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  1. Another aseannow member suffering from a severe case of "both-sidesism".
  2. And in related news: Trump's former accounting firm turns over docs to Congress The House Committee on Oversight and Reform has begun receiving documents from Mazars USA, which was Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm before it severed ties. "After a yearslong legal fight, the House Oversight Committee has received a first trove of documents from the firm, which recently entered into a legal settlement agreeing to produce a range of financial documents from several years before Mr. Trump took office and during his early presidency. Mazars said in February it could no longer stand behind a decade of annual financial statements it had prepared for the Trump Organization," The New York Times reported Saturday. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trumps-former-accounting-firm-turns-over-docs-to-congress/ar-AA11WVTT?li=BBnb7Kz
  3. You know this for a fact? You know that no one who shouldn't have seen these documents did get to see them? We know that one very shady character managed to get close to Trump. Why not others?
  4. First off, it wasn't known that there were documents with serious security implications for most of the time. The document that were originally returned weren't in that class. So only NARA was involved. Apparently, it was only after some actual witnesses reported that there may have been highly classified documents present, that a more urgent effort was triggered.. The fact is that Trump violated the law, a law he signed, a law which actually increased the penalties for illicit possession of government documents. And he was treated with kid gloves for a long time He got special, favored treatment. Despite the fact that he was not cooperative with the government. And just as a further note, Mike Pence had no problem complying with the law.
  5. Well, we do know as an actual fact of a certain President who actually asked a President of another country to do him a favor and announce a criminal investigation of the opponent who ultimately defeated him in an election. I'm sure you could never defend such a person.
  6. Please share with us the evidence that it was the people on the island who wanted the migrants off and not the federal government. I'm sure you wouldn't make such a claim without evidence to back it up. I look forward to your presentation eagerly.
  7. First off, it would be a crime to take these documents whether they are classified or not. Mr. Trump apparently considered such an act so heinous that he enthusiastically supported and signed a bill that increased the penalty to a maximum of 5 years. Have you forgotten that? Have you forgotten that his lawyers acting on the advice of an unnamed party, falsely asserted to the Justice Dept that all documents marked classified had been returned? That would be another crime called obstructing justice. And how do you know that it was the government that did the leaking? As you probably don't know, Breitbart published a version of the warrant that included the names of the FBI agents who submitted the request. Which led to death threats against them. You think they got that from the government? And if Trump's purpose was to expose the establishment's corruption, what was there to stop him from releasing documents that contained proof of that? Maybe because they don't exist? Or maybe because self-sacrifice is a concept that Mr. Trump is incapable of assimilating?
  8. And there was waterboarding by the CIA. And still in lots of other countries. But the huge scale of Russian torture and murder of POWs and civilians certainly sets it apart from its European neighbors and other economically advanced nations.
  9. Well, if you portray stealing classified documents with information that is potentially helpful to foreign powers and then lying about it is "risible flimsy", then you're just bloviating. As for Hungary... Hungary: 'Critics silenced' in social media arrests as EU debates Orban's powers Opposition politicians in Hungary are alarmed by a spate of detentions for alleged scaremongering on social media about the coronavirus pandemic. They fear that voices critical of the government are being silenced and accuse Prime Minister Viktor Orban of abusing special powers granted to him in March. It comes as the EU, citing Hungary, called on Thursday for emergency government powers granted during the crisis to be eased along with lockdowns. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2020/05/14/hungary-critics-silenced-in-social-media-arrests-as-eu-debates-orban-s-powers
  10. It's a vacation destination that greatly slows down after Labor Day and pretty much closes down for the winter. You don't know that? Actually, the locals were very welcoming to the migrants. You think the migrants want to stay long term on a small island with very limited resources?
  11. Because Davos and the Great Reset are the besetting preoccupations of most Europeans and not just yours and a few fellow conspiracy theorists'?
  12. No one forced Hungary to join the EU. If it wants to be anti-democratic kleptocracy, it can withdraw from the EU just as the UK did.
  13. Things keep on lookiing worse for America's most recent ex-President: Lawyer Told Archives Last Year That Trump Had No Classified Material The National Archives has told the Justice Department that a lawyer representing former President Donald J. Trump indicated to the archives last year that boxes Mr. Trump had taken to his Mar-a-Lago home from the White House included only nonclassified material like newspaper clippings, according to a person briefed on the matter. The message was relayed to the National Archives last September by Patrick Philbin, a former top White House lawyer who was representing Mr. Trump’s post-presidency office, to the top lawyer at the archives, Gary Stern, according to two people briefed on the matter. Mr. Philbin indicated to Mr. Stern that the information was based on what Mr. Trump’s final White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, believed to be the contents in the boxes, the people said. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/16/us/politics/archives-trump-classified-clippings.html
  14. Well, it's understandable that they believe that Biden instigated this since Trump is their role model of what a president should be.
  15. This is a very silly point. Is the UK a full democracy? Is any parliamentary system a full democracy? They're parliamentary democracies as is the European Union. In Hungary, Orban has had laws passed to make meaningful opposition virtually impossible. Hungary receives more EU funding per capita than does any other member state but refused to abide by its rules.
  16. Anybody who believes that the stock market won't experience steep drops from time to time probably should invest instead in....well there really aren't many investments that aren't subject to steep drops on occasion. And of course, Biden was celebrating the Anti-Inflation Act which is about a lot more than inflation. And the anti-inflationary aspects of the law won't kick in immediately. That's up to the federal reserve. And thanks to a few DINO's anti-inflationary tax hikes on the super wealthy were scotched.
  17. What don't you understand about the fact that Trump's lawyers gave false information when they claimed after a thorough search all classified documents had been returned? The FBI search of the premises clearly showed this to be false. That alone would qualify for an obstruction of justice charge. And now they're saying they were advised of this, not that they did the search themselves. Hmmm....
  18. I've seen this same line of <deleted>. before. First off, unless your career began in Feb of 2021, you should still be way ahead of where you were just a few years ago. https://www.google.com/search?q=s%26P+average+historical&oq=s%26P+average+historical&aqs=chrome..69i57.23872j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Also, does this drop stop companies from paying dividends? It may lower dividends in many cases because lots of corporations spend large amounts of their earnings on stock buybacks. Until the Reagan administration came along, this was illegal for obvious reasons. So what you lose in dividends you might gain in stock prices. Anyway, your grounds for complaint are clearly dubious. And far more Americans are affected by the state of the job market than by the state of the stock market.
  19. I think you've been so conditioned by the reign of Biden's predecessor, that you think it normal for Presidents to intervene in the workings of law enforcement. There is absolutely no evidence that Biden specifically gave an OK for the FBI's search of Mar a Lago. There is a ton of evidence that the govt went out of its way to avoid making this a criminal case. For a year, NARA negotiated with Trump for the return of documents. It was only after their request was met with a blatant lie, that the FBI conducted the search.
  20. Payrolls increased 528,000 in July, much better than expected in a sign of strength for jobs market https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/05/jobs-report-july-2022-528000.html US Employers Add 315,000 Jobs as More Workers Join Labor Force https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-02/us-adds-315-000-jobs-as-participation-jumps-and-wages-rise https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/job-offers
  21. We know that this began with the National Archives asking Trump to return documents to the government. Documents that the law which he signed clearly forbade him from. It would have been a simple matter to return them immediately. Trump failed to fully comply with their request. It was only then, after about 1 year, that the justice department got involved at the request of NARA.
  22. Generally, psychopaths don't play well with others. So, probably not the best human material tu turn into a soldier.
  23. It's a sure sign that anyone who resorts to predicting the future as an argument has nothing relevant in the present to offer.
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