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  1. Trump said a lot of things. But when the rioters invaded the Capitol he did nothing. To your way of thinking what speaks louder action (or in this case inaction) or words?
  2. I just cited the people who actually are responsible for declaring a recession. And you come back at me with this. Maybe you should follow the link. You might learn something. For instance that the Democrats and the Fed have changing nothing about how inflation is decided. As for the inflation reduction act of 2022, it's called that because it will collect more in taxes than it will spend. Which is anti-inflationary. (Maybe you should pass the word along to Liz Truss.) Among other things, it will increase the budget for the IRS which will allow more tax cheats to be prosecuted. The chief of the IRS has said tax evasion costs the US 1 trillion dollars per year. Yet for some reason, Republicans have consistently slashed the IRS' budget. They claim that they want the govt to be run more like a business, but they slash funding to a potentially huge profit center. Wonder why? And there are people who accuse the Democrats of being backed by the swamp?
  3. False. Recession Referees Reject Idea That Two GDP Drops Spell a Downturn Informal rule of thumb has no merit to NBER recession group US expansion continuing this year, ex-committee members say https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-28/official-recession-arbiters-reject-gdp-decline-means-a-slump#xj4y7vzkg And it's especially false when employment has been growing at a healthy pace. Payrolls increased 372,000 in June, more than expected, as jobs market defies recession fears https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/08/jobs-report-june-2022-.html
  4. More empty predictions. Oh, and accusation of bribery without producing a shred of evidence to support it. You got some kind of allergy to facts?
  5. He also said he wanted the metal detectors turned off at the rally since the people who were attending wouldn't be a threat to him. Hmm...now who would they be a threat to?
  6. As pointed out previously apparently to no avail, the DA in Georgia previously went after teachers for promoting cheating on standardized exams. She got lots of convictions. The Democratic leaning teachers' union was none too happy about that. You haven't got a shred of evidence about bribery. Stop making things up.
  7. I guess when you've got nothing you resort to mass personal attacks on people who criticize Trump. How critics of Trump may feel about him is irrelevant.. What is relevant are the facts.
  8. Another instance of I don't like Trump but... Which latest tax and spend bill are you referring to? And, you're wrong. The U.S. is not in a technical recession. A country can't be in a recession when job growth is still so strong.
  9. Nothing bespeaks cluelessness like invoking predictions as an argument. And it's really bizarre to claim that a President who gave so much to the swamp inhabited by big banks, hedge funds, and giant corporations, has anything to fear from it.
  10. If you had investigated just a little instead of reacting reflexively you would know that she pursued criminal cases against teachers for helping students to cheat on standardized exams. Their union is a major supporter of Democrats. She took a lot of political flack for that. https://www.ajc.com/news/key-figure-aps-test-cheating-scandal-plead-guilty/5sF7SLq16ETFwl3q2Uq7eK/
  11. Apparently, someone else who believes that Trump really won the 2020 election.
  12. Well, given what the Ukraine war has revealed about the quality of Russian weaponry, maybe a dealer who trades in Russian weaponry isn't such a hot commodity.
  13. Maybe you just inadvertently skipped the sentence I quoted.
  14. Fox News seems to have abandoned Trump. They haven't interviewed him in over 100 days and no longer broadcast his speeches live.
  15. Actually, I should have asked you that question. It's clear that Trump isn't nearly as confident about where the disapproval was directed as you. Or why else would he ask this question: ."The ex-president responded to the booing by apparently seeking some self-validation: “But you like me?” he asked."
  16. What I find interesting is that when the price of oil goes up, prices at the pump quickly follow suit. But when prices go down, there is a substantial lag time before prices at the pump decline.
  17. And how long has this car salesman been predicting the demise of Tesla? Why would any rational person have confidence in his analysis of future prospects of ICE vehicles?
  18. So you think the crowd approved of Trump's endorsement but didn't like the guy he was endorsing? You really want to go with that? Just like in the past when Trump took credit for vaccines and the crowd booed they weren't booing Trump but just the vaccines?
  19. That's the way it's always been. And as the chart show, the labor participation rate is increasing. And the fact is that employers are having a hard time finding workers. Lots of jobs are going unfilled. So I don't know where you get the idea that there's a problem with discouraged workers? Payrolls increased 372,000 in June, more than expected, as jobs market defies recession fears Job growth accelerated at a much faster pace than expected in June, indicating that the main pillar of the U.S. economy remains strong despite pockets of weakness. Nonfarm payrolls increased 372,000 in the month, better than the 250,000 Dow Jones estimate and continuing what has been a strong year for job growth, according to data Friday from the Bureau of Labor Statistics... An alternative measure of unemployment that includes discouraged workers and those holding part-time jobs for economic reasons fell sharply, dropping to 6.7% from 7.1%. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/08/jobs-report-june-2022-.html
  20. Nonsense. You have anything to back that up? I've got news for you. The reason that the labor force participation rate isn't a reliable way to gauge unemployment is that it includes every citizen aged 16 and up with the exception of members of the military, nursing home residents, people in mental hospitals, and people in prison. So a 90 year old qualifies to be a member of the labor force. As the American population ages the labor force participation will ultimately continue to decline although it is currently rising as employment recovers from the Covid recession. That's why the unemployment rate is based on those who are actively seeking work. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CIVPART Here's the total number of Americans employed https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PAYEMS And here's the unemployment rate: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/UNRATE
  21. But what does that tell us about the strength of the British economy? Compared to 1940, does the average UK citizen now earn only 25% as much as Americans? Do they own only 1/4 of what Americans own? People, (not necessarily Advocate) sometimes seem to think that currency is like stock shares. It's not and by themselves, long term exchange rates tell little about the strength of the respective economies.
  22. The world economy is in trouble now because of many factors, including covid and the war in ukraine. Is Biden responsible for that, too? And it's a very strange recession, if that's what it is, with unemployment at near record low levels. And the latest bill, if it passes, will actually raise more in revenue than it spends. About 300 billion more.
  23. This is actually huge news, or at least potentially huge. If the bill passes.. For one thing, it's going to allow Medicare to negotiate prices on certain drugs. This is a very popular proposal. One of the few genuinely populist measures that Trump ran on was to do just that. Between election day and inauguration he reversed himself. It also greatly increases funding for the IRS. The Republicans have starved the IRS for funding so that it is hamstrung in investigating tax cheats IRS chief says $1 trillion in taxes goes uncollected every year Rettig said the agency is “outgunned” by increasingly sophisticated tax avoidance schemes, while years of budget cuts have left it with about 17,000 fewer revenue enforcement staff than it had a decade ago. He called for Congress to provide “consistent, timely, adequate and multiyear funding.” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-treasury-irs-idUSKBN2C0255 It's funny. Republicans consistently claim that govt should be run more like a business, but then they refuse to fund adequately a division of govt that promises to being in a huge amount of revenue. And of course, there's a huge investment in climate change and renewable energy production. A total of 433 billion dollars.
  24. If you've read Lewis Carroll's Hunting, a great nonsense poem, of the Snark you'll know that one of the characters says if I say it three times then it's true. You have one more time to go. Why do you think this story is so unlikely to be true? Are the Ukrainians not making advances on Kherson? Has the Russian military distinguished itself by its mastery of strategy and tactics?
  25. What an amazing coincidence, though. Climatologists predicted a highly accelerated rate of warming and sure enough it's happening. The fastest rate in about 125,000 years. And, all those denialists who claimed that the climate was cooling since 1998 seem to have gotten rather quiet lately on that score. And isn't it bizarre, how the rising temperature tallies with the rise in CO2, the potent warming properties of which have been established science since 1859,
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