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  1. Just maybe because he thought what he was doing was worth risking his life for?
  2. Actually, Putin gave the West its lesson on Feb 24. Now it is acting accordingly.
  3. Sure. A mercenary with type 1 diabetes? Really? And to judge from his photo, grossly obese as well. Give it a rest. Your allegation is clearly ridiculous.
  4. And you don't seem to understand the significance of history. Yours is the same kind of thinking that said because Boris Johnson prevailed in the no confidence vote, that his future was looking bright. Even though, whenever in the past this had happened, it ultimately turned out badly for the PM.
  5. As I pointed out, and as you ignored, there is a strong correlation between the 2. And if the issue was solely about local matters, why the huge shift? Did bin collection suddenly become a liability for Torries. Clearly, you've got nothing.
  6. Ya know, the opposition that took a couple of seats from the Conservatives in the latest by-election. And the opposition that proved disastrous for Tories in local elections. Boris Johnson should be very worried about what 2022 local council results mean for the next general election What history shows Historically, there has been a very strong relationship between the number of Conservative councillors elected and the number of Conservative MPs elected to the House of Commons two years later. For the 12 general elections since February 1974, the correlation between the two is very strong (0.84). https://theconversation.com/boris-johnson-should-be-very-worried-about-what-2022-local-council-results-mean-for-the-next-general-election-182788
  7. Why are you being so coy about which segment of society will cease to exist?
  8. *Deleted post edited out* James Carafano is an right wing alarmist and conspiracy theorist who works for the Heritage Foundation, an organization that started out on the right and then went to the extreme right. Drillers are sitting on a huge mound of drilling right thanks to the fire sale of such right during the Trump administration. There is, in fact, a huge backlog. And your comments about refineries is bizarre. Are you claiming Biden is responsible for the lack of frefining capability in the US? He's been in office less 18 months. How many refineries got built during the entire Trump administration? As for the shutting down of nuclear plants in Germany, that was the overwhelmingly popular position of the German electorate. Maybe it was a bad idea, but not the product of some cabal. Maybe when renewables such as wind and solar started their prices were high. But now they produce electricity far more cheaply than coal even when coal was cheap. And now their power is far cheaper than that produced by gas. Yes, Germany was very foolish in relying on Russian Gas. As Joe Biden pointed out in 2016: Biden warns Europe against dependency on Russia for heating oil and natural gas US Vice President Joe Biden warned European countries against becoming too dependent on Russian oil and gas, saying it would be "bad" for Europe. Biden was specifically referring to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline which is supposed to deliver natural gas from Russia to Germany via the Baltic Sea. He called it "a fundamentally bad deal for Europe," adding that "Europe needs diverse sources of natural gas, not, in our view, a Nord Stream 2 pipeline." https://www.dw.com/en/biden-warns-europe-against-dependency-on-russia-for-heating-oil-and-natural-gas/a-19503334 And as Obama warned in 2013 Obama tells EU to do more to cut reliance on Russian gas U.S. President Barack Obama told the European Union on Wednesday it cannot rely on the United States alone to reduce its dependency on Russian energy, as relations with Moscow chill over its seizure of Crimea from Ukraine. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-eu-summit-idUSBREA2P0W220140326
  9. But you predicted it wasn't going to happen. You called that a fact. What does the word "fact' mean to you?
  10. The report you cited was not created by the OSCE Ukraine Monitoring Mission. Rather the OSCE published the report of The Foundation for the Study of Democracy headed by a certain Maksim Grigoriev. This is the same Grigoriev who published an expose claiming that it was the White Helmets in Syria responsible for poison gas attacks. Not Russia nor the Syrian govt. It is to laugh. He's a Russian apparatchik. And even if this report were true, it does nothing to refute the fact that Russia interfered with the work of the OCSE by, among other things, restricting its monitoring to 2 border crossings even though the border between Russian and Eastern Ukraine extends for hundreds of miles. Nor would that report contradict the reports of the OSCE re separatist transgressions. And as the article I linked to pointed out, the OCSE left at the end of February 2022 because Russia refused to extend its mandate. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?
  11. Wait till what happens? That the UK will never rejoin the EU? How exactly does a non event happen? How does a country prepare for that? Is there some irreversible switch the UK can throw that will rule out such an eventuality?
  12. Here's another piece of news vis-a-vis the OCSE and the Russian backed separatists that clearly has escaped your notice: Fate of OSCE personnel detained in separatist-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine hangs by a thread Russian proxies continue to hold OSCE Ukrainian staff captive in pro-Russian separatist territories in Ukraine’s east, the OSCE said in a statement on Wednesday. The OSCE evacuated its international staff members, who had been seconded by OSCE participating States to the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM), from Ukraine after Russia’s invasion. Many local Ukrainian staff members, however, remained in the country. “The continuous allegations made against the SMM’s Mission members have become increasingly outrageous,” said OSCE Secretary General Helga Schmid. https://www.shrmonitor.org/fate-of-osce-personnel-detained-in-separatist-controlled-areas-of-eastern-ukraine-hangs-by-a-thread/ And another... OSCE mission in eastern Ukraine suspends operations amid protests he Organization for Security and Cooperation on Europe has suspended its monitoring mission in eastern Ukraine following protests near its headquarters in separatist-controlled Donetsk, the chief monitor said on Sunday. About 200 pro-Russian protesters confronted OSCE monitors on Saturday to demand the release of a rebel officer captured by the Ukrainian military last week. The mission had faced previous protests organised by Moscow-backed separatists, but this time demonstrators appeared to block the entrance to the hotel where the monitors are based. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/osce-mission-eastern-ukraine-suspends-operations-amid-protests-2021-10-17/
  13. Are you implying that the OCSE mostly criticized the Ukraining govt? How to justify the fact that the Russians restricted OCSE monitoring to just 2 checkpoints on the Russian side of a border that extends for 100's of miles? Under Fire In Ukraine, OSCE Questions Its Worth OSCE official Ilkka Kanerva, speaking November 13 in Vienna, complained the organization had seen its capabilities hamstrung since launching a monitoring mission in July along the Russian side of the border. The mission is allowed to supervise just two checkpoints, the Gukovo and Donetsk border crossings, despite the fact that the separatist-held frontier stretches hundreds of miles. "Let's be honest -- the mission is restricted to report only what it sees pass through the official crossing along the tiniest strip of the border," said Kanerva, a Finnish lawmaker who heads the OSCE's Parliamentary Assembly. https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-crisis-russia-osce-monitoring-mission/26690263.html
  14. You want to know what happened to the OSCE Ukraine Monitoring Mission? Guess what? The Russian Federation ruled out an extension of their mission. Russia blocks mandate extension of OSCE monitoring mission to Ukraine Russia has refused to join consensus on extending the mandate of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, OSCE diplomats in Vienna say. The mandate of the Organization’s flagship operation in Ukraine, which has to be renewed on a yearly basis, will expire today, 31 March, at midnight. https://www.shrmonitor.org/russia-blocks-mandate-extension-of-osce-monitoring-mission-to-ukraine/
  15. Inadvertent attacks are one thing. Targeted attacks on civilans quite another.
  16. It may play well to the base, but it can't be good news for the Republicans' electoral prospects.
  17. Someone else who thinks predictions about the future qualify as credible evidence.
  18. You forgot Iran. Which also has huge reserves of natural gas. We can thank Trump for swallowing the arguments of the Israelis and the Sunni muslim nations for sabotaging the Iranian nuclear agreement and keeping their products away from the West.
  19. I've always been puzzled by the claim of some that an opinion that they don't like will have no effect on the outcomes of various political and or military struggles.. . Does that mean that you believe there are opinions expressed here at thaivisa.com that will alter outcomes from what they otherwise might have been? Can you identify what those might be?
  20. He was an aid worker. No trustworthy evidence that he was ever a soldier.
  21. Texas Medical Association says hospitals are refusing to treat women with pregnancy complications The non-profit organization wrote that it has received complaints alleging hospital administrators have sided against providing care to women with ectopic pregnancies for fear of running afoul of state laws. https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Texas-abortion-law-hospitals-clinic-medication-17307401.php Given that the law in Texas allows private citizens to sue pretty much anybody who in any way offers any kind of assistance to any woman seeking an abortion, their reaction is understandable.
  22. Oh, it's clear they understand him well enough. As a failed comedian: 'EU will look at us in horror!' Rees-Mogg outlines his Brexit plan to transform Britain BREXIT will transform Britain and deliver such dividends that within a decade nobody will want to rejoin the EU, Jacob Rees-Mogg has vowed. https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1565155/Jacob-Rees-Mogg-Brexit-plan-EU-latest
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