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  1. i can see from your comments that you are watching the usual neofascist websites that support Putin. What makes you think Russia didn't try to occupy the whole south? What makes you think that they didn't fail in that endeavor? Negotiations that depend on Putin keeping his word are clearly suspect Whether or not the vote is condemned by the world, it's clear that having elections in disputed territory during wartime is obviously invalid.
  2. Why are you even doubting that Russians will annex these regions? That's the point of the fake elections.
  3. As usual, you're cherry picking. This is from fivethirtyeight.com which consolidates all the polls https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/generic-ballot/ Interestingly enough, this year the polls have been underpredicting for the Democrats. They've done better at actual elections than in polling. Probably a big part of that is the Supreme Court overturning Roe.. Women are registering to vote and voting at an elevated rate. And the antics of Trump probably aren't helping either by nullifying any boost he may get from partisans angered over Mar a Lago. You think endorsing QAnon is going to help Republicans? It's just going to remind voters of how extreme and deranged the Republicans have become. And thanks to Trump's endorsements, Republican voters have chosen some very weak candidates for Senate. Because of Republican gerrymandering, even if Democrats get more popular votes in total, Republicans still have an edge. Statisiticians estimate that Democrats would have to get about 3% more votes for the House to break even. Of course, gerrymandering doesn't help in Senate elections. Considering the state of the world economy, what's really amazing is how weak the polling for Republicans is
  4. Bill Barr a "Trump hater'? This is the guy who lied for Trump about the contents of the Mueller report. For which he was severely reproached by a judge. This is the guy who pressured Federal Prosecutors to leave Trump's friends and associates alone and to go after his opponents. And just because he couldn't go along with Trump's lunacy about fake elections, he's an enemy? Your gratitude, like Trump's, seems to be based on: "What has he done for us in the last 5 minutes?".
  5. I do have a quibble about the title of this thread: "Fears grow Trump's Truth Social is headed for bankruptcy as bills pile up: report" I'm not afraid at all. in fact, I'm rather looking forward to it. I do wonder why Trump's supporters haven't flocked to the site. I suppose because they can't troll each other. Which is why Twitter is so enticing to them.
  6. i see that you've been watching videos containing more right wing nonsense. U.S. Selling Oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to the Highest Bidding Companies "However, because the price of gasoline depends largely on the cost of crude oil, which is mostly based on global supply and demand, experts told us that oil sold from the reserve does not need to stay in the U.S. to bring down gasoline prices. “Whether it stays in the United States or goes somewhere else is less important than does it succeed in changing the global balance of supply and demand, because that’s what drives the price,” Mark Finley, a fellow in energy and global oil at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, told us in an interview. And since Congress lifted a nearly 40-year ban on most U.S. crude oil exports in 2015, the Department of Energy, which maintains the stockpile, cannot dictate whether companies can export oil purchased from the petroleum reserve, the department said in an email." https://www.factcheck.org/2022/07/u-s-selling-oil-from-the-strategic-petroleum-reserve-to-the-highest-bidding-companies/?gclid=CjwKCAjw-L-ZBhB4EiwA76YzOUa7d1DB-uLLZdtwICrb90hUp6fPpvONWW2TPDsrSfEKxmDf9_-PCRoCQwUQAvD_BwE By law, the government is obliged to sell the oil to the highest bidder. And the reserve is also specifically authorized to be released when there are disruptions to supply. You know, you can look this stuff up.
  7. Still evading the question of how likely it was for the electorate to understand the full consequences of Brexit but the government not.
  8. Thanks for not addressing the issue of why you characterized him as a traitor but rather indulging in an all-purpose rant.
  9. I didn't watch the whole thing but Idisagree with his contention that because there will be a million more Russians to face, that will necessarily entail higher ukrainian casualties. There's going to be a million more Russian soldiers with very low morale and very little training. It seems more likely that they will depress morale even further and when they come under fire I think they'll run for it or surrender. It takes a lot of training to pound at least some of the fear out of a recruit and replace it with knowledge.
  10. Rumor is that Biden is such a traitor that he leaves highly classified documents in places that are easily accessible to foreign agents. Lock him up!
  11. From the article: "While the rate for women is lower than it is for men, officials noted that it’s has been rising more dramatically — up about 50% last year. That ties to another problem — the rise in congenital syphilis, in which infected moms pass the disease on to their babies, potentially leading to death of the child or health problems like deafness and blindness. Annual congenital syphilis cases numbered only about 300 a decade ago; they surged to nearly 2,700 last year. Of last year’s tally, 211 were stillbirths or infant deaths, Mena said."
  12. This is obviously disingenuous. The main cause of cervical cancer is a viral infection that is an STD.
  13. Well, it's still early days. It does seem he violated the Florida law.
  14. What you don't seem to understand is that this example is exactly opposite to the current case. Instead of giving a lesser percentage break to the wealthiest party, the Tories have given the biggest percentage break to the wealthiest. The lowest earning actually get a lesser percentage reduction than do the wealthiest.
  15. Here are a few more surprising details.. The state law that Desantis used to transport this asylum seekers specifies that those to be transported are unauthorized. But these people aren't unauthorized. They are in the USA legally now. What's even worse is the airline company that's reaping in the big bucks (contract is worth $12 million) is a major donor to super Pacs supporting Republican candidates in Florida. What's more, Desantis refuses to release the contract for public inspection. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/09/23/trumps-special-master-pick-turns-into-headache/
  16. It was his deep defects of character that did him in. As his former classics teacher noted: "Boris really has adopted a disgracefully cavalier attitude to his classical studies. [He] sometimes seems affronted when criticised for what amounts to a gross failure of responsibility (and surprised at the same time that he was not appointed Captain of the school for the next half). "I think he honestly believes that it is churlish of us not to regard him as an exception, one who should be free of the network of obligation that binds everyone else." https://www.thenational.scot/news/19858214.boris-johnson-school-letter-eton-teacher-despairs-pms-effortless-superiority/
  17. So there's no such thing as tertiary syphilis? Believe it or not, the bacteria aren't nearly as fragile as you might think. In the absence of treatment they don't die off. The external symptoms vanish and the bacteria attack, among other things, the nervous system. And people, particularly women, often don't even realize that they have it.
  18. I'm still wondering how did the left make him go? All those leftists in the Tory Cabinet?
  19. You think this person's post is authoritative? What I most enjoyed about it was the utter lack of reference to any scientific research. Maybe at one point the odds of contracting syphilis were so low as that it would take on average having sex with 10000 to come down with it.I believe the information on this webpage dates from 2013. As the article on which this thread is based points out, the rate has since risen dramatically)But that figure depends on the percentage of people infected with it. And it's on the rise. And of course the transmission rate is going to differ by the percentage infected among different cohorts. But even on a general basis, as the prevalence rises, so do the odds of contracting the disease. And because the disease can have symptoms that are easy to ignore, it can go untreated until it's too late. Still, I do agree with him about this: "Living With It: Itchy. Then 15 years later you go insane and kill yourself… (no, seriously.)"
  20. I think you should read the article in its entirety and then rethink your comments about syphilis. It's sharply on the rise and while highest among gay men and the black and native american community, it's rising fastest among women. And as I pointed out, it's easy to ignore because the symptoms are often mild. As for the odds of coming down with cervical cancer being increased by co-infection of Herpes Cervical Cancer Risk Rises If Women with HPV Also Have Herpes Infection "Women who have human papillomavirus (HPV) infection of the cervix have a greater risk of invasive cervical cancer if they also have genital herpes, according to a pooled analysis of case-control studies.1 Women with invasive cervical cancer were much more likely than women without cervical cancer to have HPV-infected cervical cells, but they were also nearly twice as likely to have antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). Among all women who had HPV-infected cervical cells, women who also had antibodies to HSV-2 had more than twice the risk of squamous cell carcinoma and more than three times the risk of adenocarcinoma or adenosquamous cell carcinoma relative to women who did not have these antibodies." https://www.guttmacher.org/journals/ipsrh/2003/06/cervical-cancer-risk-rises-if-women-hpv-also-have-herpes-infection#:~:text=Cervical Cancer Risk Rises If Women with HPV Also Have Herpes Infection,-Susan London%2C Guttmacher&text=Women who have human papillomavirus,analysis of case-control studies. And here's what you wrote about HPV "HPV is unavoidable for the sexually active, even with condoms. So it can't be prevented from an STD point of view, and therefore can't be treated as an STD. Unless, you just become celibate" It's clearly not unavoidable and should be treated as an STP preventable by vaccination and part of a pubic health program.
  21. It was very cruel of the EU to treat the UK only a bit better than it does any other nation that has no special legal ties to the EU. So unfair!
  22. Just for the record it's Alina Habba. And, as a lawyer, she's a disaster The One Trump Lawyer the Rest of Trump’s Legal Team Loathes Facing high-stakes investigations that could cripple his business empire or even mean jail time for him and close associates, former President Donald Trump and his family’s armada of lawyers are facing a threat from within. Her name is Alina Habba, and—almost out of nowhere—the relatively unknown New Jersey lawyer went from representing a college student ticked off at COVID-19 virtual learning to being one of the top attorneys defending the twice-impeached former president in some of the country’s most high-profile cases. There’s just one problem for Habba: There’s hardly anyone in the Trump legal universe who can stand her. https://www.thedailybeast.com/alina-habba-the-trump-lawyer-the-rest-of-trumps-legal-team-loathes I don't know who's more incompetent: her or that other member of Trump's team, Judge Aileen Cannon.
  23. Thanks for the corrections. But condoms do lower the odds of being infected with HPV, Though not nearly as much as for bacterially transmitted disease. Also it does seem that a woman infected with both HPV and Herpes runs a higher risk for cancer. But I don't understand why you think vaccination against HPV s doesn't qualify to be part of a public health program against HPV's. As for congenital syphilis, it's on the rise according to the article. So apparently either testing isn't foolproof, or it isn't always done. And syphilis that goes undetetected, because its symptoms can be very mild, is fully as awful as any other fatal disease.
  24. And why should we care about these operational matters? How does that detract from the main point that these submarines pose a potent threat? Your comments seem to come straight from nerdworld.
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