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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. I guess you're following the rule of "When you've got nothing, make it personal."
  2. So he no longer demands that Ukraine recognizes Donetsk and Luhansk as independent republics? He no longer demands that Ukraine be demilitarized? He no longer demands that Ukraine be denazified?
  3. Totally impossible to measure? You clearly don't understand why epidemiologists compare infection rates, hospitalization rates, and mortality rates among large groups of people who are unvaccinated, vaccinated once, vaccinated twice, vaccinated 3 times and vaccinated 4 times. But then, that should be surprising from anyone who applauds the lunacy of leba.
  4. Some people just can't quit despots or their fanboys. Let's see what effect your post has on Mac Mickmanus
  5. He found what acceptable? He ordered Gazprom to convert dollars to roubles after Western buyers told him that they wouldn't accede to his demand. He absolutely backed down. The buyers did not change the way they did business. Putin's ultimatum failed. And it's significant because it shows he doesn't have the leverage to force buyers to do it his way.
  6. Both sides did not come to an agreement. As always, Gazprom was paid in dollars. The bank account business is totally irrelevant to this issue. The reason that Putin pushed Gazprom to set up these accounts was to create artificial demand for the rouble by forcing Gazprom to use dollars to buy roubles. Nothing to do with the buyers at all.
  7. You seem to think it's important. Why else would you falsely claim that they came to an agreement? The buyers didn't come to any agreement with Russia at all. Putin backed down. I
  8. Who came to an agreement? The West is still paying in dollars as per contract agreements. Putin required Gazprom to change those dollars into roubles. Putin backed down.
  9. Are you familiar with something called "facts"? You don't need to be an expert when you've got them to back you up. Ukraine says it needs more weapons soon, argues it's paying 'a very high price' as defender of democracy Ukrainian officials on Thursday said Kyiv needs more weapons as its war with Russia ensues for a fifth week, arguing it has shouldered the burden as the defender of "the values of a democratic world." https://www.foxnews.com/world/ukraine-more-weapons-high-price-democracy What weapons to send to Ukraine? How debate shifted from helmets to tanks. Ukrainian officials are clear on what they want from the United States and Europe: weapons. Big, heavy weapons. American troops have been training Ukrainian forces to effectively use weaponry like Javelins, stingers, and grenade launchers, and the U.S. has pledged more than $2.5 billion in security assistance and humanitarian aid. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/04/09/nato-heavy-weapons-ukraine/
  10. Here's what you did say: Crimes happen in every war- it goes with putting thousands of angry guys into a situation where they fear for their lives all the time. Vietnam war had plenty of war crimes by both sides, and the Iraq war also ( but perhaps not as many on Allied side due to presence of media ), so not just something happens in Ukraine. Far as I'm concerned Putin is just another dictator in a long line of dictators in many countries. So far he hasn't equaled the death toll of some like Stalin or Mao.Given I haven't "justified" Putin's actions in Ukraine, I don't have to give any reasons, but it behooves us to look at both sides of any conflict if we want to understand what is going on. You really believe that it's commonplace in war for soldiers to execute thousands of civilians at point blank range? And you certainly did say that Putin so far hasn't killed as many as did Stalin. This is significant why? And keep in mind that Putin is still alive and may still catch up. As for "it behooves us to look at both sides of any conflict if we want to understand what's going on." And the best way to demonstrate one's understanding is not "to give any reasons"? It is to laugh. You've got nothing.
  11. It's clear his point is that their prospects for survival are grim even if they do surrender.
  12. Actually, Ukraine would still be bound by the convention. What's more it would be really stupid not to observe it. And not just for PR reasons. Ukraine should want Russian soldiers to surrender rather than have a reason to fight to the death.
  13. Right. The army that engaged in mass executions of civilians in violation of the Geneva Convention is definitely going to respect the Geneva Convention when it comes to prisoners of war.
  14. Obviously this is nonsense. Ya think Finland, after almost 80 years of remaining outside of NATO, is contemplating joining it now because Russia's actions are not threatening to countries outside of the former USSR? By the way, the Baltics were part of the USSR and are now members of NATO. So, is it of no concern to NATO if Russian invades member nations of NATO?
  15. Time for you to get concerned. Russia has already invaded other countries. Russian military presence in Transnistria https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_military_presence_in_Transnistria Occupied territories of Georgia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupied_territories_of_Georgia#:~:text=Russian troops were placed in,the demarcation lines with Georgia.
  16. I'm beginning to think you believe that the former president is the MSG of discussions: just sprinkle in his name to make them better.
  17. 75 years is too low an estimate. 83 years is closer to the mark. More like 1939 thanks to Putin.
  18. And here's an article from Putin himself, in which he denies that Ukraine is an authentic nation. Article by Vladimir Putin ”On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians“ During the recent Direct Line, when I was asked about Russian-Ukrainian relations, I said that Russians and Ukrainians were one people – a single whole. These words were not driven by some short-term considerations or prompted by the current political context. It is what I have said on numerous occasions and what I firmly believe. http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/66181
  19. You mean that it being an opinion isn't enough to prevent it being challenged?
  20. Clearly Finland and Sweden which have remained outside of Nato, disagree with you. Finland and Sweden take major step towards joining Nato Finland and Sweden took a major step towards joining Nato on Wednesday, after their prime ministers said Russia’s invasion of Ukraine had changed Europe’s “whole security landscape” and “dramatically shaped mindsets” in the Nordic countries. The Finnish prime minister, Sanna Marin, said on Wednesday that her country, which shares a 1,300km (810-mile) border with Russia, would decide whether to apply to join the alliance “quite fast, in weeks not months”, despite the risk of infuriating Moscow. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/13/finland-and-sweden-could-apply-for-nato-membership-in-weeks What would be their motive for considering joining NATO now unless they felt their situation was more dangerous outside of NATO than inside? Some of us might think that these nations, especially Finland, have a bit more expertise understanding Russia's aims than do armchair apologists for Russia. And there's also this: How Putin's Denial of Ukraine's Statehood Rewrites History As Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered troops into two rebel-held regions in eastern Ukraine late Monday night, recognizing the regions as independent, he returned to a familiar argument that the Kremlin has pushed for years: that Ukraine’s claim to statehood is entirely baseless. In a televised address to the nation, Putin explicitly denied that Ukraine had ever had “real statehood,” and said the country was an integral part of Russia’s “own history, culture, spiritual space.” https://time.com/6150046/ukraine-statehood-russia-history-putin/
  21. Russia already has nuclear weapons in the Baltic region, says Lithuania Russia already has nuclear weapons in the Baltic region, Lithuanian Defence Minister Arvydas Anusauskas said on Thursday. One of Russian President Vladimir Putin's closest allies warned NATO on Thursday that if Sweden and Finland joined the U.S.-led military alliance then Russia would have to bolster its defences in the region, including by deploying nuclear weapons. read more Anusauskas told Lithuania's BNS wire that nuclear weapons have been deployed in Russia's Kaliningrad exclave on the Baltic Sea since before the current crisis. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-already-has-nuclear-weapons-baltic-region-says-lithuania-2022-04-14/
  22. Too late for litte green aliens. At this juncture to set things straight, we're going to need some really big green aliens.
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