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  1. But if the goal is to get police levels back to where they were, rectifying T. May cuts is not enough. That was the point of the post and it seems absolutely clear.
  2. Actually, currently it's looking very good for Republicans to flip the House. But to date it looks like Trump is saving the day for Democrats in the Senate, much as he did in the 2020 Georgia Senate races. Lots of losers endorsed by Trump like Herschel Walker and Mehmet Oz have have won the Republican nominations. Ron Johnson in Wisconsin is another. And it looks like his the loon he has endorsed in Arizona, Kari Lake, is going to win the Republican nomination there as well.
  3. I apologize. My mistake. It was another poster who made that claim.
  4. What exactly did Trump do to stop the attacks of radical Islam in Europe? You ever hear of the logical fallacy post hoc ergo propter hoc? Which means after this therefore because of this. And has there been a resurgence of radical Islam in Europe since Trump has left office? Afghan Officials: Islamic State Fighters Finding Sanctuary in Afghanistan PENTAGON — November 18, 2017 5:45 Battered and beaten in Iraq and Syria, the Islamic State terror group is surging fighters into Afghanistan, rebuilding its presence and perhaps setting up a new base for attacks on both the West and Russia. Afghan officials tell Voice of America that Islamic State may now have as many as 3,000 foreign fighters in the country, many of them coming from Pakistan and Uzbekistan. They also fear those numbers are only likely to increase as IS fighters from Iraq and Syria leave those countries as part of an effort to regroup. https://www.voanews.com/a/afghan-officials-islamic-state-finds-sanctuary-in-afghanistan/4122270.html US Policy and the Resurgence of ISIS in Iraq and Syria October 21, 2020 ISIS attacks in Iraq and Syria have increased significantly in 2020, demonstrating both a capacity and a willingness on ISIS’s part to retake territory, populations, and resources. In the wake of COVID-19 and the drawdown of U.S. forces, security gaps have worsened, allowing ISIS to move more freely, conduct prison breaks, carry out more sophisticated attacks, and smuggle fighters across borders. https://www.mei.edu/publications/us-policy-and-resurgence-isis-iraq-and-syria
  5. My mistake. It was This is false. The Trump Administration negotiated a May 1, 2021 withdrawal. Biden extended it to Aug 31, 2021. And because Trump claimed he had a plan, that means there was one? This is the guy who claimed before his inauguration he had a great health insurance plan that was almost ready to be released. This is the guy who cut the number of American troops in Afghanistan almost in half in the last few months of his adminstration. Why would anyone believe his claims about anything?
  6. Yes he was warned. Does that mean it would have been a good idea to delay the withdrawal again? And can you share with us any more details, well, actually any details, about how Trump saved Europe from Islamist terrorists?
  7. The Pew article I cited was about Mexicans, not all undocumented aliens. The percentage of undocumented aliens in the US who were Mexican declined to less than half. Unless the Immigration service was focusing on extraditing only Mexicans, which seems unlikely, than some other factor has to be invoked.
  8. So you think the Tories are being blamed unfairly by the UK public for the current economic problems?
  9. A quick withdrawal? You mean the withdrawal was done ahead of schedule. If he had delayed the withdrawal, ya think maybe the Taliban might have had some objections. How might that have played out for the US troops in Afghanistand whose numbers had been cut almost in half by Trump? And I notice you have no defense for your claim about Trump putting a stop to Islamist terrorism in Europe. Do you have any evidence for that at all?
  10. Well, fivethirtyeight.com, which has a far more sophisticated approach to analyzing these numbers than does realclearpolitics because it takes into account the past accuracy of different pollsters has Trump at 42.7% and Biden at 39.9%. Biden is still behind. But what makes Trump's dismal showing in the polls such a miracle is that the economy was unambiguously doing well and still he managed to be very unpopular. That takes a special kind of talent. Has there ever been another President who has managed this feat? Kudos to Trump!
  11. And what exactly did Trump do to stop it in Europe? But I guess that whatever you allege he did, Biden must be doing it too since radical Islam hasn't been much of a problem lately. As for Afghanistan, US intelligence didn't foresee the collapse of the Afghani armed forces. But the reason in the first place that the US was withdrawing from Afghanistan is that the Trump administration negotiated with the Taliban. The result of those negotiations was a withdrawal date of May 1, 2021. Biden managed to extend the withdrawal until Aug 31, 2021. And one eason that the Taliban was able to overrun Afghani govt forces so quickly is that Trump withdrew substantial numbers of troops before he left office. From 4500 to 2500. Why the rush? What kind of message did that send the Taliban?
  12. Even though history shows that there is a strong correlation between how a party fares in local elections and how it will fare in the parliamentary elections, after the drubbing the Tories suffered in local elections Conservative supporters here simply denied that such a correlation exists.
  13. I don't know if anyone has read about what Johnson's classics teacher at Eton wrote about him in a letter to Johnson's father. Here's an excerpt "Boris really has adopted a disgracefully cavalier attitude to his classical studies. "[He] sometimes seems affronted when criticised for what amounts to a gross failure of responsibility (and surprised at the same time that he was not appointed Captain of the school for the next half). "I think he honestly believes that it is churlish of us not to regard him as an exception, one who should be free of the network of obligation that binds everyone else." https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1549804/Boris-Johnson-news-letter-teacher-Eton-party-Martin-Hammond The child is the father to the man.
  14. And you really need to start proving that there's some reasoning behind what you post here.
  15. Actually it is about that .Overturning results.. But I don't expect you to actually read the article. Not much I can do about someone like you who says black is white or up is down.
  16. Yoy have evidence that a majority of Democrats or anything close to that believed that the vote count was fraudulent in 2016? That Democratic Senators and House members voted against the certification of election results in 2016? Stop with your baseless, empty taunts. You've got nothing.
  17. This is the weirdest attempt at evasion that I have seen on these pages. You cited evidence which turns out to be concerns about elections being stolen by nefarious parties who won't accept the results at the ballot box. In other words, Trump and his fellow travelers.
  18. After all his frenetic attemps to stop Biden from assuming office had failed, he conceded that Biden would assume the office of the Presidency. He didn't concede that Biden had actually won the election. And he hasn't done to this day.
  19. But Democratic prospects in the Senate are looking better. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2022-election-forecast/senate/
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