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  1. Nice switcheroo. But your original claim that Biden accused him of murder is memoralized in my reply. As for the White Supremacist accusation... Kyle Rittenhouse, out on bail, flashed white power signs at a bar, prosecutors say In his 90-minute visit to the bar, Kyle Rittenhouse, 18, was seen consuming alcohol while being serenaded by a group of adult men who sang the Proud Boys’ anthem, according to the motion. Prosecutors are seeking to modify the bond agreement of Kyle Rittenhouse — the teen charged with killing two people during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last summer — after they said he flashed white power signs and was “loudly serenaded” the Proud Boys’ anthem at a bar. On Wednesday, the Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office filed a motion to restrict Rittenhouse, who turned 18 earlier this month, from possessing or consuming alcohol at a bar or restaurant, displaying white power signs, and fraternizing with known members of white supremacy groups. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/kyle-rittenhouse-out-bail-flashed-white-power-signs-bar-prosecutors-n1254250
  2. He was claiming to be an Emergency Medical Technician. Which he was not. I think the closest Rittenhouse came to offering Emergency Medical Assistance was shooting a paramedic.
  3. Instead, he lied. But you should do a whole series of books about Kyle Rittenhouse. Don't stop with Uvalde. How about Kyle travels back in time and assassinates Hitler? Kyle guns down John Wilkes Booth and saves Lincoln? Kyle Rittenhouse Goes Drinking with Proud Boys and makes White Power Hand Symbol? Actually, that last one isn't fiction.
  4. No, he lied. He was absolutely not headed for Texas A&M next year. Nor the year after that. It takes 2 years to graduate from Blinn College. He should have said he's going to Blinn college. He could have added that he hoped to attend Texas A&M after he graduates. But that's a hope, not a fact.
  5. The community college Rittenhouse is attending, Blinn College, is not part of the Texas A&M system. While it's true that a majority of its graduates do end up attending Texas A&, There is no guarantee that Texas A&M will accept him. And it takes 2 years to graduate from Blinn, not one. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/06/kyle-rittenhouse-texas-am-blinn/
  6. Rittenhouse is someone whose word you can rely on... Kyle Rittenhouse says he’s attending Texas A&M, school says he’s not a student https://www.al.com/news/2022/06/kyle-rittenhouse-says-hes-attending-texas-am-school-says-hes-not-a-student.html Maybe he'll attend the same imaginary university that Melania Trump graduated from.
  7. I've got an even better one. Remember Brexiters' indignation on behalf of the British fishing industry? Where did all that concern go when, in the wake of Brexit, the fishing industry collapsed?
  8. Really? It was perfectly possible for there not to be an agreement. In fact, I don't see how the UK's inability to ratify an agreement would have stopped the split. The UK's internal laws would have no bearing on what the EU chose to do. In fact, as the deadline for concluding the talks approached, there was much speculation about reverting to WTO rules if no agreement was reached. You do have a point about what Brexiters wanted, though. Many actually believed that the UK would be able to trade with the EU on a tariff -free basis. They had all sorts of beliefs encouraged by the Tory leadership but not grounded in reality. And if you want to consider a truly ludicrous absolute generalization about what people believed Brexit would entail, how about this one . : no one expected the E.U to be so stern It's pretty clear that most Remainers did. Namely, ya gotta pay to play.
  9. Doing a mindreading act? And I wasn't aware that the Remainers were at the negotiating table. As the EU explained over and over again, the benefits of being in the EU outweigh the costs. Clearly the Brexiters didn't and don't believe it. They expected some privileges and no costs. So why are they griping? By their reckoning, they're already ahead.
  10. Really? No one expected the EU to be so stern? If by "no one" you mean "Brexiters" you may have a point. But the EU was very clear about what would happen after Brexit. Basically it was either you're in or you're out.. It was the Brexiters who kept on claiming that the EU would capitulate. I remember Brexiters repeatedly claiming that the UK had the upper hand because of the size of its economy. Even though its economy was about 1/6 the size of the rest of the EU.
  11. I don't think Macron meant it that way, but it seems reasonable to assume that's how Putin construed it.
  12. Actually, I believe it was you claiming that the Ukrainian govt had abandoned these fighters and should have tried to send a force to relieve them. So, on the one hand you claimed sympathy for the fighters in Mariupol and thought they should surrender since resistance was hopeless, but on the other hand you wanted the Ukrainian armed forces to authorize what would have been a suicide mission in order to rescue those fighters. Crocodile tears, much?
  13. But this article was about the USA and there is no such system there.
  14. Because you stated that in another post, it must be true? Actually, the problem the supply of infant formula is that 4 companies control virtually the entire supply available in America. And that relates to anti-trust issues in general. America needs stronger enforcement of antitrust laws. New Study from AAI Explores Troubling Falloff in Federal Antitrust Enforcement in Face of Declining Competition https://www.antitrustinstitute.org/new-study-from-aai-explores-troubling-falloff-in-federal-antitrust-enforcement-in-face-of-declining-competition/
  15. What does that mean? Registered with whom?
  16. What I noticed in the articles linked to by evenkeel that there is no mention of the fact that the Trump administration signed an agreement for all US troops to be out of Afghanistan by Aug 31. The Taliban was holding back until Aug 31. It doesn't seem reasonable to believe that would have been the case starting Sep 1. Trump officials back away from 2020 Taliban peace deal after withdrawal chaos A number of former senior Trump officials have sought to distance themselves from the Taliban peace deal that was signed in February 2020, with chaos erupting after the militants took control of Afghanistan this week. Why it matters: The agreement has come under new scrutiny for laying the groundwork for the U.S. military's withdrawal from Afghanistan, which coincided with a sweeping Taliban offensive that ended in the fall of Kabul on Sunday. The big picture: The Trump administration agreed to withdraw from the country by May 1, 2021, if the Taliban negotiated a peace agreement with the Afghan government and promised to prevent terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and the Islamic State from gaining a foothold. https://www.axios.com/2021/08/20/trump-taliban-agreement-doha-biden
  17. Do you mean that because jobs aren't being taken, that means people don't want to work? You ever hear of the law of supply and demand. It doesn't just work for capitalists. If there's a shortage of workers, why would they choose to take less desirable jobs?
  18. As for International leadership, can you imagine Donald Trump trying to forge a coalition against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Not only did Trump repeatedly trash the EU and NATO, but he actually ignored Ukraine's repeated and desperate please for months that he send them the weapons authorized by Congress in order to fight the Russian backed rebels, and the Russians themselves, in Donbas. And during the meeting when he finally agreed to send the weapons, he asked as a "favor" from Zelensky, that he investigate the person considered at that time to be his most powerful potential rival.
  19. What some appear not to know is that it was the Trump administration that negotiated with the Taliban the Aug 31, 2021 departure deadline for all US troops. The intelligence services did not foresee the rapid disintegration of the Afghani govt forces.
  20. What is the subsequent history of PMs who have had to endure votes of confidence? Let me give you a hint: others who fared better in the vote totals, did not enjoy a long tenure afterwards.
  21. You're confused. It was the "realists", the ones who claim that Ukrainian resistance is doomed to failure, who were in favor of that.
  22. As I pointed out, that wasn't much of a wave. It was a clear case of cherry-picking. The unemployment rate held steady at 3.6%. in May 2022 And, as Candide pointed out, according to the BLS, there are a total of roughly 158,000,000 employed. Of one thing I am sure: you will openly and graciously acknowledge that you were wrong about the total number of workers currently employed. And this despite the fact that many industries can't run at full strength because of problems with the supply chains,
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