we find evidence for publication selectivity in favour of reporting growth-enhancing effects of corporate tax cuts. Correcting for this bias, we cannot reject the hypothesis that the effect of corporate taxes on growth is zero." https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0014292122000885?via%3Dihub Even the unweighted results show very little change. So given that this is a 6 point increase, we could expect a reduction of 0.1% based even on unweighted projections.
  17. The indiscriminate bigotry against Muslims that characterizes so many right wingers is similar to the bigotry they harbor towards the gay community. And that in both cases they use these alleged threats, whether of violence or coercion, to justify their bigotry.
  18. Went to the foxnews landing page to see how prominently this story was displayed. It must have been written in invisible pixels because it's nowhere to be seen. Is it any wonder that those on the right are so badly informed?
  19. Interesting that Kwasaki and NativeBob endorse the anti-semitic comments of Sydebolle. Comments that clearly are aligned with Nazi ideology.
  20. So your argument against ev is that a VW van has a low range of 30 miles? Actually, it's 82 miles but that still makes it the van with the lowest range of any e-van. https://www.parkers.co.uk/vans-pickups/volkswagen/transporter/2020-e-transporter-review/#:~:text=But the driving range%3F,range is just 82 miles. Did you think that such a transparently inaccurate assertion would pass unchallenged? And that your choice of that particular vehicle constitutes some kind of serious evidence?
  21. Yours is the argument of weaklings and bullies. Basically it boils down to "You made me do it".
  22. As this sentence show in its obscurantist way, Sydebolle is an unapologetic anti-Semite. Here's the definition of "Mishpachah": "The meaning of MISHPACHAH is a Jewish family or social unit including close and distant relatives." Making this a Jewish-Aryan dispute is, of course, nonsense. But to someone obsessed by Jew-hatred, as Sydebolle is, this makes perfect sense. Clearly, he's in sympathy with at least some of the essence of Nazi ideology.
  23. Nonsense. Germany is a member of NATO. It's very clear what the obligations of a NATO member are. The cheif one being to defend other members of NATO if their territory is attacked, NATO went into Afghanistan because a NATO member was attacked by forces that enjoyed the Afghani government's protection. And it should be pointed out that far from prodding NATO to take action, the Bush Administration was not at all welcoming of the effort. NATO IN AFGHANISTAN "NATO’s invocation of Article 5 and allied offers of assistance immediately following the al Qaeda attacks on the United States met a lukewarm response in the Bush administration, where skepticism about NATO and allies was rampant in the new administration’s Pentagon. When Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld proclaimed in September 2001, “The mission determines the coalition. And the coalition must not be permitted to determine the mission,” the message to the NATO allies was loud and clear: thanks, but no thanks." https://www.redalyc.org/pdf/767/76712438004.pdf
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