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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Biden is so terrified of what the DOJ might come up with that he fired the Trump appointed United States Attorney for the District of Delaware. Just kidding. Weiss is still at his post. As for the leak and message saying so much. That's in the same way a Rorschach test says so much...about the person interpreting it. Not so much about reality.
  2. The word you're looking for is not "denial" but "refutation". And it's good you can laugh about it.
  3. And what does that have to do with the fact that British mining communities suffered severe and lasting damage from the closing of the mines? If Scargill was doing the job gratis would that have made any difference to these people's lives? The stuff you cite, whether it's the occasional miner who putatively did well after the closure, or the greed of union officials, are just red herrings.
  4. Wasn't aware that I used quotation marks or that I called anyone a liar. And as for a straw man, I pointed out that there is plenty of evidence that the closing of the mines was a brutal blow for the miners and I couldn't find any that said otherwise. Doubtless there are a few cases of miners who thrived afterwards, but a significant number? And this is a general discussion about the effects of public policy. Representing what may be a few cases of success as significant is, to say the least, misleading.
  5. Sure.Just more of the same from you. Emotional claims of first hand experiene with name-calling to back it up. Ex mining communities are mostly thriving? You really want to go with that?
  6. I don't see anything particularly convincing in this article about their current alliance, if it can be called that, that has anything more to it than a coincidence of interests re fossil fuels. Neither country has much much to offer the other economically They are both nations whose economies depend to a large extent on extractive industries. I doubt Saudi Arabia is going to have much interest in Russian arms exports and Saudi industry (is there such a thing?) has even less to offer the Russians.
  7. 'The salient thing about comments like yours is that they unsupported by any confirmable evidence. On the other hand, there's this: Former mining communities 'still scarred by past' https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-50069336 An English village, 30 years after its mine closed https://www.marketplace.org/2014/04/08/english-village-30-years-after-its-mine-closed/ Former coal mining communities have less faith in politics than other 'left behind' areas https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/former-coal-mining-communities-have-less-faith-in-politics-than-other-left-behind-areas Yorkshire’s mining towns have been forgotten for too long - Peter McNestry https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/opinion/columnists/yorkshires-mining-towns-have-been-forgotten-too-long-peter-mcnestry-2451193
  8. Why would the Saudis care about Russia, which has been propping up the Alawite govt of Syria, an ally of Iran. I think it's more about this. This is from an article published in April this year. Saudi Arabia targets a more Republican Washington Rather than push for an immediate improvement of strained relations with the United States, Saudi Arabia appears to be looking forward to a time when US President Joe Biden’s wings may be clipped. The kingdom seems to be betting on a better reception in Washington if Democrats lose control of Congress in this year’s midterm elections and/or Donald J. Trump or a Republican candidate with similar inclinations wins the White House in the 2024 presidential election. The Saudi approach signals that the kingdom has not given up on the United States, although it has lost faith in Mr. Biden because of his attitude towards Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and his efforts to revive a nuclear accord with Iran. https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2022/04/23/saudi-arabia-targets-a-more-republican-washington/ The article goes on to report on how the Crown Prince order the Saudi Private Investment Fund to invest 2 billion dollars in a fund headed by a former high official in the previous adminstration despite a strong warning from people who administer PIF that the fund was unit for many reason.
  9. 4% of the requirement of what? Actually in 2020 wind power provided 24% of total electric power. What's more, the time of year that wind power provides the most power is in winter.
  10. Well, if you wanted to show us how little unfounded your remarks are about renewable energy, you couldn't have chose a better way than to cite Texas. The people who run that grid did an investigation. As they pointed out, the nuclear power supply failed because of a frozen pump.,the gas supplies failed because the pipelines were insufficiently insulated, and the wind turbines failed because they were insufficiently hardened. North of Texas, in Oklahoma, where the weather was even colder, wind turbines did fine because the rules there are stricter. Texas had its massive failure because the energy industry was treated very indulgently by the regulators. https://energy.utexas.edu/sites/default/files/UTAustin (2021) EventsFebruary2021TexasBlackout 20210714.pdf
  11. Maybe they could do a remake of that old movie. This time call it The Dirty Thirty Thousand
  12. More bad news for Russian troops: New Types Of Ammunition Make Ukraine’s HIMARS Far Deadlier https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2022/10/05/new-types-of-ammunition-make-ukraines-himars-far-deadlier/?sh=a5a8a096dbc4
  13. I wouldn't go nearly that far. In a dictatorhip like Russia is now the leader has support as long as nothing goes seriously wrong. So most Russians went along with Putin. But since the support is tepid, when it looks like a disaster that is going to seriously affect their lives, that support will mostly evaporate. Perhaps they're at that tipping point now.
  14. Bad news for the military industrial complex: Ukraine is no longer low on artillery ammo because Russia abandoned so much in recent retreats, report says https://uk.news.yahoo.com/ukraine-no-longer-low-artillery-113036690.html
  15. I should add that there were also the souvenirs that could be shown off like the letters (or was it a letter?) from Kim. KInd of like a golf trophy. Apparently, Trump's caddies gave him the nickname of Pelé.
  16. What matters of fact do you have a problem with? That there weren't nearly 12,000 documents? There are people who know and loathe Trump well who offerwhat I think is a more believable explanation. It's about Trump's resentment at losing and being dislodged from the White House. This was his way of asserting that he's still the legitimate President and his way of trolling his successor. Keep in mind that he's basically a seething ball of resentment.
  17. If Ukrainians with governmental ties were responsible for this, it was a very bad idea. What did they hope to accomplish by making a martyr of this person, or as is more likely the case, intending to make a martyr of her father? As despicable as she was and he is, there are plenty to replace them. And it just gives propaganda ammunition to Putin and Co. Why sink to his level?
  18. Clearly some will be convinced no matter how scant the evidence is. Sound familiar?
  19. I have no doubt that whatever business dealing Hunter Biden profited from abroad, were due to the fact that Joe Biden was his father. But there is no good evidence that they got anything in return. And as my entry above pointed out, there is evidence that they didn't. And as for your assumption that "despots" were paying him, got any evidence for that?
  20. One email mentions that the equity split would include “10 held by H for the big guy ?” A former business partner of Hunter’s named Tony Bobulinski came forward to claim “the big guy” was Joe Biden. But a subsequent email from Hunter says his “Chairman” gave him “an emphatic no,” and a further email clarifies that the chairman is his dad. https://www.vox.com/22992772/hunter-biden-laptop
  21. Because some people clearly need reminding again and again.
  22. Remember that massive protest that was going to occur at Mar a Lago? I don't think that there were more reporters than protestors at the event but not a lot less either.
  23. I remember when Trump supporters were dreaming about the Supremes undoing the results of the 2020 election. Even if Thomas were to side with Trump there are 8 other justices.And as the 2 conservative justices on the 11 circuit panel made clear, not only is the imposition of a Special Master a dubious proposition, but Trump's claim that there is no way that the classified documents could ever be considered his personal property and that the issue of whether or not they were declassified is a red herring.
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