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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. It doesn't surprise me that with the extensive camera coverage of the incident, you would believe that "we the public never get the real facts". If it doesn't surprise you, that means they're hiding something. Such nonsense.
  2. Another underreported aspect of the case is that Musk is stealing from Tesla. He's using Tesla's engineers to figure out problems at Twitter. Tesla is a publicly owned company. Musk has no right to use its employees to bail him out of problems he's having with his privately owned company. I don't see how he can defend himself if shareholders bring a lawsuit against him.
  3. Actually, what we know is that this was a hatchet job on Biden done at the behest of Rudolph Giuliani, the President's private lawyer.. Much of his "evidence" if that's what you want to call it, came from 2 dubious characters who are now serving prison sentences for fraud. They were working for another oligarch, Derpashka, who had made a fortune by dubious means in the natural gas business in Ukraine. He is a fugitive from justice and is fighting extradition to the USA. Biden was sent by the US and supported by the EU to give an ultimatum to Ukraine to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor named Shokin. This prosecutor claimed he was dismissed because he was investigating Burisma. The people who worked with him say that wasn't true. He was not investigating Burisma when he was fired. And once again, this was not Biden's idea or plan. On the US side it was pushed by the then-ambassador to Ukraine who was subsequently slandered by Giuliani. She was just one of many in that regard. Biden was just the messenger for Obama and the State Dept.
  4. The issue was about British wages during the Depression. Not about American GDP per capita during the Depression.
  5. Despite your protestations of non-partisanship, you clearly are getting your misinformation from right wing conspiracy sources. Posts spin baseless theory about FTX, Ukraine and Democrats CLAIM: U.S. aid to Ukraine was laundered back to the Democratic Party through the failed cryptocurrency exchange firm FTX. AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-ftx-ukraine-democrats-laundering-996663874380 As for assertion that the "the FBI and DOJ need to be completely apolitical" As you are clearly not aware, after Inspector General Michael Horowitz declared he found no evidence that the decision to investigate the Russian connection to the Trump campaign, was influenced by politics. In a startling statement, William Barr, the Attorney General disagreed. In an even more startling statement, so did John Durham, the prosecutor that Barr appointed to get to the bottom of it. After 3 years, Durham managed only to fail at convicting 2 people who were said to have deceived the FBI. (A third person was convicted of falsifying info but that information came from Horowitz' investigation). And it's interesting that you are so concerned with corruption but don't mention an ex-President who pardoned criminals who could possibly have implicated him in crimes. ' So give up your posture of non-partisanship. You're not fooling anybody. At least, I hope so.
  6. You mean why didn't an 82 year old guy struggling with an armed lunatic behave rationally? Maybe you should have been his coach? Next thing you know, the compulsive conspiracy theorists will be telling us that Paul Pelosi just suffered a scratch, if that, and that the skull fracture never happened. Come to think of it, they probably already are claiming this on the sewage dumps that they get their info from.
  7. It's clear, based on past history, that Hobbs hasn't got a chance and that she might as well concede to Lake right now. MAGA!
  8. Nothing more useless than an employee whose job is critical. "Hours before a Thursday deadline that Elon Musk had given Twitter employees to decide whether to stay or leave their jobs, the social media company appeared to be in disarray. Mr. Musk and his advisers held meetings with some Twitter workers whom they deemed “critical” to stop them from leaving, four people with knowledge of the conversations said. He sent out confusing messages about the company’s remote work policy, appearing to soften his stance on not allowing people to work from home before warning their managers, according to those people and internal emails viewed by The New York Times." https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/17/technology/twitter-elon-musk-ftc.html
  9. So you were just posting another irrelevancy.
  10. So just another pointless unproveable alleged observation of yours.
  11. So now you've changed your mind and you think the UK economy is getting stronger? Or did you just want to throw something irrelevant into the mix?
  12. I've read a lot of nonsense here, but nothing that tops "Wokes are neither workers or owners." If they get a salary, they're workers.
  13. In othe words, for evidence you have your opinion, your pals' opinion, and your general prejudices. But nothing that would support an actual objective investigation.
  14. The alleged conflict of interest was investigated. Giuliani forwarded his findings to the Justice Dept. And not even the Justice Dept under William Barr could find anything there.
  15. This coming from someone who complains about the imbalance of power between workers and owners. And you you support someone who imposes abusive work conditions. Your true colors are showing.
  16. I don't understand it. It's not like Musk didn't offer his employees any extra pay to work 20/7 or provide those working on site with free food while they virtually live there...oh wait a minute...it's exactly like that.
  17. Also, which party wants to cut back on Social Security and Medicare?
  18. Well, the electorate in the USA has just shown us what they think of the right's conspiratorial predilections and accusations.
  19. He should have had you there as his coach. Maybe because he was terrified of turning his back on an armed lunatic?
  20. You conspiracy theorists have an enormous appetite for disappointments.
  21. Was the point of the story that Depape was wearing underpants? That was the big takeaway from it for obvious reasons. It sparked a whole foul outpouring from the loony right about Depape being a gay prostitute and Pelosi being his customer. Not that any members of this forum would have subscribed to such nonsense.
  22. In support of that, corporate profits as a percentage of the economy have been steadily rising over the last few decades. This is probably due to their increasing monopolistic power. Antitrust enforcement needs to be made a lot stronger. Under the previous administration in the USA, antitrust actions dropped by 2/3.
  23. I believe that the NBC reporter said that Depape was wearing underpants. Shorts are not the same thing as underpants.
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