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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Apparently you believe proverbs are an adequate substitute for actual evidence.
  2. Supporters of a border wall and increased numbers of border agents seem to believe that this will make any material difference to the drug problem in the USA. That's obviously nuts. In fact, one of the big problems faced by the border patrol is the corruption of agents. They have to be vetted extensively before being accepted.
  3. Fuel costs are a major airline expense. And the unpredictability of fossil fuel pricing is a huge problem. It's far cheaper to fuel an electric powered plane than a fossil fuel powered one. https://www.forbes.com/sites/gabrielleigh/2019/12/12/electric-airplanes-are-here-will-we-soon-say-goodbye-to-jet-fuel/?sh=df963bb6869e And keep in mind that this article was written before the drastic spike in fossil fuel prices.
  4. It looks like you're conceding that the MAGA message was essentially a con.
  5. HIs tax cuts, which especially favored himself, were truly a testimony to his success. As a cursory look at the trendlines show, there was no difference in economic growth between what was happening before he took office. He did manage to vitiate environmental protections. His first act in that area was to undermine rules that affected golf courses. So inspirational!
  6. Utterly irrelevant to the point that the person who Lake defeated, and who the Democrats undermined, was fundamentally no different from her when it came to actual issues.
  7. You want an explanation? How about this? Education spending changes put a major brake on levelling up The cuts to education spending over the last decade are effectively without precedent in post-war UK history, including a 9% real-terms fall in school spending per pupil and a 14% fall in spending per student in colleges... The present government has ambitious goals to level up poorer areas of the country, emphasizing a big role for technical education. However, changes to the distribution of education spending have been working in the opposite direction. https://ifs.org.uk/news/education-spending-changes-put-major-brake-levelling
  8. Not only that...he doesn't claim that British soldiers overran an airport during the Revolutionary War...oh wait...he did.
  9. The article was noticeably lacking in analyzing these supposedly more moderate Republicans actual political positions. I see you have nothing to say about the Arizona race in this regard.
  10. I know of some people who would disagree with you: Op-Ed: Even the Founders hated the electoral college https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2020-11-22/electoral-college-popular-vote-founders-james-madison-great-compromise That would include James Madison who is known as the Father of the Constitution.
  11. Some folks who are taking their cue from the ex-President. Well, at least I believe he's the ex-President. Them, not so much. https://twitter.com/tribelaw/status/1591890660940185600?cxt=HBwWgIDQ6eaHxJcsAAAA&cn=ZmxleGlibGVfcmVjcw%3D%3D&refsrc=email
  12. Nonsense. As I have already pointed out, there was very little substantive difference between the Republican candidates the Democrats pushed and their opponents. It was mostly about optics. And, in fact, those who appeared to be more reasonable because of their affect, are actually more dangerous.
  13. Yes. The nerve of the EU only leaving the UK with tariff free trade after it chose to leave the EU. Just shocking!
  14. Here's a 10 year chart of British unemployment. Brexit didn't change the trendline. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/unemployment-rate#:~:text=Unemployment Rate in the United,percent in December of 1973.
  15. I just hope that the Republican House goes ahead with impeachment of Biden. If the elections showed anything, it's that Biden derangement syndrome is not a winning strategy for Republicans.
  16. Actually, as anyone who actually knows anything about economics will tell you, that's actually a very low number.
  17. Here, by the way, is the average of Ronald Reagan's poll numbers in the first 4 years of his administration when the economy was in a deep recession. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/?cid=rrpromo
  18. I don't think that the results were an endorsement of Biden. I trust the polls that say, whether fairly or not, that he's underwater. That's virtually always the case for a President when there are problems with the economy. Which makes the Republican failure even worse.
  19. Really? Where were you when Trump called for a redo of the elections in violation of the Constitution? Taking a very long siesta?
  20. You still trying that one on about Biden? Someone in an audience asked him if he thought Trump was an illegitimate President. Biden replied yes. But first of all, Biden didn't raise the issue. Second, it was never defined what was meant by "illegitimate". It could mean that Trump was behaving in ways that were illegitimate. Like twisting the arm of President Zelensky to announce an investigation of Biden. And of course, this was basically a one off. Frequency counts. And I don't think there's an integer high enough to tally all the times Trump and company have claimed that the elections were fraudulent. And no one has to ask Trump to comment, either. He's his own trigger.
  21. But clarity does or should help. And if you don't accept the existence of a major source of the problem, then you're living in denial. Not a good approach to rectifying the situation.
  22. Okay. But, if anything, having Liz Cheney on your side, would be, for me, a reason to doubt its correctness. For what its worth, I think she misjudged the strength of MAGA and if she had to do it all over again, would have done very differently. But that's just speculation.
  23. Liz Cheney is still an unapologetic backer of the Iraq War. And just about every other nasty right wing political plank. No need to shed tears over her electoral fate or to rejoice in her opposition to the Trump wing of the party. She is hardly a model of probity.
  24. But the point was that leaving the EU would allow the UK to make a deal with the USA. Of course, even if a deal had been concluded, it would have made virtually no difference to the UK's economy. The conservative government evaluated the effect of such a deal, and concluded that it would have added a tiny fraction of a percentage point to UK GDP.
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