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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Again with the predictions as some kind of argument. The hallmark of intellectual emptiness.
  2. It's so weird that there is so much unambiguous hard physical evidence, actual government documents that can be touched and held . that show Trump violated the law are derided, but a series of emails unbacked by any hard evidence, and a witness who claims were discounted by a media source owned by Rupert Murdoch, are overwhelmingly convincing for some.
  3. The lie being that he didn't move the documents. Maybe to you it seems likely that those documents would be removed from the storage area without Trump's express orders.
  4. The reason it's been 20 months or so is that NARA bent over backwards trying not to make a criminal case out of it. It was only when it learned that there were highly sensitive documents among Trump's trove that the DOJ was asked to investigate. And unless you're denying that these were govt documents, there already is prima facie evidence of a crime. And if you don't believe me, consult the decision of the panel of the 11th Court of Appeals which noted that Trump's arguments about the status of the documents in contention was a red herring since there is no way that the sensitive documents in question - whether or not he had declassified them - could in any way be considered personal. You know someone has got nothing when they start invoking predictions to bolster their arguments. You've got nothing.
  5. As I pointed out, your article is strangely focussed on California. and you are still strangely focussed on California. Why not take your inquiries a step further and find out what other states Lake Mead might be supplying water to?
  6. Well, I think it's fair to judge him by the clueless company he keeps.
  7. If you're talking porn, courts have carved out exceptions for that. What harmful things are you referring to?
  8. It certainly sounds credible given that there is video footage of the boxes containing the documens and the witness subsequently acknowledged that he had handled the documents after denying that at first.
  9. I got that information from the original article on which the report is based. That said, I did misconstrue it. The report doesn't say that the witness changed his testimony because of the videos. But the videos do confirm that items were removed from the storage area after the DOJ after Trump received a subpoena from the DOJ. "A Trump employee has told federal agents about moving boxes of documents at Mar-a-Lago at the specific direction of the former president, according to people familiar with the investigation, who say the witness account — combined with security-camera footage — offers key evidence of Donald Trump’s behavior as investigators sought the return of classified material. The witness description and footage described to The Washington Post offer the most direct account to date of Trump’s actions and instructions leading up to the FBI’s Aug. 8 search of the Florida residence and private club, in which agents were looking for evidence of potential crimes including obstruction, destruction of government records or mishandling classified information." https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/10/12/maralago-witness-trump-boxes-moved/
  10. The witness did not say the boxes were moved to Mar a Lago. The boxes were in Mar a Lago. The location was shifted from the storage area to Trump's quarters. Material marked classified was found in Trump's residence. Now, if that material didn't come from those boxes, that would mean that it comes from other sources that haven't been located yet. Which jibes with reports that it's believed by the govt that Trump is still holding onto documents that don't belong to him. And as I pointed out, and you pointedly ignore, the witness changed their story after being confronted with video evidence. Calling something lame and laughable doesn't make it so.
  11. Your comment is strangely focussed on southern California. FYI, Southern California is not in for a drought. It's in the middle of one. But actually the drought is far worse in the Southwest where Lake Mead is actually located. It's being called a Megadrought. Worse than any drought for the last 1000+ years. And as for electricity, you'll be saddened to learn that Lake Mead also supplies Arizona, Nevada, and parts of Mexico with electricity. Sp, perhaps a lack of electricity there as well.
  12. They have already found what's in the boxes. Government property. Including highly sensitive documents. Try to keep up. The witness changed his story after he was made acquainted with videos of the storage area. You're really going to contest the evidentiary value of videos showing the act in progress?
  13. 'Most of us know"? Really? Since when did you become the authority on the beliefs of most people in regard to this? It's a blatantly anti-Semitic comment written by someone who has lots of admirers on the political right.
  14. That's good to know. Then I guess you have no problem with public schools using texts that acknowledge the existence of gay people and offering books in their libraries written by them. That said you qualified your comment by excepting comments that promote violence. What does "when I wake up I’m going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE" sound like to you?
  15. The majority of the people in Donbas are ethnic Russians. They are not Russian nationals. It doesn't mean that just because they are ethnic Russians that they want their portion of Ukraine to become part of Russia. Of course, it is open to ethnic Russians to move to Russia should they so choose. They already have citizenship there. I doubt there would be many takers.
  16. So unfair to poor Kanye. It's not like he said anything blatantly anti-Semitic: Kanye West Locked Out Of Twitter After Post About Going 'Death Con 3 On Jewish People' “I’m a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I’m going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE,” West wrote on Saturday night. “The funny thing is I actually can’t be Anti Semitic because black people are actually Jew also You guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone whoever opposes your agenda.” https://sports.yahoo.com/kanye-west-tweet-going-death-162716427.html But at least those flag-waving Republicans who so vociferously support Israel had the courage to tell him off: REPUBLICANS CURIOUSLY SILENT ON KANYE WEST’S PLANS TO GO “DEATH CON 3 ON JEWISH PEOPLE” https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/10/kanye-west-jewish-people-death-con-3
  17. Trump has claimed falsely that the area where he stored the documents was approved of by the govt. Not true. It was rather the least bad place to store them. Now it turns out he purposely had the documents moved from that place to his living quarters. Seems like a slam dunk for obstruction of justice as well as theft of govt documents.
  18. The DOJ under the previous administration investigated Hunter Biden for almost 3 years. Almost 2 of those years were under William Barr, perhaps the most highly politically partisan attorney general ever in modern times Yet the DOJ found nothing to tie Joe Biden to his son.
  19. Avoid being convicted for tax evasion, not for possessing a weapon.
  20. Curses on the USMCA, that toothless replacement for NAFTA, and whoever was responsible for it.
  21. As that expert pointed out, in criminal tax cases, it has to be proved that someone knew they were violating the law. It's actually a pretty tough bar to clear. And as that article pointed out, that may be why they're not going after Hunter Biden on the weapon charge. Of course, it could be that those lefties at the NY Post are purposely misreporting the facts.
  22. You mean if the borders aren't protected the US will stop winning the drug war? Oh no! As for undocumented aliens, if the US was serious about keeping them out, all it would have to do is enact laws that severely punish people who employ them. But too many industries depend on them. So maybe the system is working as it should. Make it difficult enough to keep out the less fit, but relaxed enough to let potential workers in.
  23. Enough with the trolling already. My explanation is perfectly clear.
  24. Are you seriously asserting that undocumened workers began with the Biden administration? Previous administrations have mostly avoided doing anything serious about the situation. Florida has decided that violations are so serious that a business owner can be fined up to $500. You know how many violations have been issued? None.
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