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  1. Clearly you have answer for the facts I've raised and try to make it personal instead. You have no answer for whether or not the economy can absorb these immigrants. You have no answer for the fact the immigration is a 2 way street. Illegal immigrants come and go.
  2. Well, they could raise taxes on the wealthy. The could eliminate all those tax loopholes defended so vigorously by the Tories. They could put a stop to privatizing health care and repair the damage to NHS caused by the Tories' neglect.
  3. Global heat records are outpacing cold records by 10-1, data shows According to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, around the world, 188 all-time heat records have been broken so far in 2022, compared with just 18 cold records. A climate scientist at Princeton University says the record imbalance is a sign of climate change. Studies have shown extreme heat will increase in frequency, intensity and duration because of global warming, and that extremes will occur more frequently on the hot side compared to cold. https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/07/18/global-heat-records-are-outpacing-cold-records-by-10-1-data-shows/ What makes this particularly notable is the fact that during the first half of 2022 there was a La Nina which actually has a depressing effect on global temperatures.
  4. Given the govt's penchant for breaking its word in regards to the "oven ready" Brexit agreement, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they follow your advice.
  5. What's truly bizarre is that despite this looming crisis of water shortage and the threat posed by the increasingly hot climate, Arizona had the 4th highest rate of population growth in the USA fueled largely by incoming residents of other states. And Utah was number 3.
  6. You mean the economy can't absorb them? There's also the fact, that you seem unaware of, that this is a 2 way phenomenon. Illegal immigrants also leave the country to return to wherever they come from. In other words it's not just about addition but also subtraction.
  7. And since then, Biden has said this: "If you are vaccinated and boosted, you may get COVID but you are highly protected against severe illness. " https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/01/04/remarks-by-president-biden-before-meeting-on-covid-19/
  8. It should also be noted that virtually all of those politicians who most vociferously claim to be opposed to illegal immigration are also opposed to establishing a decent minimum wage in the USA.
  9. The fact is that those who claim that illegal immigration is a dire threat to the United States refuse to take steps that could eliminate it. As for why not...well, right now US unemployment is already close to record lows. Where are these workers going to come from?
  10. Nowhere have I advocated for this. I'm simply pointing out the blatant hypocrisy of those who claim that illegal immigration is a dire threat to the United States but refuse to take measures that would bring it to a halt.
  11. Watchdog criticises UK government for COVID procurement amid 'chumocracy' claims LONDON (Reuters) - The British government did not properly document key decisions nor was it open enough about billions of pounds of contracts handed out during the COVID-19 pandemic, its spending watchdog has said, as critics accuse ministers of running a “chumocracy”. The National Audit Office (NAO) said on Wednesday there had been a lack of transparency and a failure to explain why certain suppliers were chosen, or how any conflict of interest was dealt with, over 18 billion pounds ($24 billion) in procurement deals made between March and the end of July, often with no competition. The report comes amid growing criticism some multi-million pound contracts were awarded during the coronavirus crisis to companies with links to ministers, lawmakers and officials. https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-britain-procurement-idINKBN27Y07Q
  12. So your defense of the Conservatives is that their performance was bad but Labour's would have been worse?
  13. So what's stopping all those ferocious politicians advocating walls and increased deportations from passing laws to make hiring illegals a felony?
  14. Under the Tories, the rich got richer whilst the middle class, working class and poor got poorer. Average UK household £8,800 a year worse off than those in France or Germany The UK’s failure to get serious about inequality and weak growth over the past 15 years has left the average British household £8,800 poorer than its equivalent in five comparable countries, research has found. A “toxic combination” of poor productivity and a failure to narrow the divide between rich and poor had resulted in a widening prosperity gap with France, Germany, Australia, Canada and the Netherlands, the report from the Resolution Foundation said. The thinktank said that if the UK matched the average income and inequality levels of those countries, typical household incomes in Britain would be a third higher and those of the poorest households two-fifths greater. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/jul/13/average-uk-household-8800-a-year-worse-off-than-those-in-france-or-germany UK Living Standards Audit 2022: Stagnant wages have left millions “brutally exposed” Fifteen years of stagnating wages in Britain have left millions of the poorest paid workers defenceless in the face of rising inflation, resulting in an unprecedented “income shock”. Around 10 million people are being pushed into “severe levels of poverty”, according to a new report by the Resolution Foundation. Living Standards Audit 2022, published on July 4, found that 15 years of falling wages have left millions of people “brutally exposed” to what it described as a “catastrophic” cost-of-living crisis. While those on low and middle incomes have seen their pay stagnate, or even decline in real terms, those at the top have watched their wealth skyrocket. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/07/08/opsl-j08.html
  15. "What she is very credible about is the idea you can't tax your way to growth. No country in the history of the world has ever grown its economy by simply increasing taxes." Simple minded statements like this belong with that tired conservative nostrum "Tax cuts pay for themselves."
  16. In the UK it's often the plurality of citizens that decide who will be an MP, not the majority.
  17. Elon Musk’s Proposed Solution to Twitter’s Bot Problem Is Not Exactly Intelligent https://slate.com/technology/2022/07/elon-musk-twitter-artificial-intelligence-machine-learning.html
  18. That's dubious when it comes to agricultural labor. It's almost literally backbreaking work. The kind of thing you have to grow up with. And it's not clear that you can pay Americans enough to work in the dangerous conditions offered by slaughterhouses. Dairy farming would take a huge hit because it requires pretty much around the clock attendance on site. Anyway, when I see evidence the the same politicians who so ardently support building a wall, and generally make life miserable for illegal immigrants, pass legislation to punish those who hire illegals, then I'll concede you have a point.
  19. Starting in 2013, the U.S. labor force participation rate held steady around 63% until the COVID-19 pandemic struck. It was 62.3% as of May 2022. .. From 2013 on, the monthly figures held steady in the vicinity of 63%, after a sharp decline in the wake of the Great Recession. However, in early 2020, the labor force participation rate fell markedly, dropping from 63.4% to 61.4% in the first half of the year, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/participationrate.asp#:~:text=Starting in 2013%2C the U.S.,a steady decline since 1990. One of the problems with the labor force participation rate is that it includes all people aged 16 or old except convicts, people in nursing homes or mental hospitals, and soldiers, So as the population ages, that figure is up against some downward pressure.
  20. So let's disregard that small minority that uses the NHS
  21. So you claim Sunak's approach didn't work, Truss wants to take a different approach, and you support Truss. But that doesn't mean you support her plan....it is to laugh.
  22. This speech has no mention at all of addressing inflation. Well, except for this "We will tackle the cost of energy" And this is what you cite as evidence. of her plans to address inflation? It is now confirmed: you've got nothing.
  23. You defended her plan but you don't support it. And stop putting in quotes something I never wrote. Summarizing your opinion doesn't mean it's a quote.
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