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  1. So, your german friend is going to have some kind of facts and figures? This issue you raised isn't about the German standard of living but about increased emigration.
  2. A real currency, when used in the country that issues it, doesn't fluctuate in purchasing power like crypto does wherever it is used. So for Americans, the purchasing power of a dollar spent in the United States is not utterly dependent on its exchange value. Same goes for the Euro, the Yuan, the Yen, etc.. But wherever cryptocurrency is used its purchasing power is calibrated by its value in a genuine currency. The only time a genuine currency can technically be said to have its value calibrated by a cryptocurrency is when it's used to purchase that currency. And that's a very minor case that has nothing to do with the economic lives just about everyone on planet earth.
  3. Define "so many". And how does current emigration compare to past emigration?
  4. Believe it or not, the following is actually not a parody: Trump Laments Lack of 'Congratulations or Praise' After Dismal GOP Midterms Former President Donald Trump is disappointed that he is not receiving enough "congratulations or praise" for his "great success" following an underwhelming performance by Republicans in this year's midterms. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-laments-lack-congratulations-praise-after-dismal-gop-midterms-1759067
  5. Do you understand that this is the Tories you're talking about? In fact, they tried not to release the report because of its support of solar and wind.
  6. Another Musk fanboy. If he's up to anything, he's up to his neck in s**t and still sinking,
  7. What's that got to do with it? Believe it or not, power companies are the way most people get their electricity. That UK government analysis showed that it made economic sense to build solar power plants.
  8. But for most people and businesses, the fact remains that currency is not an asset that depends only or largely on how it's performing on the forex exchanges. Whereas crypto's purchasing power depends entirely on its price relative to genuine currencies.
  9. And yet when given a referendum opportunity, voters in Republican states consistently endorse Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, oppose abortion restrictions, and support increases in the minimum wage.
  10. Actually, another stupid candidate endorsed by Donald Trump. And enough GOP voters were swayed by the endorsement of Donald Trump, another stupid candidate choice. . But then, what can be expected of people who believe overwhelmingly that the 2020 elections were stolen and that Donald Trump is the rightful President.
  11. But the question is do they produce enough energy to be economically sensible in the UK. The UK govt study gave that an affirmative.
  12. Let's not get too carried away. Those medals awarded to DeSantis had nothing to do with combat.
  13. I was just pointing out some of the reasons that Japan is a great country to live in. And since the topic of this thread is "US Midterm Elections what happened to economy under biden" do you really think crying deflection makes much sense?
  14. I got surprising news for you. Solar cells still generate power on cloudy days.
  15. Just because it's a third, that doesn't mean it doesn't make economic sense. The cost of solar cells has plummeted by 90% in the last ten years. And even a reluctant conservative government report admitted that solar made sense for the UK.
  16. And the government heavily subsidizes many consumer goods including gasoline. So it doesn't bow down to the shibboleths of free-market doctrines. And it has an absolutely huge national debt to GDP ration of 262% and is doing just fine.
  17. You and your friend are both living in the past. Solar cells are far more efficent than they used to be Electricity generated from wind and solar is 30-50% cheaper than previously thought, according to newly published UK government figures. The new estimates of the “levelised cost” of electricity, published this week by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), show that renewables are much cheaper than expected in the previous iteration of the report, published in 2016. The previously published version had, in turn, already trimmed the cost of wind and solar by up to 30%. As a result, electricity from onshore wind or solar could be supplied in 2025 at half the cost of gas-fired power, the new estimates suggest. The new report is the government’s first public admission of the dramatic reductions in renewable costs in recent years. It had previously carried out internal updates to its cost estimates, in both 2018 and 2019, but these were never published despite repeated questions in parliament. https://www.carbonbrief.org/wind-and-solar-are-30-50-cheaper-than-thought-admits-uk-government/
  18. On economic issues and health issues, most voters are far more in agreement with progressive positions than with conservative ones.
  19. But over the mid to long term what counts is the purchasing power of the British consumer. So while a resident of the UK even if each pound is worth less in dollars, what matters is how mamy of those pounds they hold or earn. The pound is worth about a third of what it was worth 100 years ago relative to the dollar. Does that mean the the average resident of the UK is poorer than they were then?
  20. Generally what I see from debunkers like yourself is someone living 10 years in the past. The cost of solar and wind energy has plummeted. Even before the recent spike in prices of fossil fuels, back in the day when coal and gas prices were depressed, solar and wind had made coal uneconomical and was doing the same to gas peaker plants. In fact, the Levelized Cost of Energy is cheaper for a new solar plant than it is to run an existing coal powered plant. And now cheap storage methods are coming online which means further reductions in the cost of solar and wind. Offshore wind power is actually lessening the rise in utility bills in the UK.
  21. First of all it's a plan formulated by the government. Did it succeed? And 5000 foreign drivers is not much. And did you read this from that report: "On top of the visa scheme, the government has also announced more funding for training and sent a desperate-looking letter pleading for ex-HGV drivers to return to their former profession."
  22. Lots of people believe that currencies are analogous to stock shares. So if the value of the currency, like the pound, declines vis a vis a major currency like the dollar, that means that UK citizens are worse off. But that's not the case. It depends on how many of those pounds a citizen earns and/or holds and what can be purchased with them.
  23. Over and over again I see debunkers of wind and solar confuse fuels with infrastructure. Unlike fossil fuels, the fuels for wind and solar power are free forever and it's not magic. The infrastructure is another issue.
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