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  1. Actually, Ghana's economy seems to be doing quite well. At least as far as GDP per capita is concerned https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/GHA/ghana/gdp-per-capita#:~:text=Ghana gdp per capita for,a 8.99% increase from 2017.
  2. Tell that to women who come down with cervical cancer, a disease caused by herpes viruses. Syphilis can have very mild symptoms at first that are easy to overlook. In the long run, the consequences of an infection are disastrous. As the article points out, congenitial syphilis can cause blindness, deafness, or even death. Then there's AIDs. Treatable now, but not yet curable.
  3. She starts out be saying "Valuations are incredibly subjective as we know" Well, How what does claiming an apartment is 30,000 square feet when in fact it's only 11,000 square feet have to do with subjectivity? What does claiming a property's can be divided and developed when in fact it's prohibited due to a conservation easement have to due with subjectivity? What does including dues as a source of income at his westchester golf course when, in fact, dues aren't charged, have to do with subjectivity?
  4. This is false, Trump's outreach to North Korea had utterly failed by the time he left office. The Illusion of Peace and the Failure of U.S.-North Korea Summitry On June 12, North Korea’s Foreign Minister Ri Son-gwon issued a highly unusual commemorative statement to mark the second anniversary of the first-ever meeting of U.S. President Donald J. Trump and North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un. The statement laid bare North Korea’s disappointments, rejected Trump’s declarations of success in his diplomacy with North Korea, and predicted an enduring confrontation backed by North Korea’s nuclear development as the main pillar of deterrence against U.S. hostility. The statement reiterated months of North Korean expressions of frustration and underscored the fragility of the U.S.-North Korea relationship and the risks that a renewed escalation of tensions could bring. https://www.cfr.org/blog/illusion-peace-and-failure-us-north-korea-summitry-0 North Korea blows up joint liaison office with South in Kaesong Published 16 June 2020 North Korea has blown up a joint liaison office with the South near the North's border town of Kaesong. The move comes just hours after the North renewed threats of military action at the Korean border. The site was opened in 2018 to help the Koreas - officially in a state of war - to communicate. It had been empty since January due to Covid-19 restrictions. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-53060620
  5. This article provides an excellent summary of all the ways that Judge Cannon and Donald Trump got slapped down by the 11 circuit court panel Judge Cannon’s Latest Mar-a-Lago Ruling Just Got Benchslapped In its ruling yesterday overturning Judge Aileen Cannon’s injunction—with regard to the approximately 100 documents bearing classified markings seized from former President Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago residence—the 11th Circuit did not merely overrule Judge Cannon, it went out of its way to detail the many ways in which Judge Cannon had fundamentally misstated the law. In my more than 25 years of practice as a criminal and civil litigator (including three years as an assistant U.S. Attorney), I do not believe that I have read an appellate decision that was more dismissive of the lower court. The 11th Circuit sent a clear message to Judge Cannon and Trump: stop doing this. Let's take them one by one. https://news.yahoo.com/judge-cannon-latest-mar-lago-190314026.html
  6. You're confusing the political processes of impeachment and removal from office with the legal system. It's only after Trump left the Presidency that the latter could be engaged.
  7. And anyway, your original point was an excellent one. Who cares if that kind of sub can literally sitting on the bottom or not?
  8. It looks like Trump is being schooled that words have consequences: Special master asks Trump team to back up claim FBI planted evidence The special master assigned to review the documents taken during the August search of Mar-a-Lago is asking former President Trump to back up his claim that the FBI planted evidence on his Florida property. Judge Raymond Dearie, the special master selected after being out forth by Trump, told his attorneys they would need to submit a sworn declaration that details “a list of any specific items set forth in the [FBI’s] detailed property inventory that plaintiff asserts were not seized from the premises.”... Trump asserted as recently as Wednesday evening during an interview with Fox News’s Sean Hannity that the FBI may have planted evidence during the search. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/3656739-special-master-asks-trump-team-to-back-up-claim-fbi-planted-evidence/
  9. Well even if Trump did telepathically declassify those documents, it's irrelevant. But don't take my word for it. Here's what the judges from the 11th circuit said: "In any event, at least for these purposes, the declassification argument is a red herring because declassifying an official document would not change its content or render it personal," the judges wrote. "So even if we assumed that Plaintiff did declassify some or all of the documents, that would not explain why he has a personal interest in them." https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/appeals-court-grants-dojs-request-partial-stay-judges/story?id=90296433
  10. Trump hater Bill Barr??? Really? This is the guy who lied about the Mueller report for Trump. Tried to quash investigations that could hurt Trump. Promoted investigations of those he he perceived to be opponents of Trump. And all because he didn't want to make himself ridiculous by supporting Trump's insane allegations that he actually won the election?
  11. The first step is to control the border? Why is that the first step? Can it even be done? It's like saying to solve the drug problem the first step is to keep drugs from coming in.. Instead of investing money in treatment or even decriminalization. You offer no good reason to start that the US shouldn't start with severe economic penalties imposed on owners instead. Far better to work on the demand side if the goal is truly to reduce the number of undocumented aliens. These people mostly come to work. If employers were severely penalized, then a way to accommodate the needed immigrants would be found.
  12. Actually, when people are admitted through the standard immigration process they also bring with them all sorts of crime. The identity theft issue is actually the opposite of tax evasion since many undocumented immigrants actually pay social security/medicare taxes with no hopes of refund. In California, at least, undocumented workers can get driver's licenses. As for tax evasion, that's as much a crime of employers isn't it? In fact, as has been been pointed out repeatedly, if the government truly wanted to solve this problem, all it would have to do is create severe penalties for hiring workers. Threaten employers with some serious jail time. In Texas 8.5% of the workforce is reckoned to be undocumented aliens. In home construction it's estimated to be 25%. Maybe Governor Abbot could start there. But of course that won't happen because the present state of things suits powerful economic interests. When the right wing in America starts pushing hard for this, get back to me. In fact, like the anti-marijuana lows, immigration laws are bad laws that drastically need reform. Which is why there are bad outcomes. As for the crime stats, In The study I cited it was clearly stated that Texas was chsen precisely because it does track immigrant status in its database. It doesn't hurt that it's the second most populous state and has the highest rate of employment of undocumented immigrants.
  13. It's a total of $112.2 million for the 7 drones. About $15.8 million each.
  14. It may be hard for you to believe that people who commit a misdemeanor are willing to respect laws but they in fact do. They are far less likely to commit serious crimes than U.S. citizens. Comparing crime rates between undocumented immigrants, legal immigrants, and native-born US citizens in Texas We make use of uniquely comprehensive arrest data from the Texas Department of Public Safety to compare the criminality of undocumented immigrants to legal immigrants and native-born US citizens between 2012 and 2018. We find that undocumented immigrants have substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, US-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2014704117 What organizations like FAIR do is lump the misdemeanor of crossing the border with felonies to come up with their alarming figures.
  15. According to this article, Thailand bought 1 drone for 4 billion baht. Clearly that can't be the case.
  16. You're expecting sincerity from someone who declared that the "Special Military Operation" was undertaken to rid Ukraine of the Nazis ruling the country?
  17. This scathing decision by the judicial panel guarantees that the judge whose decision they reversed will be forever known as Eileen "Loose" Cannon
  18. Well, what would you call the U.S, Fed raising interest rates if not free market interference. The US was having no trouble selling Treasury notes at lower rates to finance its deficit but raised the rates to fight inflation. So it's not really just about free markets, is it?
  19. How content are you feeling now? "The appeals court included an extensive takedown of the logic US District Judge Aileen Cannon put forward for ordering the special master review and for denying the DOJ's request that the classified documents be exempted from it. The panel dissected the rationale Cannon had presented to justify her intervention, saying she had put forward an "untenable" approach for letting an intelligence community assessment of the documents continue while the criminal probe into them was on pause. The government had "sufficiently explained how and why its national security review is inextricably intertwined with its criminal investigation" -- a claim that Cannon had dismissed." https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/21/politics/appeals-court-mar-a-lago-criminal-classified-documents/index.html 2 of the 3 judges on the panel were appointed by Trump.
  20. Well, I'd like to think I wouldn't do it but it's understandable why when you've got nothing you resort to an empty insult instead. To repeat: you've got nothing.
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