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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. I'm puzzled by its decline against the dollar, too, That said, if a big worldwide recession is coming, then a commodities exporter like Australia can expect to suffer. But that possible future doesn't explain what's happened in the past. Still, over the past 5 years it's up against the euro, the pound, and the yen. But down against the yuan.
  2. Well, your comment is certainly no less relevant than iamfalang's.
  3. It's not enough to declare articles of faith. Provide some actual evidence that Labour has treated the NHS the way that the Tories have. Given the the NHS is one of the sources of electoral strength for Labour, your assertion makes no sense. But maybe it's enough to make it the basis of a minor religion.
  4. And what does any of this hero-worship have to do with the ongoing financial disaster that is Truth Social?
  5. "Remember 150,000,000 in America ALONE might have voted for him, with other fans worldwide." This is an amazing number when you consider that the total vote in the 2020 election was about 155.5 million. Does that mean that Biden only got about 5.5 million votes? This speaks to an astonishing level of election fraud not even posited by Trump. Well, at least not yet.
  6. Well, I guess if you believe that the NHS would be in the same dire straits under Labour as it is under the Tories you have a point. But that seems very unlikely.
  7. Your comment leaves you with none. But let me put it to you as a statement. The UK was not the only nation to experience economic distress from covid. To assist you in the understanding the point of this statement, here's a question: why is its performance since Brexitworse than that of other economically developed Nations?
  8. Because it was only the UK that experienced economic distress due to covid?
  9. No matter how hard you try, you're not going to succeed in making this mess about Labour. Give it up already.
  10. Quite right. The original premise of this investigation was to expose the FBI conspiracy to get Trump. Instead, Durham is now portraying the FBI as dupes. That approach failed in the case of Sussman who was acquitted.
  11. I don't understand. The judge's comments are about 3 years old.
  12. Invoking recent events isn't necessary. Back then the judge castigated Barr for his dishonesty.
  13. Clearly you're not aware that this reflects Barr's misrepresentation of the report for which he was castigated by the judge in the case for misrepresenting the facts. Federal judge slams AG Barr over Mueller report, vows to review unredacted version A federal judge has vowed to review an unredacted version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation in order to determine if those redactions, ordered by Attorney General William Barr, were warranted and followed federal guidelines. U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton, who is presiding over a lawsuit brought forth by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) -- a nonprofit in Washington, D.C., focused on privacy and First Amendment issues -- in conjunction with BuzzFeed News, said that an independent review of the full, unredacted report is necessary because he has "grave concerns about the objectivity" of Barr's Justice Department in authorizing redactions in line with department rules and exemptions allowed under the Freedom of Information Act Walton -- who was appointed to the bench by former President George W. Bush and was a former FISA court judge -- said in his ruling Thursday that Barr's "lack of candor" is evidenced by his decision to release a summary of the Mueller report effectively exonerating Trump from potential charges of obstruction without the report being made available to the public so they could draw their own conclusions. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/federal-judge-slams-ag-barr-over-mueller-report-vows-to-review-unredacted-version Federal Judge Slams Barr Over Mueller Report https://www.npr.org/2020/03/06/812989321/federal-judge-slams-barr-over-mueller-report Judge slams Barr, orders review of Mueller report deletions https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/05/judge-slams-bill-barr-122449
  14. No, it's not a total mess and trying to paint it so is just a way of evading the fact that Trump did nothing about the rioters breaking into the Capitol even as he was watching it unfold. What's more he lied and claimed he wasn't watching it because he was in meetings. Why is that a total mess? It's perfectly clear.
  15. Here are the links you requested. Living in a metaphorical cage much? You really don't know about the conclusion of Horowitz' report? Or the fact that Barr and Durham openly disagreed with it? FBI wiretap of Trump campaign aide was riddled with errors, but Russia probe was legally justified, IG report finds The voluminous report, released Monday by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, identified 17 separate inaccuracies across three surveillance applications, effectively inflating the justification for monitoring former foreign policy adviser Carter Page starting in the fall of 2016. Horowitz, however, concluded the FBI was legally justified in launching its inquiry into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. There was no "documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced the FBI’s decision to conduct these operations," the report said. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/12/09/ig-report-review-fbis-fisa-warrant-russia-probe-released/1499906001/ The article goes on to relay that the report goes on to say that the decision to open the investigation had nothing to do with the Steele report. Durham rejects ‘some conclusions’ of Horowitz report Washington – Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham on Monday said he disagreed with some of the conclusions of a Justice Department inspector general who determined the FBI had an “authorized purpose” and did not act out of political bias when it initiated its investigation into Trump campaign ties with Russia. Durham, who has been tasked by U.S. Attorney General William Barr to conduct his own investigation, is now the president’s best hope of proving the FBI and former special counsel Robert Mueller conducted “witch hunts” when they probed Russian meddling into the 2016 election.'' Durham said that, based on the evidence his team has “collected to date, and while our investigation is ongoing,” he told Horowitz last month “that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened.” https://ctmirror.org/2019/12/09/durham-rejects-some-conclusions-of-horowitz-report/ Horowitz pushes back at Barr over basis for Trump-Russia probe The Justice Department inspector general testified: “We stand by our finding.” https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/11/horowitz-barr-trump-russia-probe-082448
  16. Well, they already did it once under Reagan. And if they're not going to do it, why keep going on about it?
  17. What does that have to do with Trump sitting on his hands as he raptly watched the events unfold on TV? Why would he have requested before the event that the National Guard be send to avert violence but when it actually broke out do nothing? Miller's explanation makes sense. I haven't even seen you offer an alternative one to reconcile these 2 facts. And there's this: Trump first falsely claimed that Pelosi rejected an offer of 10,000 National Guard troops nearly a year ago — and has repeated that in speeches. Trump did not make a request for National Guard troops to secure the Capitol that day, according to Pentagon spokesman John Kirby. “We have no record of such an order being given,” he told The Washington Post’s Fact Checker. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-lies-again-nancy-pelosi-031403003.html
  18. Isn't it true that Trump actually criticized McCarthyi for opposing the appointment of alternatives to those 2 congressmen? Trump criticizes McCarthy for pulling Republicans from Jan. 6 panel “I think in retrospect (McCarthy should’ve put Republicans on) to just have a voice,” the former president continued. “The Republicans don’t have a voice. They don’t even have anything to say.” https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/politics/2022/06/22/trump-criticizes-kevin-mccarthy-for-pulling-republicans-from-jan--6-panel "Such tremendous lies and innuendo took place yesterday at the Unselect Committee on January 6th," Trump said Wednesday on his social media platform, Truth Social. "You will never get the truth when you have biased and hateful witnesses who are allowed to go on and on without even the slightest cross examination. Republicans should be allowed representation!!!" https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/trump-fumes-republicans-ignore-jan-6-panel-rcna34843
  19. What you don't note is that Trump wanted the National Guard there to protect the demonstrators. Trump asked for troops to do 'whatever was necessary' to protect demonstrators who went on to storm the Capitol President Donald Trump asked for National Guard troops to be deployed to protect his supporters at the rally on January 6 that culminated in hundreds of those supporters violently storming the Capitol, his former acting defense secretary told lawmakers on Wednesday. Christopher Miller told the House Oversight and Reform Committee on Wednesday that he held a meeting with Trump on January 3, three days before the violent siege in Washington, DC, which resulted in at least five fatalities. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-wanted-troops-to-protect-supporters-at-capitol-says-miller-2021-5 And the truth of Miller's statement is obvious: when it turned out that it was not the demonstrators but rather Congress that was being threatened, Trump sat on his hands and did nothing. Not only that, he actually lied that he wasn't watching the event live as it unfolded on TV but rather was in meetings despite the testimony of multiple eyewitnesses.
  20. And Durham's probe was created to question Horowitz's conclusion. It came up empty.
  21. I think I have a great greeting card idea suggested by your post. Congratulating people for ceasing to behave badly. Like one for husbands who stop beating their wives.
  22. First off, it was Barr and Durham who disagreed with Horowitz about the motivation of the FBI in conducting this case. Durham quite explicitly disagreed with Horowitz finding after he had been apppointed. Which was unprecedented? So what has Durham come up with? That a few people misled the FBI. The opposite of what Barr had hoped to prove in appointing Durham. And one of the defendants has already been acquitted and it doesn't look good for the case against the other. And Peter Strzok was on the special team that was investigating Trump during the campagin leading up to the election. Yet, somehow, news of the investigation never leaked to the media. Got a plausible explanation for that? Because it's really difficult to leak info in D.C.?
  23. Well, it's certainly the case that the one person we know who had been trying hardest to stop Elon Musk from buying "the digital town square" is Elon Musk himself. Despite the fact that the case against his reneging is very strong. It's still not clear whether or not he will go through with it.
  24. It's Pelosi who has the rage problem based on one incident? We have multiple reports from eyewitnesses about the ragings of Trump. And lots of torn-up documents subsequently taped together also support their contentions.
  25. You would think from the way Nancy Pelosi reacted that Trump's incitement was putting her life and the life of others in danger. Fortunately, he proved her wrong by his prompt call for the National Guard to intervene. Also, to be fair, he claims he was at meetings the whole time this was going on and didn't know what was happening in the vicinity of the Capitol. And why should we distrust his claim even though there are multiple eyewitnesses that he was glued to the TV reporting on the situation? Nancy Pelosi was being so unfair!
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