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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Can you list some of the sensible legislation that Republicans have proposed? I see that Rick Scott proposed cutting back on Medicare and social security. In fact he said they should be subject to scrutiny for renewal every 5 years. Just one of many proposals by Republicans to cut back on entitlements.
  2. And he is every right to slash pay too. What's your point? This isn't about legality.
  3. What makes your comment so ludicrous is that for months the National Archives attempted to retrieve the documents without inviting the assistance of the justice department. All Trump had to do was return the documents and that would have been the end of it.
  4. “buying twitter for $44 billion to make it worthless in the span of 2 weeks is the closest elon musk will get to donating money” https://news.yahoo.com/thousands-people-tweeting-exact-same-235200090.html
  5. In his speech Trump lied about the Afghanistan Withdrawal, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, Tariffs on China, Sea Level Rise, Presidential Records, Gasoline Prices, Deportations, Finishing the Border Wall, etc... https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/15/politics/fact-check-trump-announcement-speech-2024
  6. Where do you come up with this B.S.? The signing of just three enormous bills—the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, the roughly $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure law, and this summer’s climate-and-health spending bill—made Biden’s first two years among the most productive of any president in the past half century. ..The politically named Inflation Reduction Act is actually the largest climate bill in U.S. history and allows Medicare to negotiate the prices of certain prescription drugs for the first time. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2022/11/biden-2022-midterms-policy-record-approval/671941/
  7. Are you suffering under the delusion that Russia is anything but a dictatorship?
  8. Let's see if this is the start of a trend. China is beginning to gradually relax the rules but not fast enough. This kind of blind foolishness is what happens when a megalomaniac takes charge of a country.
  9. It would take an exceptionally ungifted or extremely young investor to lose half their savings in less than 2 years.
  10. And the reason it was fired is because a Russian missile was fired at unoccupied Ukraine. So Putin doesn't just have a general responsibility for the war, he's responsible for that Russian missile being fired.
  11. Whether Woodward is obsessed or not, you haven't answered whether you think he's lying. Keep in mind that he has released all the tapes of his interviews with Trump.
  12. It did them plenty of good. Workers continue to be screwed by the Supreme Court and corporate interests promoted. You ever hear of the phrase "follow the money"?
  13. Really? Are you 23 years old and just began investing a year ago? Or have you invested in cryptocurrency? Here's how the S&P 500 has done over the last 40 years. Anyway, your achievement is kind of amazing. You definitely have a gift of sorts.
  14. What rgraham and Denim are not used to is a President who can be forthright and honest and not perpetuate empty rumors. What Biden did is actually very creditable. He didn't falsely ascribe this incident to the Russians. He forthrightly squelched rumors and speculation to the contrary. There's a lesson in this for Putin and his mini-me, Donald Trump. Not one that they're capable of absorbing, though.
  15. For that matter, what part of that article offered by vandeventer contradicts the claim that greenhouse gas emissions are declining for the past 4 quarters? Irrelevant much?
  16. It's a pity they don't make glasses for people who see things that aren't there.
  17. Here's one that I'd like to see Trump apologists explain away. The apologists who believe that Trump was draining the swamp: Trump frees former aides from ethics pledge, lobbying ban President Donald Trump, in one of his final acts of office, released current and former members of his administration from the terms of their ethics pledge, which included a five-year ban on lobbying their former agencies. The ethics pledge was outlined in one of Trump's first executive orders, signed on Jan. 28, 2017, as part of his campaign pledge to "drain the swamp." It required Trump's political appointees to agree to the lobbying ban, as well as pledge not to undertake work that would require them to register as a "foreign agent" after leaving government. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-frees-former-aides-from-ethics-pledge-lobbying-ban
  18. But as Ozimoron explained, he did not say that Biden blindly followed advice. He said it's Trump who's the outlier. The responsible leaders listen to expert advisers. Since when does "listen" mean "blindly obey". You've got nothing.
  19. This is truly bizarre. In a thread about Trump, you claim someone is engaging in deflection by writing about Trump. It is to laugh.
  20. Trump has never had any loyalty to anyone but himself. How much of a lowlife do you have to be to charge top dollar to the secret service to stay at your resorts. For that matter, how much of a lowlife do you have to be not to put your assets in a blind trust when you're President? It's required of all Cabinet officers. Something tells me you weren't exactly indignant about that.
  21. Let's be clear about Afghanistan. It was the Trump administrated that chose to negotiat with the Taliban for a US withdrawal from Afghanistan. The deadline for withdrawal Trump negotiated was May 2021. Trump reduced the number of U.S. troops there by 40%. And as was noted, he wanted to get them all out before Biden's inauguration.
  22. Like Trump, you seem to have a problem understanding what people say, or in this case write. Ozimoron said Biden listens to expert advice. He didn't say he invariably follows it. Unlike Trump who may wind up in prison because he disregarded expert advice.
  23. The United States is doing nothing about it? https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/carbon-co2-emissions Fentanyl is coming from China? You gotta keep up better. How Two Mexican Drug Cartels Came to Dominate America’s Fentanyl Supply The Sinaloa and Jalisco organizations are a dominant source of the synthetic opioid, a leading cause of the U.S.’s record overdoses https://www.wsj.com/articles/mexico-drug-cartels-fentanyl-overdose-sinaloa-jalisco-11661866903
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