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  1. It's clear that you don't understand what "misquote" means: Where did RayC give an indication that he was repeating exactly what you wrote? He quoted you once exacly and then explained why what you wrote is misleading.
  2. His post was quoting you. What part of this quote did RayC make up? It was E.U rules that was the reason for UK (blue) passports being made in Poland And your reply clearly was misleading. Not false. Just very misleading. It's EU rules that require the lowest bidder to get the job. In this case it happened to be Poland. That's a lot different from saying it was EU rules that was the reason for UK passports being made in Poland.
  3. Well, a conspiracy mindset justifies those possessed of (by?) one into crediting that since what they believe and allege is threatening, then it must be true.
  4. Chinese hospital staff are laughing themselves silly. COVID-19 wave rolls through China, overwhelming hospitals outside Beijing https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/covid-19-wave-rolls-through-china-overwhelming-hospitals-outside-beijing
  5. And those "many" who "wanted to shut this man up", why would they? What sort of threat did Tiktok influencer pose to people so well connected that they could direct the government of Romania to arrest him?
  6. I think a PHEV makes a lot of sense. I understand that the batteries on PHEV are somewhat larger than on HEVs. Most drivers use their cars to get around town, I think with a PHEV as opposed to a straight HEV, it's likely you will never have to use gasoline/petrol except on those rare occasions for long trips.
  7. Challenge accepted, if tardily. 18.10.2018 07:00 AM Twitter has purged left-wing accounts with no explanation Dozens of activists linked to the Occupy movement are up in arms after their accounts were suspended by Twitter Twitter accounts run by activists linked to the Occupy movement have been suspended after the social network continued its attempted crackdown on bots and fake accounts. https://www.wired.co.uk/article/twitter-political-account-ban-us-mid-term-elections
  8. But they don't get nominated by the entire electorate. So what's relevant is the primary vote, not the general elections. And who are the 2 front-runners now for the nomination? It's enough to make Republican politicos gnash their teeth.
  9. If he resurfaces. Kanye West missing? Ex-business manager can’t find rapper to serve him lawsuit https://nypost.com/2022/12/29/ex-business-manager-tries-to-serve-missing-kanye-west-with-lawsuit/
  10. They fared worse against Democrats. But they got nominated. It's Republican politicos who are mourning the choices made. Is the base? The 2 most popular Republican candidates for President are Desantis and Trump.
  11. Well, it's definitely reverting towards more state control of the business sector. The government sector is now being propped up more than ever by the private sector. Xi has installed party apparatchiks in various private businesses. The economy is greatly distorted by the spending of provincial and local governments on projects that contribute in the short run to GDP but are not actually productive. Like housing projects with no one to live in them. Not so long ago the real estate sector engrossed 25-30% of the chinese economy. China is in real trouble. It's becoming more and more apparent that governance based on rule by one individual or clique who claims omniscience, is self-crippling.
  12. The election was quite close in terms of electoral college battlegrounds.
  13. Well, it does fly very well among Republicans. I see no reason why Desantis or someone like him won't win the nomination.
  14. But, among other things, on the wrong side of epidemiology.
  15. What particularly stands out is this: "When the government launched trade talks with the US in 2020 it revealed that it was expecting the agreement to provide just a 0.16 per cent boost to GDP by 2035 – the size of a forecast rounding error." The fact is that trade between the UK and the USA was substantially free before Brexit. And the UK did worse than the EU in bouncing back from pre-pandemic levels of exports to the USA. In 2021 the EU exported about 93% of what it did pre-pandemic. The UK about 82%
  16. I don't know about that. Trump craves attention. And a third party campaign would provide plenty of that.
  17. The thing is, Coney Barrett wasn't just a Catholic. She's a member of a dubious cult within the Catholic Church. She was raised in that cult. When she went to University, she lived in the home of the cult leader. And then she married a fellow member of the cult.
  18. One can only hope that this is one of those rare occasions where Trump fulfills a promise.
  19. And you obviously don't know why regret is so widespread now. Which is why all you can offer is an empty rhetorical statement.
  20. Reall? The facts on the ground hadn't changed? Aren't you neglecting a little something called vaccinations in Australia and New Zealand?
  21. I've made no claims about his guilt or innocence. So it's not incumbent upon me to provide any evidence at all. You started this with your as yet unbacked claim. I'm beginning to suspect that you have no evidence to back that up at all. That you've got nothing.
  22. It's always a mark of weakness when someone makes a comment on a reply not yet given. I got some exciting news for you. This isn't a court of law. No one's on trial here. But there are rules. And here's one specifically posted for this forum: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." Can you support your claim with a valid link to an approved credible source? I thought....Nah I'll leave it to the likes of you to indulge in that class of empty rhetoric.
  23. Then why do you insist that there is a contradiction? The rules and laws governing the EU were made by members of the EU and can be changed by them. An exception is not a contradiction.
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