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  1. Actually, a dead dog lost to Biden. It just doesn't know it's dead yet.
  2. Five key takeaways from the 2022 midterm elections Trump had a bad night Trump's endorsement was considered essential for Republican contenders in GOP Senate and House primaries across the country. However, in Tuesday's midterms, many of the candidates handpicked by the former president lost their races. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/five-key-takeaways-2022-midterm-elections
  3. What promises would those be? Remember his trillion dollar infrastructure bill? In the software industry they call that vaporware. How about his promise of a better and cheaper alternative to Obamacare? He actually claimed in an interview that it would be ready to go in a few days? Have you spotted it anywhere?. When he ran, he said he thought taxes on the wealthy were too high. Instead he reduced taxes on them. And especially on himself given the huge tax break given to the real estate industry in his bill. He promised to support authorizing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. He reversed himself on that one in the interval between the election and the inauguration.
  4. Thank you for your reasoned analysis clearly based on not following the link to actually learn something. Had you done so, you would have found that it's actually quite significant.
  5. Many will suspect fraud no matter what the outcome. Actually, many will be convinced of fraud whatever the outcome.
  6. Really? You don't think it's possible that the Republicans would have done much worse if not for that ruling? And of course, Trump, the swamp-drainer appointed justices who will continue to support that ruling.
  7. Actually, I knew that his comment about race was trolling but I wanted to see him hang himself. The funny thing is that he's the one who brought up the issue of race. I only designated prospective workers geographically.
  8. It doesn't matter to me. But I assumed that since you specified EU doctors, it might matter to you. So I was careful to make clear the distinction. Actually, that it doesn't matter to you makes your point about health care workers not being incentivized to move to the UK even weaker. They are coming to the UK and they're coming in droves. And they're hurting the health care systems in their own country by leaving. It's obvious they doing it for the money and not to see the changing of the guard. The discrepancy between what they can earn in the UK and what they earn in their home countries is huge. Here's an article from jun 8, 2022. Is that recent enough for you? NHS hiring more doctors from outside UK and EEA than inside for first time Jeremy Hunt questions ‘morally dubious’ recruitment as thousands hired from poorer countries The NHS is hiring more doctors from outside the UK and the European Economic Area than from within for the first time, setting off a moral argument over the health service’s growing mentality of “poaching” from the developing world. Unpublished figures from the General Medical Council (GMC) show that 7,377 (37%) of the 19,977 doctors who started work in the NHS in 2021 had a British qualification. A total of 10,009 new medics learned medicine outside the UK and the EEA – so-called international medical graduates (IMGs) – compared with 9,968 within. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/jun/08/nhs-hiring-more-doctors-from-outside-uk-and-eea-than-inside-for-first-time
  9. What he doesn't have is LLC's which is the British term for Inc. The Trump Organization is a group of about 500 business entities of which Donald Trump is the sole or principal owner [5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trump_Organization. Whatever they may be, the revenues mastly accrue to Trump and not numerous imaginary shareholders who get the lion's share of profits:
  10. That is correct. And the absolute maximum of shareholders allowed is 100. There is no minimum.
  11. Anyway, the point is with such huge wage differentials, why wouldn't poorly paid doctors emigrate? They do. Now the UK is depending more on doctors and other healthcare workers from Africa and Asia.
  12. Technically, subchapter S corporations, which is what Trump mostly uses, do have shareholders. But they're very limited in number.
  13. First off, there are 3 links. From 2014, 2017, and 2018. Here's another more recent one Another reason for the shortage is that medical professionals choose to migrate from poorer countries within the European Union to wealthier ones, in search of better wages. For example, a young doctor in Finland, which has a shortage of doctors, can make €2,000 to €3,000 per month, which is four to five times what that doctor could make in Estonia. The result is that poorer countries are experiencing greater shortages. Richer countries still face shortages because the rise in the number of doctors cannot match the rate at which the continent is aging. https://www.eubusinessnews.com/the-european-healthcare-sector-is-rich-in-job-opportunities/ And another: Romanian doctors on the move: The loss of a strategic resource in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic This working paper investigates the migration of Romanian doctors, a worrisome phenomenon, especially due to its long-term effects for the health sector. It draws attention to the fact that, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors became a strategic resource for which countries currently compete. The research highlights the main evolutions regarding the doctors' migration from Romania, analysing the period before the accession to European Union (EU) and the post-2007 situation. Equally important for this research are the following categories: native Romanian health specialists, doctors trained in Romanian universities (both the ones that decide to continue working for Romanian hospitals and the ones that leave after their studies/training period). https://www.econstor.eu/handle/10419/251189 And another: The shortage of doctors and young specialists is becoming a national problem for Bulgaria In the beginning of 2020, many Bulgarian hospitals, even the largest ones, faced a severe shortage of doctors amid the coronavirus pandemic. Many specialists went to Western Europe, where there was also a severe shortage of experienced staff. It is mostly young doctors who leave Bulgaria, continue their education and specialization abroad and stay there. The average age of doctors in Bulgaria is quite high and most experts are employed at hospitals in large Bulgarian cities such as Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna and Pleven. https://bnr.bg/en/post/101669305/the-shortage-of-doctors-and-young-specialist-is-becoming-a-national-problem-for-bulgaria
  14. Well, you demonstrated in your previous frantic outburst that you don't really have even a basic grasp of facts just like the former President you clearly support. Like saying that Trump wouldn't benefit much from his dealings with the government because most of the money would flow to the shareholders in his company. Or claiming that voter fraud was a problem that deserves to be addressed and is being obstructed by Democrats even though in states where all the levers of government were controlled by Republicans, no evidence of significant voter fraud was found. The thing is, those of us who take the trouble to acquaint ourselves with the facts can judge a politician's statements by how well they comport with reality. And we can judge each statement on its worth. And what's more important, we can judge if the laws they propose are based on sound premises or not. But if you're not acquainted with the facts, then I guess the way to try and sound knowledgeable is to say they're all liars and conmen and you don't trust any of them. And of course, if you support one in particular, whose statement only bear an arbitrary relationship to reality, and who supports laws built on lies, then it's in your interest to make it seem as though politicians are all fundamentally the same. And to further obfuscate by posting empty generalizations because such generalizations don't require you to actually have any acquaintance with the facts.
  15. Actually, the Constitution does allow Congress to set the rules for House and Senate elections: "The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in Decembunless they shall by Law appoint a different Day. https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/articles/article-i/clauses/750,
  16. There actually has been talk of using them to transport cargo. But helium is in short supply now.
  17. I think it's obvious why: The EU exodus: When doctors and nurses follow the money More doctors and nurses move from one country to another than any other highly regulated profession in the EU, and the flows often go from East to West, from poorer EU countries to richer ones. A POLITICO analysis of European Commission data found the exodus of health care professionals is especially pronounced from Eastern and Southern Europe. In effect, these countries are training doctors for their richer neighbors. https://www.politico.eu/article/doctors-nurses-migration-health-care-crisis-workers-follow-the-money-european-commission-data/ Health care on the brink in Romania, Bulgaria Boryana Dzhambazova Bulgaria | Claudia Ciobanu Romania 07/02/2018July 2, 2018 Thousands of doctors and nurses have left the two Balkan countries to find better jobs abroad, deepening the crisis in their already dysfunctional health systems. Boryana Dzhambazova and Claudia Ciobanu report. https://www.dw.com/en/medical-exodus-leaves-romania-bulgaria-in-pain/a-44487178 Romania’s Medical Exodus The brain drain of Romanian doctors going to richer EU countries is dramatic: over the past two years 30 per cent of resident doctors have left Romania, reducing the overall number of physicians from 20,000 in 2011 to 14,000 last year, according to official data. Since it joined the 28-member bloc five years ago about 14,000 doctors have quit Romania. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2014/01/romania-s-medical-exodus-almost-a-third-of-the-country-s-doctors-have-emigrated.html
  18. Thanks for sharing with us another round of the car salesman's spiel. Remember that this is the guy who's been predicting the demise of Tesla for years. This time, the subject is even further removed from whatever his expertise consists of. Here are some links for those of us who are sufficiently literate not to need to waste time watching videos. Which are also difficult to fact check. But I think that's part of their appeal to certain parties. https://environment.yale.edu/news/article/yse-study-finds-electric-vehicles-provide-lower-carbon-emissions-through-additional https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/electric-vehicle-myths https://afdc.energy.gov/vehicles/electric_emissions.html
  19. As pointed out, in most cases their oppononets were just as much a threat to democracy maybe even more because they were more careful with their words but just as bad in their positions. There are virtually no moderates left in the Republican party except on a bell curve basis.
  20. Well, whether they're morons are not, the differences between them and their opponents in the primary are mostly cosmetic. In actuality, the Republican party has become a party of extremists. For years they invoked conspiracy theories to debunk human caused climate change. Lots still do. And look at the situation with Covid. The higher the support for Trump, the higher the death rate. A party that no longer has much use for science or expertise.
  21. Somebody just paid good money for 20 of these. Tell that to them. And as pointed out earlier, there's a lot of promise in flow battery technology.
  22. I don't think Trump reshaped the Supreme Court. Rather, he extended right wing dominance. And the majority of Americans clearly don't think it was a good thing. But I guess if you support corporations at the expense of American workers, it might look good to you. And then there is the Dobbs decision. And actually, the stomping of Isis was well underway before Trump took office and he really didn't follow through on that. And how does he killing of terrorists differ from what went on during the Obama administration?
  23. You think Trump was responsible for the good economy, low inflation and low gas prices? You got some evidence for that? Prison sentencing reform was a good thing although severely reduced in usefulness because sentencing reform was eliminated because Republicans were overwhelmingly opposed. Middle East peace was an ambigous blessing since Trump had the US withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Agreement and further penalized those who would continue to do business with Iran. Among other things, it means that Iran is now supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
  24. Why do any of these reason negate Brexit's contribution? Is there some Rule that allows for only 4 factors?
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