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  1. Apparently, some people believe that Joe Biden is President of the World since high inflation is now a worldwide phenomenon.
  2. Care to actually share them with us. There was a source called shadowstats that claimed much higher inflation. Ultimately it was revealed that the person behind it was making things up. On the other hand, there was a project called the Billion Prices Project that culled a huge number of prices from the internet and calculated inflation from that. It turn out that the official US inflation numbers tallied extremely closely with those of the Billion Prices Project.
  3. A serious charge? Actually it was charges and they weren't serious but rather ridiculous. "On Wednesday, the state-run news agency RIA Novosti shared footage of the men pleading “guilty” to the charges against them, which also included terrorism, committing a crime as part of a criminal group, and forcible seizure of power or forcible retention of power." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/09/britons-sentenced-to-death-russian-occupied-ukraine-aiden-aslin-shaun-pinner So what possible reason could Aslin have to plead guilty in a court that is renowned for its scrupulous respect of human rights? I look forward to your explanation since you claim to know things about Aslin that haven't been reported on.
  4. Before it was a non existent report about Russian advances in the south that you claim to have heard on France24 or Al-Jazeera even though there's plenty of evidence that wasn't the case. Now you're claiming "there's more to Aislin than what's reported". Did you get this info from another phantom broadcast?
  5. Really? Is that why Russia launched its dismal failure of an attack on Kiev because it had superior knowledge?
  6. But the difference is, the port that the Chinese acquired made no commercial sense. What's more it also got control of 15,000 acres (60 square kilometers) around the port. This was never a business venture. It was designed to give China a base along a vital maritime highway and only a few hundred miles from rival India.
  7. Johnson could have chosen to exit the EU "dictatorship" without signing any deal. In fact, that option was widely discussed with trade reverting to WTO rules.
  8. Entry-level apprenticeship starts down by three-quarters in eight years, campaigners warn https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/article/1751793/entry-level-apprenticeship-starts-down-three-quarters-eight-years-campaigners-warn
  9. Yes there have been sedition laws that punished free speech. But if the government can establish that some group of people made plans and took concrete steps to further those plans that's quite another matter.
  10. And in fact she was strongly criticized by the Ukrainian government for doing just that. "He also accuses her of having focused too much on media work, and on describing sexually motivated crimes in gratuitous detail as well as the raping of children in occupied territories. However, some of these accounts, he said, had not been verified, which had harmed Ukraine's reputation and distracted media attention from other, proven crimes and problems." https://www.dw.com/en/why-ukraines-human-rights-chief-lyudmila-denisova-was-dismissed/a-62017920
  11. Electricity Grids Can Handle Electric Vehicles Easily – They Just Need Proper Management One of the most frequent concerns you will see from electric vehicle haters is that the electricity grid can’t possibly cope with all cars becoming EVs. However, they haven’t done the math properly. The grids in most developed nations will be just fine, so long as the demand is properly management. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesmorris/2021/11/13/electricity-grids-can-handle-electric-vehicles-easily--they-just-need-proper-management/?sh=3ee626c97862 I want to stress that I'm not characterizing you as a "hater". The author of the piece has a certain class of objectors in mind. Anyway, there won't be a need anywhere near doubling the capacity of the grid.
  12. Actually, in a half-fast way you've kind of got a point by calling attention to what isn't seen. What isn't seen is what was supposed to be taking place: a certified count of electoral votes supervised by the vice-President. A crucial step in the peaceful transfer of power in a democratic republic. It wasn't taking place because some insurrectionists tried to put a stop to that crucial step in the peaceful transfer of power. Not long before the rioters invaded the capitol building they were chanting about hanging the person in charge of the count. Namely, the vice-President.
  13. Nice try at deflection. There hasn't been any news about a Russian offensive currently being launched from its southern front into Transnistria. Not even on RT.com
  14. From the article: "Meanwhile it was Teslas that held their value best, with the Model 3 standard version dropping just 15 percent in the first three years of ownership."
  15. There's been a lot of talk, particulary from the Conservatives, about the benefits that a treaty with the USA will bring. Actually... British economy 'to grow 0.16% at best under US trade deal' The British economy would be at most 0.16% larger by the middle of the next decade under a comprehensive trade deal with the US, the government has admitted, laying bare the limited benefits from striking an agreement with Donald Trump. In a Department for International Trade (DIT) document, designed to kick-start post-Brexit trade talks with the White House, the government said the British economy stood to benefit from an “ambitious and comprehensive” trade deal worth a fraction of GDP, equivalent to £3.4bn after 15 years. Prompting warnings from economists that the benefits would be far outstripped by the losses from crashing out of the EU, the official analysis also showed that a more limited trade deal with the US would deliver benefits to the UK economy worth just 0.07% by the middle of the 2030s, or about £1.4bn. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/mar/02/uk-says-it-will-not-lower-standards-to-strike-trade-deal-with-trump
  16. What honest reason would China have to support a deal that was so obviously going to fail and impose a huge burden on the government and people of Sri Lanka? Why didn't it apply the normal standards of evaluating whether an investment is sound and a benefit for both lender and lendee? You seem to believe that predatory lending is morally ok.
  17. Nonsense. They may make such a claim but according to the terms of the treaty, the validity of such claims is to be decided by arbitrations. https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-9016/CBP-9016.pdf Claiming that a violation or violations are clear doesn't make it so. And apparently, that's all you've got. Once again, your claim that nations frequently violate treaties is false. (Unless you want to count rogue nations}
  18. Just wondering where you got the notion that a poster's national origins are relevant to the facts of the case.
  19. "Hardly fit your narrative implying that port in Sri Lanka doesn't work as regards to India. " I'm not sure what this means. If you mean that India building a port in Sri Lanka proves that China didn't do a dirty deal, that's nonsense. Before that Chinese funded this misadventure, India turned it down because it made no economic sense. But now that China has acquired a foothold in Sri Lanka by dealing with the corrupt Rajapaksas, it has become a security issue.
  20. Well. the Socialists at Fox News disagree with you: DOJ charges Oath Keepers founder, 10 others with seditious conspiracy related to Jan. 6 riot The move marks the first set of charges echoing claims of an insurrection The Department of Justice unveiled seditious conspiracy charges against 11 defendants, including the founder and leader of the right-wing Oath Keepers militia group, Elmer Stewart Rhodes III, for their role in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/doj-charges-oath-keepers-founder-10-others-seditious-conspiracy-jan-6-riot And there's this: Far right Proud Boys leader charged with seditious conspiracy related to Jan. 6 A grand jury has accused Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and four associates with seditious conpsiracy tied to the Jan. 6 attack on the Captiol. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/07/1103445418/far-right-proud-boys-leader-charged-with-seditious-conspiracy-related-to-jan-6
  21. Of course Kwasaki's claim was nonsense. It's not credible that these 2 alleged sources would not post any of this to their websites.
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