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  1. I've yet to see the chief proponents of the apposing viewpoint even acknowledge the existence of such research. Instead, they continue with their assertions supported only by the most incontrovertible of bulwarks: personal bias.
  2. I just noticed this comment. So children have a right to a father? How do think that gets enforced? Will the children police take children from single mothers and give them to heterosexual married couples? Children have a right to be breastfed? I guess that means that adopted infants are mostly suffering a gross violation of their rights? And that mothers have no right to refuse to breastfeed? Or do you propose drafting an army of wetnurses in the furtherance of social justice?
  3. Well, Christian Drasten, the fellow who justanotherhun quoted so approvingly when he said that it's not a pandemic of the unvaccinated. also said the only way out of this is 100% triple vaccination. I don't think justanotherhun agrees with that. But I could be wrong. How concerning would this pandemic be if that condition were met? Would there be deaths that were comparable to the flu. Of course that's not good, but would it threaten to overrun the public health system. It might still technically be a pandemic, but so what? Anyway I hope you enjoy your day away while I dutifully slog away here to save humanity from itself. I think I'm nearly there.
  4. Are you sure that @justanotherhun is clearly in favor of vaccinations? After he cited Christian Drasten's comment that "We don't have a pandemia of the unvaccinated" I pointed out that this same person said Germany won't get past this pandemic until there is 100% of the populace triply vaccinated. I asked him if he agreed with this. He replied that he did with certain reservations. When someone plays coy like that, I figure maybe they're concealing something. Here was his reply: "Because I strongly doubt people here are interested in a more differentiated discussion. It's a religious war, based on believe. You call those who refuse to be vaxxed "foolish and selfish" and you think, they are responsible for the never ending pandemia." Just more refusal to engage with that issue. Maybe if you ask him if he agrees with Drasten's other statements, he might be more forthcoming. Also, when I pointed out that German hospitals are being overwhelmed because of the unvaccinated, he replied that such data isn't collected in Germany on a nationwide basis. Do you think it's even remotely possible that the situation is different in Germany than it is in countries where such data is collected? That the rate of ICU occupancy and deaths isn't dramatically higher for unvaccinated Germans? And given the high number of the unvaccinated in Germany, that they don't absolutely outnumber the vaccinated respect to ICU units and mortality?
  5. Also, Bavaria is still quite right wing in its voting patterns isn't it? How well do die Linke or the Greens or the Socialist do there compared to other states?
  6. I don't know why you write "not even in Germany" As justanotherhun pointed out, germany doesn't even keep track except at the local level, if a patient is vaccinated or not.
  7. actually, as Iinked to somewhere else, the number reached as high as 40,000. But as you yourself acknowledged, lots of nurses quit. You blamed low wages. As I pointed out, nurses in the USA are far better compensated than in Germany but are still quitting in droves. Hours that are way too long and watching people die unnecessarily.
  8. Actually, I looked at those lower rates. The seem directly correlated with low population density.
  9. Do ya think that just possibly public attitudes have shifted since you were a child? That kids adopt the adopt the attitudes of their parents? You tihink attitudes towards gay people are the as they were when you were a kid? Or even close? Is opposing gay marriage a winning political issue anymore? You don't seem to have much use for actual evidence. When it's pointed out that most studies show kids of same sex parents do just fine, you just ignore them and continue to make assertions without offering evidence to back those assertions up. Most of us are 21 years into the 21st century. Time for yo to stop projecting and join the vast majority.
  10. They do more than tolerate. I see lots of them working in fancy department stores dressed in female attire. I know Thai families who completely accept them for who they are. Thais routinely use words for females when discussing them with no trace of prejudice. You should stop projecting your rabid distaste for these people onto the Thai population. And as for your rant about gay people in Thailand, Thais most definitely disagree with you: "According to a 2019 YouGov poll of 1,025 respondents, 63% of Thais supported the legalisation of same-sex partnerships, with 11% against and 27% preferring not to answer. 69% of people aged 18 to 34 supported civil partnerships, with 10% opposed. Legalisation was supported by 56% of those aged between 35 and 54 (33% opposed), and 55% of those aged 55 and over (13% opposed). 66% of those with university degrees were in favour (10% opposed), and 57% of those without university degrees (12% opposed)." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Thailand As for your abhorrence of anal sex, does that just apply to men's buttholes? Because it's gotten quite popular among heterosexuals lately.
  11. You've got me confused with someone else. I have consistently praised ivermectin for it's powerful efficacy against parasitic infestations in humans and have also corrected people who call it a "horse dewormer" Here for instance (in my haste I omitted writing "said" after "That" in the 2nd sentence. You also seem very confused about the meaning of "cognitive dissonance". Here's a definition for you: "Cognitive dissonance is a theory in social psychology. It refers to the mental conflict that occurs when a person’s behaviors and beliefs do not align. It may also happen when a person holds two beliefs that contradict one another." https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326738 That said, I think we did see cognitive dissonance in action right in this thread. On the one hand, Pierre Kory came down with Covid 19. On the other he said"
  12. No it's not a fact at all. Don't you get it yet? In the west, the vast majority of people don't care. And Thailand has always been very tolerant of gay people. Children pick up attitudes and prejudice from their parents And here's a poll of thai people: According to a 2019 YouGov poll of 1,025 respondents, 63% of Thais supported the legalisation of same-sex partnerships, with 11% against and 27% preferring not to answer. 69% of people aged 18 to 34 supported civil partnerships, with 10% opposed. https://www.google.com/search?q=poll+thailand+support+for+gay+marriage&oq=poll+thailand+support+for+gay+marriage&aqs=chrome..69i57.11474j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 You think that the government reflects the will of the people? You believe that that Constitution reflects the will of the people? The the Buddhist hierarchy reflects the will of the people?
  13. Smoking is an addiction. Is not getting vaccinated also an addiction? Are non vaccinees crave the high they get when they are not vaccinated. Do they crave being not vaccinated time and time again?
  14. The formula for making it they're keeping secret. The stuff that's in the final product has to be disclosed by law.
  15. But yet you're protesting against it, Whereas. in response to my query about laws banning interracial marrage you wrote this: "IMHO laws are ok when they are supported by the (vast) majority of people in that country. If i.e. 80% of the people didn't want to allow interracial marriage then there is a reason why it was not allowed. If maybe 20 years later 60% of the people want to allow interracial marriage then likely the law will be changed."
  16. Particularly objectionable are all those Western ladyboys. Good thing Thailand has no use for that sort of thing, I hear that in the west they even allow them to go to work dressed like women. Shocking!
  17. Actually, I did some research on polls and/or laws in English speaking countries and other western european countires And it turns out that in all of them there is overwhelming support for gay people being allowed to adopt. Given that most of the members of Thaivisa are clearly native english speakers or from western europe, its seems most would find your views offensive. And yet you share them with us anyway.
  18. You should really keep those opinions about gay adoption to yourself, You don't want to offend the vast majority of Americans, do you? Most Americans Say Same-Sex Couples Entitled to Adopt https://news.gallup.com/poll/170801/americans-say-sex-couples-entitled-adopt.aspx And this poll was taken in 2014. Couldn't find a later poll for that. But given that approval of gay marriage has surged, it would be deranged to conclude that support for gay adoption has declined Record-High 70% in U.S. Support Same-Sex Marriage https://news.gallup.com/poll/350486/record-high-support-same-sex-marriage.aspx Anyway, be careful what you say if you ever visit the USA. You shouldn't say anything to offend the vast majority.
  19. You don't think that there's a strong relationship between ICU occupancy and deaths? Here's a report from a distant nation called The Netherlands: 4 in 5 COVID-19 patients in ICU are not vaccinated "4 in 5 COVID-19 patients in intensive care are not vaccinated against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The chance that a fully vaccinated person will end up in ICU due to COVID-19 is 33 times lower than for a non-vaccinated person." https://www.rivm.nl/en/news/4-in-5-covid-19-patients-in-icu-are-not-vaccinated I also have plenty of reports from America to confirm this but I figured that the Netherlands were slightly closer to home.
  20. Germany actually has one of the very highest rates of ICU beds on a per capita basis.
  21. Well unless Germans are biologically different from other humans, it seems highly unlikely to the verge of impossibility, that the same percentage of vaccinated and unvaccinated Germans are dying from covid.
  22. It was Leon Festinger and it was from this experience that he coined the term "cognitive dissonance". Basically, when believers are forced to choose between their beliefs and reality, the beliefs usually win out. Of course the term has a far wider range than that.
  23. I should have noticed before. This report is from rt.com, a mouthpiece of the Russian govt. So what they do is mislead by omission. No statistics are offered on what percentage of the Gibralatar population have serious cases or dying .No information on what percentage of the population has been given booster shots. For other countries no figures on the rates for the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated. Nor anything about boosters. This is typical of the way they operate.
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