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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Well, to follow your logic, if the goal is to stop Trump from running again, the stronger the case is, the better the chance at success. The more careful and complete the DoJ is in building its case, the more likely they are to be able to convict. So why hurriy?
  2. Which reminds me of the Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times."
  3. So, in your professional judgement, the DoJ simply ought to have pressed charges before carefully going through the almost 12,000 documents that were recovered? And they should disregard dept. policy which stipulates no prosecutions with political ramifiaction within 50 days of an election? What don't you understand about the fact that very conservative judges ruled that Trump has no claim on documents marked classified?
  4. As I recall, you're a supporter of Bernie who also celebrated theTrump's nomination of Supreme Court justices who are very anti labor and very pro corporattion. Give it up already.
  5. "The Republican Study Committee, the largest group of House Republicans, released a budget plan in June that called on lawmakers to gradually raise the Medicare age of eligibility to 67 and the Social Security eligibility to 70 before indexing both to life expectancy. It backed withholding payments to those who retired early and had earnings over a certain limit. And it endorsed the consideration of options to reduce payroll taxes that fund Social Security and redirect them to private alternatives. It also urged lawmakers to “phase-in an increase in means testing” for Medicare." https://www.businessinsider.com/mitt-romney-retirement-benefits-for-younger-americans-2022-3 And keep in mind that the Republicans tried this before in 2011. And in 2005 George Bush decided he had political capital and tried to use it to privatize Social Security The same people who consistently vote to slash govt revenue then raise alarms about deficits. It reminds me of the old joke about a son who murders his parents and then throws himiself upon the mercy of the court because he's an orphan.
  6. As I posted earlier Bobulinski made allegations about the Bidens that he claims were supported by data in 3 mobile phones. Reporters from Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal were given access to those phones. They found nothing that tied Joe Biden to any of Bobulinski's allegations. As for banks flagging transactions, by itself that means very little. It's not uncommon where large amounts of cash are transferred. Banks do this to protect themselves from charges of abetting money laundering.
  7. But the UK that Scotland voted to remain in was a member of the EU. If UK membership in the EU had been a major issue at the time that would have been a different. But it wasn't. A huge change like Brexit entitles the Scots to another vote.
  8. Scotland voted to stay in a UK that was a member of the EU. I don't think Scots signed on for this. They certainly didn't support Brexit at the polls..
  9. It takes very little digging to expose your comments for the BS that they are: Rick Scott Can’t Even Get Fox News to Buy His Bu1lsh*t REPUBLICAN SEN. RICK Scott couldn’t convince Fox News host John Roberts to buy his ridiculous 11 point “Plan to Rescue America,” which includes proposals to force all Americans to pay income tax, sunset all federal legislation within five years, and complete the border wall between the U.S. and Mexico to name it after former President Donald Trump... Roberts continued, “So, that would raise taxes on half of Americans and potentially sunset programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Why would you propose something like that in an election year?” https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/rick-scott-fox-news-taxes-medicare-social-security-1328178/ Sen. Mitt Romney suggests he'd back cutting retirement benefits for younger Americans Romney suggested he would favor cutting retirement benefits for younger Americans to address the debt. He warned the US could find itself in "a heap of trouble" if it didn't take action. Calls to cut Medicare and Social Security benefits haven't faded entirely among Republicans. https://www.businessinsider.com/mitt-romney-retirement-benefits-for-younger-americans-2022-3 Ron Johnson calls for annual approval of Social Security, Medicare funding Republican US Senator says mandatory funding of benefits drives up federal deficit https://www.wpr.org/ron-johnson-calls-annual-approval-social-security-medicare-funding
  10. Unsurprisingly, with you this is an article of faith. Amazing how it coincides with your personal convictions.
  11. If the Democrats are smart, they'll campaign on this Republican plan.
  12. These passages are based on a lie. As the Inspector General of the Justice Dept confirmed, the investigation was not initiated or based on the Steele Dossier. As for the investigation being based on Trump hating human sources, that is again a falsehood. As for offering Steele 1 million dollars, Steele explicitly noted that in his his report that it contained unconfirmed rumors and chatter. And finally, on the matter of whether Trump collaborated with the Russians, Mueller in his report listed 10 possible counts of obstruction of justice violations including witness tampering in the case of Manafort, a massive tax dodger whom Trump pardoned after giving out hints that he would do just that. There has never been a President who pardoned so many persons who might have been potential witnesses against him. The power of the pardon was granted to Presidents in order for them to undo injustices, not to create them. And it looks like Durham's case against Danchenko isn't going well at all as LosLobo's post with links shows.. Keep in mind that when Barr launched the Durham investigation, after a previous one went nowhere, he and Durham were both insinuating that the Justice Dept had maliciously investigated Trump. So far one very low level line lawyer was convicted on a minor charge based on evidence brought by IG Horowitz. Durham's first prosecution failed big time. So far, it doesn't like good for the current one either. And it's just weird that you think a House and/or Senate committee are going to find out things that Durham couldn't.
  13. And 2 of the 3 judges on the panel are very conservative appointees of Trump.
  14. Truly bizarre use of scare quotes. The panel from the 11 circuit court has already ruled that there is no way the classified documents -- even if they have already been declassified -- could count as Trump's personal property. So that is prime facie evidence of a crime since he had government documents illegally in his possession.
  15. Actually, the Russian Federation's membership was terminated in April in response to the invasion of Ukraine.
  16. Not even Clarence Thomas could find a way to support such empty legal maneuvering.
  17. Sure, the boxes that were locked up in a storage area at the insistence of NARA could have contained anything. It was likely these were Secret Santa boxes and the National Archives just wanted these surprises to be protected until Xmas! What a bunch of party animals they are.
  18. Nno one was supposed to touch those boxes. So maybe this guy just moves boxes around for fun and on his own inititiative removed them from the storage area. That might even sound likely to some. At least to the kind of person who thinks it's rational to assume that he probably moves boxes every day.
  19. You mean as BritManToo put it. I was just following his wise lead. You and he do seem to share a belief that a wall is the crucial component in keeping illegal drugs out of America,
  20. And the situation would change very little if they didn't. So what's the point? Is that the crucial fraction that America's continuing victory against drug smuggling depends on?
  21. Logically speaking, they oughtn't to be anti-Semitic. Since when has logic figured into the thinking of America's extreme right? Doug Mastriano, a Christian nationalist Republican candidate for governor of Pennsylvania criticized his Jewish opponent for sending his kids to a"privileged, elite school" that revealed "his disdain for people like us". The school just happens to be a Yeshiva. And Mastriano actually supports states giving parents money to pay for private schools. Marjorie Taylor-Green accused space lasers funded by the Rothschilds of starting forest fires. There's plenty more.. As for the left being anti-Israel, first off being critical, even sharply critical of Israel, in itself is not being anti-semitic. Israel is not Judiasm. Judiasm is not Israel. Of course, if critics of Isreal use ancient slurs about Jews to support their criticism, that's a different matter..
  22. I went to my account setting to see if it was something I could fix but I found nothing, Has spellcheck been disabled?
  23. Oh, no. The United States has been under invasion for about 100 years now. Wow, a Hundred Years War taking place right under the noses of Americans. And those invaders are destroying America by building houses, preparing food, milking cows and harvesting vegetables. America is doomed!
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