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  1. And the basis for your prediction a cherry picking article in Business Insider? Do you understand that there are always going to be companies laying off workers and other companies hiring? It's the aggregate that counts. Here are the net figures from the latest unemployment survey: The US unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.6 percent in May of 2022, the same as in the previous two months, remaining the lowest since February 2020 and compared with market expectations of 3.5 percent. The number of unemployed people increased by 9 thousand to 5.950 million, while employment levels rose by 321 thousand to 158.426 million. Meanwhile, the labor force participation rate edged up to 62.3 percent in May from a 3-month low of 62.2 percent in April. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/unemployment-rate ANd what in god's name does that article have to do with inflation? If employment crashes that would tend to lower inflation not raise it. Actually, inflation has been edging downwards.
  2. Crystal ball predictions offered as evidence are always so impressive. Care to share any stock tips with us?
  3. Did you note this in the explanation? "The question of timing. Biden entered office during a recession (and a global pandemic), but while the economy was on the upswing. Since different presidents have been sworn in at different points in the economic cycle, Biden’s comparison to his predecessors is not really apples-to-apples." Hmmm...how does that apply to Trump? https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/UNRATE
  4. I think if Ukrainians were given the choice between a settlement that definitively rid Ukraine of Russians invaders or one that also demanded the humiliation of Putin, I'd guess they'd opt for the former since that would mean a lot less Ukrainian dead. But if humiliating Putin et alii is the goal, then other nations should put the lives of their soldiers on the line to achieve that end.
  5. The article contradicts your characterization. You have a link to an actual source that supports your claim that you can share with us?
  6. Here's a link to the source of that text. https://physicsworld.com/a/laser-smashes-light-speed-record/#:~:text=One of the most sacred,2000 Nature 406 277). And no, the laser doesn't travel faster than the speed of light, much less 300 times its speed.
  7. You might just as sensibly ask is the US stealing laser technology from Israel.
  8. I think you should contemplate this last sentence of mine? That said, are there any possible terms that would allow Putin to save face and at the same time banish Russian forces and forces supported by Russia from Ukraine?
  9. The same kind of thinking characterized the treaty of Versailles that officially put a close to WW1. It imposed harsh penalties on Germany. That punishment directly led to the conditions that created WW2. Vengeance may be satisfying but it doesn't necessarily lead to sensible outcomes.
  10. I don't think Macron is necessarily wrong. If there were some way to offer Russia and Putin some face-saving way of abandoning claims to Ukrainian territory. It all depends on what those terms might be. The primary goal of the Ukrainians should be to rid the Russians from their territory. Humiliating Putin might be satisfying but is it worth it if it stands in the way of that primary goal? That said, are there any possible terms that would allow Putin to save face and at the same time banish Russian forces and forces supported by Russia from Ukraine?
  11. Andrew Mccarthy, a strong supporter of Trump and the Durham investigation had this to say about the Durham investigation: “The further we get into the trial, the more I can’t understand why Durham brought this case. ... I’m just really surprised especially with everything riding on his investigation and his final report that he would take a chance like this with a case like this. ... I just wonder if it was worth it.” https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/03/pressure-for-durham-to-ditch-russia-probe-00037225
  12. A Ukrainian investigative team called Proekt found a very ingenious way to look into the credibility of these rumors. Because the couldn't access intelligence reports, instead they started tracking doctors because hospital records are public. They found that teams of doctors specializing in cancer would be periodically called away and would show up in whatever locale Putin happened to be. Anyway, the information is offered in great detail. Just follow the link: https://www.proekt.media/en/investigation-en/putin-health/
  13. When a poster uses an emoji instead of words as a rebuttal, you know you've got them. You nailed ChrisB's comment perfectly.
  14. And what makes the show such a crowd pleaser is that in it he's opposed by Russian clowns.
  15. US Intelligence has apparently come to its own conclusions about the reality of Putin's illness. And their take on it is that he is terminally ill. Exclusive: Putin Treated for Cancer in April, U.S. Intelligence Report Says Vladimir Putin's health is a subject of intense conversation inside the Biden administration after the intelligence community produced its fourth comprehensive assessment at the end of May. The classified U.S. report says Putin seems to have re-emerged after undergoing treatment in April for advanced cancer, three U.S. intelligence leaders who have read the reports tell Newsweek. https://www.newsweek.com/exclusive-putin-treated-cancer-april-us-intelligence-report-says-1710357
  16. Very silly nitpicking point you're making here. The Kremlin may not write the script, but it does post severe editing guidelines,. Do you understand that in Russia it's a crime punishable by up to 15 years in prison for calling the Russian intervention in Ukraine exactly what it is? Namely, a war.
  17. Actually there are sources for Putin saying he wanted to join NATO. But no sources for saying NATO rejected his advances. Or, for that matter, that Russia actually applied for membership. Ex-Nato head says Putin wanted to join alliance early on in his rule Vladimir Putin wanted Russia to join Nato but did not want his country to have to go through the usual application process and stand in line “with a lot of countries that don’t matter”, according to a former secretary general of the transatlantic alliance. George Robertson, a former Labour defence secretary who led Nato between 1999 and 2003, said Putin made it clear at their first meeting that he wanted Russia to be part of western Europe. “They wanted to be part of that secure, stable prosperous west that Russia was out of at the time,” he said. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/04/ex-nato-head-says-putin-wanted-to-join-alliance-early-on-in-his-rule Putin Says He Discussed Russia's Possible NATO Membership With Bill Clinton Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that he once raised the possibility of Russia joining NATO with then-President Bill Clinton, and that Clinton said he had "no objection."... In a March 2000 interview with the British television journalist David Frost, Putin was asked whether "it is possible Russia could join NATO." Putin, who at the time was serving as acting president and weeks later was elected to his first term, responded, "I don’t see why not." https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-putin-says-discussed-joining-nato-with-clinton/28526757.html
  18. Finland disagrees with you. As does just about every European nation bordering Russia.
  19. First of all it's not about Hillary Clinton's lawyer getting charged with lying to the FBI, it's about Hillary Clinton's lawyer getting acquitted. And if you're going to call Sussman Hillary Clinton's lawyer when he was actually working for an election committee, then how much more closely tied is Trump to criminals like Manafort and Stone with whom he regularly conversed and are actually convicted of crimes? Criminals who could have provided evidence against them but whom he pardoned. Also, contrary to your assumption, there is no proof that Hillary Clinton or anyone else on the committee believed that the Steele report was a hoax. Or that they had any role in creating it.
  20. And they were compelled to obey that order how? Usually when a force keeps on fighting against all odds it's labeled "heroic." In your world, apparently, they were only obeying orders. Seems strange that the Russians have so much trouble getting their troops to obey orders to keep fighting in circumstances far less dire.
  21. Actually, the goal was to prove that the probe was a corrupt endeavor by high officials in the govt, including in the FBI, to stop the election of Donald Trump. Instead, in the case he brought against Sussman, Durham was claiming that the FBI was duped by the lawyer.
  22. Is that what Russia and the USSR were? Just associates? Really?
  23. But it's not about backing a corrupt regime. It's about backing the Ukrainian people from a reign of terror. There have been extensive public discussions about harshly punishing the "neo-Nazis" in Ukraine after the war. And as you pointed out, the means anti-Russian. So why wouldn't the Ukrainians fight with all their might against a country that claims that there is no such thing as Ukrainian culture and is likely to mete out harsh punishments.
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