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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Another case of both-sideism. Republicans have built their campaign on the huge lie that the 2020 elections were fraudulent. A substantial percentage of them subscribe to QAnon beliefs. And remember Birtherism?
  2. And how does that contradict the false belief that if a unit of currency has declined in value, that is proof that the economy has declined? Which is what some posters apparently believe. Moreover it's not nearly so simple as the volume of currency affects prices. In 2010 QE was instituted in the US and it was widely predicted by those on the right to cause inflation. Had no effect at all on inflation.
  3. Well it's good to know that you have access to the medical records of all the supreme Court justices and know how their health will fare in the next several years. Me, I'm not so sure. And I don't think that it's remote possibility that if a republican gets elected president one or more right wing justices would retire just to ensure continue dominance. But maybe you know better.
  4. I would say that when a product is this closely scrutinized and the issue is a contagious disease that put huge stress on the health system, people should stop being so selfish and irrational.
  5. Good call. I think his supporters mostly got what they deserved even if Trump's endorsements didn't exactly "rain [sic} triumphant"
  6. You might want to come up with another name for the 2002 election. How about the "small beer"?
  7. Well, I was using it to debunk Eleutheros claims about how beloved Big Pharma is. In fact, come to think of it, the phrase Big Pharma was not coined as a way to create a favorable impression of pharmaceutical companies.
  8. And it's going to continue to hurt them as long as the Supreme Court is dominated by extreme right wing justices.
  9. I don't know about the UK but in the USA the rapaciousness of Big Pharma is a definite political issue. The Republicans do whatever they can to protect its profits. It was quite a fight for the Democrats to be able to give Medicare the right to negotiate prices even for just some medications.
  10. Why am I not surprised that it's all about vaccines with you?
  11. What planet do you come from where Big Pharma is regarded as a noble benefactor?
  12. Economists have identifed what is a fundamental rule of economics. They call it "gravity". Basically, it says the closer one country is to another, the more likely they are to trade with each other. Given that China is the world's 2nd biggest or biggest economy, and its proximity to China, there isn't much that Biden can do in that regard. Better to count on Xi who seems to be doing his best to damage the Chinese economy and alienate SE Asian nations through grandiose claims that the South China Sea is effectively a Chinese lake.
  13. That's demonstrably false since the population of Germany at the beginning of 2015 was 80.98 million and at the end of 2021 was 83.13 million
  14. But it wasn't an issue until they overturned Roe. And the thing is, the conservatives on the Supreme Court had largely managed to gut Roe even before Dobbs. But they just couldn't resist going all the way. I wonder if Alito is still gloating.
  15. Abortion figured very strongly also. Thank you Justice Alito for your gratuitous nastiness. That was the cherry on top.
  16. And the reason for the Republican party's great performance then was war fever. I remember that most of the fox on screen talent started wearing American Flag pins on their lapels.
  17. Wrong. They don't go to a social media site to be told how to vote. They go there to get misinformation and then vote wrongly based on that. Just because you get your misinformation elsewhere, that doesn't give you call to criticize where others get theirs.
  18. Always dangerous to assume your priorities are the same as those of the electorate.
  19. Iirrelevant to the discussion of economic feasibility. I have noticed that the underlying theme of lots of your posts is "I've got mine, Jack."
  20. I think Musk had to personally pledge Tesla shares as collateral. So no corporate bankruptcy will protect him.
  21. Before you claim you know why, you have to know if "many germans" whatever that means, are leaving Germany. Presumably it means an increasing number. Do you know that for a fact? Or is it just a convenient hook for you to hang your biases on?
  22. Glad to see you endorse ranked choice voting. Most of your fellow travelers don't like it since it tends to exclude extremist candidates. As for this case, do you think that election officials can just improvise election law?
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