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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Really? They refused to return documents when requested? They lied to the Justice Dept. about having documents in their possession?
  2. What don't you understand about the fact that a person has to be convicted before they face punishment?
  3. You know, I thought I had you, but now that you "have a feeling" how could any rational person dispute that. Especially given the wealth of evidence you bring to the discussion. Maybe you're referring to another Tucker Carlson and not the one who hosts a show on fox news? Given the silence from the right about his lcurrent unacy, I think it clearly exposes how deranged the right in America has become.
  4. So, you have no idea what the fuss is all about but then you segue into criticizing corporations for being political. Nice way of not acknowledging the lunacy of prominent right wingers.
  5. I guess if I were to ask you for a link, you'd offer up your crystal ball.
  6. Yours is an inept attempt at deflection. You started out by denying that the M&Ms were a right wing target, and now that it's been show that's not the case, you try another tactic. What this incident shows is the lunacy of the right wing in even making tiny chocolate candies a political and cultural issue.
  7. False. The ice cap on land wouldn't have to melt. Well, just a little bit on the surface. The glaciers on land would simply have to migrate to the sea at an accelerated pace. Which is already happening. And that's partially because the floating ice shelf, which holds back that migration, is melting much faster than in the past.
  8. Despicable? Given Germany's brutal treatment of Slavic peoples during World War 2 and the runup to it, I would call their current support of Ukraine reparations.
  9. China? Really? They've hardly been steadfast allies to the Russians.
  10. I've got exciting news for you. Germany has already sent lots of weapons to Ukraine. Germany will supply Ukraine with armoured personnel carriers and a Patriot missile battery, the government has said... Germany already has delivered significant military aid to Ukraine, including Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and the first of four IRIS-T surface-to-air missile systems. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/1/5/germany-to-send-armored-carriers-patriot-battery-to-ukraine
  11. Let's take a look at an economy that has kept a tight rein on deficits. Germany's total govt expenditure to gdp ratio in 2019 was 44.99%. So even before Covid Germany had a higher ratio of govt expenditure to GDP than did the USA up to that time. And when covid hit, Germany's ratio jumped to 50.41% in 2020 and 51.25% in 2021. https://www.statista.com/statistics/624182/ratio-of-government-expenditure-to-gross-domestic-product-gdp-in-germany/ In the USA total government expenditure to the gdp ratio was 45.3%, in 2021 42.36 percent, and it's estimated to have tumbled to 37.43% in 2022. In other words in Germany before covid hit the ratio was only slightly less than it was at its highest in the USA. https://www.statista.com/statistics/268356/ratio-of-government-expenditure-to-gross-domestic-product-gdp-in-the-united-states/ The difference between the 2 countries is that Germans don't believe in magic tax cuts that pay for themselves. https://www.worldwide-tax.com/germany/germany-taxes.asp#:~:text=In other words%2C the higher,imposed on the income tax. And yet, somehow, the German economy has performed strongly for most of the 21st century.
  12. You mean like the fate that befell Jeffrey Epstein when William Barr was Attorney General?
  13. You make the unsound conclusion that if Scottish voters want to stay in the UK, that means that they don't also want to be part of the EU. Straw man, much? Nowhere did I imply that corruption is. But by your standards, corruption in any country should apparently result civil war. . Why would concern about this corruption scandal, want to make EU citizens leave the EU when stacked up against what an overwhelming majority see as its benefits? Especially when they see the unhappy object lesson otherwise known as the UK. There have been no reports that show this bribery case could have widespread economic percussions. Let me know when something turns up that justifies your suggestion. Until then, all you're peddling is alarmism.
  14. Dubious First of all, it’s not his responsibility as an actor to ensure prop safety. Actors, they’re not even allowed to do that. What people don’t understand is, the Screen Actors Guild, the union, does not allow any producer, anybody, to use an actor for anything on set other than acting. https://slate.com/culture/2023/01/alec-baldwin-manslaughter-rust-halyna-hutchins.html
  15. The quality of his advice isn't the issue. The issue was bias.
  16. my mistake. I copied the wrong link. Here's the correct one. https://www.carefinder.jp/en/news/expert-school-advice-mixed-children-living-japan
  17. Given the track record of these rioters in the courts, what do you think the odds are that his appeal will succeed? Don't you people ever learn?
  18. Anyway, as I've pointed out, it is returning to more normal levels. Given that Longwood consistently gets facts wrong and makes things up, it isn't surprising that this is the case.
  19. It's funny. If I were a right winger and this news came out about the relationship between a senior FBI investigator and Deripaska, I would be dismayed given his connection to the Trump campaign. Yet, apparently, there's something Pavlovian at work here in their nervous systems due to word association that gets them to salivate instead.
  20. Because the House is going to be able to do what Bill Barr's chosen guy, John Durham, completely failed at? It is to laugh.
  21. If this poll is accurate, then the majority Scottish voters are being sensible in their decision not to leave the UK. Because they understand the crucial economic importance of proximity when it comes to trade. And because Scottish voters understand the crucial importance of proximity when it comes to trade, they also want the UK to be part of the EU. Because it will be to their economic benefit. Can offer some analysis of the economic impact on the member nations of the EU that this corruption scandal will have? So far you've offered none.
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