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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. More likely the US govt wants to deal with as few potential hostages as possible.
  2. Because there's no options except headlnes and 45 minute videos? You should have done what you later did which is to identify where the comments in question were located. That said, what is it with Putin supporters and videos? Is some kind of outbreak of dyslexia afflicting supporters of the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Or is that among some reading is just a lost skill?
  3. .I must have briesfly dozed off. That said, the former French ambassadaor specifically say's he's only speculating. And the other commentator actually said the the gas pipeline ruptures shows what Russian can do. I have found no other evidence anyhere to back up her vague claim about some sort of negotiations between Russia and Europe that Russia gets 20% of Ukraine in exchange for Russian natural gas. Is this all you've got? Is that what you base your assertions on?
  4. About that $200 billion giveaway for energy bills. The reason it's so large is that it's not targeted. So everyone gets the same percentage discount instead of it being targeted at the people who will suffer most. As the IMF and others have pointed out making that feel far more expensive than it needs to be and still skimping on aid to those who need it the most.
  5. The world's best negotiator? On what basis do you support that position? Certainly not Trump's business history. He repeatedly got out negotiated at the negotiating tables when he purchased various businesses and had to declare bankruptcy. If the people from The apprentice hadn't come along and offered him a position Trump would be remembered today has the guy who drove his father's real estate empire into the ground.
  6. Usually, I wouldn't want such an extended video. And I imagine you were counting on that. But because it looked legitimate, had interesting people on, and was stuck somewhere with nothing to do, I decided to watch the whole thing. There was absolutely nothing in that video concerning a proposal for Russia and Ukraine to settle on a 20% territorial concession. Nor was there anything about the sabotage of the Nord stream pipeline. However the discussion did make some very interesting points. For instance that the reason Kazakhstan is standing up to Putin is that China is backing it. And that India is backing off supporting Russia because Russia is no longer supporting the arms that India has purchased from Russia. In fact I didn't hear anything in that video that could be construed as in any way supporting Russia's version of events. You've got nothing except falsehoods.
  7. It's not about how the rich live. It's about how the shrinking middle class, working class, and poor live.
  8. *Deleted post edited out* One person who didn't get blindsided was Biden. His administration was saying for months that Russian intended to invade Ukraine.
  9. I see you just read my sentence about Clarence Thomas. There's more after that.
  10. First off, Clarence Thomas disagreed. And Judge Alito didn't say it wouldn't happen. He just said that the Dobbs decision had no relevance. It may have no legal relevance but given his views and the fact that he rejected a doctrine of long standing, and the gay marriage decision is not of long standing, it does have predictive relevance.
  11. The great economist once wrote "There's a great deal of ruin in a nation." His ironical point being that people cry ruin too easily at an unfortunate turn of events. But Truss seems determined to prove that while there may be a great deal of ruin in a nation, if a policy is bad enough, a nation can be ruined.
  12. Sunak would have been more than bad enough to assist Labour.
  13. Dobbs. Even before that the Supremes had been steadily eroding that right.
  14. There's a rumor going around that the news media also use written words.
  15. I remembe when not so long ago after Boris Johnson won his last vote of confidence that his supporters were claiming that it was an absolute victory and the subject was closed. Truss seems determined to invite a vote of confidence even earlier in her term.
  16. And apparently longer than the Bank of England Bank of England will buy UK government bonds to try to calm markets The Bank of England will buy up U.K. government bonds to try to halt a dramatic sell-off as it warned of a "material risk to UK financial stability" in the wake of the government's mini-budget. The central bank said that it would today start buying long-dated government bonds at “whatever scale is necessary” in a bid to “restore orderly market conditions.” “The Bank is monitoring developments in financial markets very closely in light of the significant repricing of UK and global financial assets,” it said in a statement. https://www.politico.eu/article/bank-of-england-will-buy-uk-government-bonds-to-try-to-calm-markets/
  17. And since then have home prices trailed the inflation rate, kept pace with the inflation rate, excerded the inflation rate moderately, or exceeded the inflation rate in a big way?
  18. What implication was there the a "far away" country was responsible? Can you share with us where that implication is located?mplications? And please share with us the source of your claim that "there was a possible deal for gas supply to resume in exchange for Ukraine giving up 20% of its territory." But if you can't, and I doubt strongly you can, then stop spreading falsehoods. There used to be someone posting on this thread who repeatedly claimed that he "heard" various reports that somehow he could never link to. I think he has a successor.
  19. Actually, the last thing the US govt. would want is Europeans to lose access to another important source of gas like the Baltic pipeline.. That would raise the price of gas worldwide and be politically disastrous for the current administration in the U.S. And of course, be big boost for Putin.
  20. This is the country that was stupid enough to wage war against Ukraine. So, compared to that, a veiled threat to the Baltic pipeline is minor league stuff. Can you please share with us the source of your information that "Many European leaders have come to realise that they have been duped by the US into fighting this proxy war but are impotent to do anything about it." Because if you can't, then what your offering is pure B.S.
  21. Sure Zaporizhzhia: Russian official tells UN nuclear inspectors rocket ‘did 180’ flip Russian official has claimed to UN inspectors that a rocket near to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant did a complete 180 degree flip - which is why it appeared to have come from Russian-occupied territory, it has been reported. The official, who was accompanying UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors on a visit to Europe’s biggest nuclear plant, was filmed being questioned on why the rocket appeared to have come from Russian-occupied territory. He claimed that the missile was fired from the Ukrainian side only to perform a turn in the air before landing to appear to have come from the direction of Russian forces. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/zaporizhzhia-nuclear-plant-ukraine-un-international-atomic-energy-agency-b1022842.html
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