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  1. Kory had called ivermectin a "miracle drug" at the December 2020 Senate hearing, the Journal Sentinel reported. "If you take it, you will not get sick," he said.
  2. What does the scholarly research say about the well-being of children with gay or lesbian parents? https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-wellbeing-of-children-with-gay-or-lesbian-parents/
  3. Marriage affords legal protection. In the states, before gay marriage, that meant if one of the pair became gravely ill, the family could exclude the other person from seeing their partner. How about when a woman gets pregnant and raises a child by herself. Who is the father? So if a heterosexual couple adopts a child will the woman be able to breastfeed the baby? If not, I guess she's not really the mother, either, right? Why do you liken gay people to other species of animal. When gay people marry, do you not understand that its 2 adult human beings tying the knot? As long as people who don't think it's normal don't try and stop gay people from marrying in countries where they can, who cares what they think? There are people out there who still support a husband's right to beat his wife. As long as they don't try to enact their beliefs into law, and don't carry out their beliefs into practice, who cares? I can just imagine your argument applied during the civil rights era: White people accept that colored people exist. And colored people should also accept that not everybody wants to support anything they want.
  4. Once again you resort to personal attacks because you've got nothing. Because I support a policy that will ease the stress on the public health system and save lives, therefore I'm only thinking about myself? . Stop with the mindreading. Your allegation is obviously an empty one. As is your reading of what my character may be. And you just repeat your sentiments in different words. Well, let's just hope that those who refuse to take the virus ultimately come to their senses or at least go to get vaccinated. And to close you make predictions. Another kind of allegation devoid of evidence. Let's agree that you've got nothing but evidence-free attacks on character and motivation. Nothing you wrote challenged in a logical or evidence-based way anything I wrote. What you wrote, essentially, constituted ranting. Which is a practice some resort to when their arguments have been repeatedly refuted. Try logic and objectively determined evidence for a change.
  5. Pierre Kory, MD, one of the most vocal proponents of ivermectin, got COVID-19 in August, despite taking the anti-parasitic medication on a weekly basis to ostensibly prevent the disease, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.... Kory had called ivermectin a "miracle drug" at the December 2020 Senate hearing, the Journal Sentinel reported. "If you take it, you will not get sick," he said. https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/95726?xid=nl_mpt_investigative2021-11-17 This is the guy who heads America's Frontline Doctors which group has been publishing weblinks with all sorts of misleading "evidence" about the effectiveness of Ivermectin. Anyway, I'm sure now that once Ivermectin believers check out the veracity of this report, they will at least question their faith in it and the competence of Pierre Kory, MD.
  6. Here are a study in preprint from some researchers at Oxford also suffering from "predisposed bias". The impact of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination on Alpha & Delta variant transmission Vaccination reduces transmission of Delta, but by less than the Alpha variant. The impact of vaccination decreased over time. Factors other than PCR Ct values at diagnosis are important in understanding vaccine-associated transmission reductions https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.28.21264260v2
  7. I think you overlooked something that might be a bit significant about the evidence you offered: it appears in the correspondence section of the European Journal of Epidemiology. Like the Letters to the Editor section in a newspaper. It was not submitted as research to be published. To date, I can find no evidence that it's in preprint anywhere.
  8. I'll see that study and up you many times that with this CDC listing of many studies ref vaccine effectiveness at stopping transmission. I guess if I am sufferinig from "predisposed bias", then I'm in good company. https://view-hub.org/sites/default/files/2021-11/COVID19 VE Studies_Forest Plots_0.pdf Here' a preprint study: Vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 transmission to household contacts during dominance of Delta variant (B.1.617.2), August-September 2021, the Netherlands We estimated vaccine effectiveness against onward transmission by comparing secondary attack rates among household members between vaccinated and unvaccinated index cases, based on source and contact tracing data collected when Delta variant was dominant. Effectiveness of full vaccination of the index against transmission to fully vaccinated household contacts was 40% (95% confidence interval (CI) 20-54%), which is in addition to the direct protection of vaccination of contacts against infection. Effectiveness of full vaccination of the index against transmission to unvaccinated household contacts was 63% (95%CI 46-75%). https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.10.14.21264959v1 Here's another study in preprint about the effect of a booster on transmission rates: Third doses of COVID-19 vaccines reduce infection and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and could prevent future surges in some populations Findings Eight months of waning reduced protection of the Pfizer vaccine against all infections from 80.0% (95% CI: 77% to 83%) to 60.4% (95% CI: 53% to 67%); a third dose (which increased neutralizing antibody titers 25.9-fold relative to levels after 8 months of waning) increased protection to 87.2% (95% CI: 83% to 91%). Increased protection against infection and transmission from third doses reduced Rt by 21% to 66% depending on vaccine coverage and previous infection and reduced Rt below 1 when vaccination coverage was high or contact rates were well below pre-pandemic levels. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.10.25.21265500v1
  9. whatever the accuracy of that figure for whatever region or region you are referring to, what's the rate for those who don't have access to adequate hospital care or ICUs?
  10. Right now, there's a huge installed base of fossil fuel powered plants. But that is changing. In the past few years, worldwide investments in renewable power sources has been greater than investment in fossil fuel plants. And the cost of solar and wind keeps on declining.
  11. Because if there's one thing we know about tourists, it's that they're all wannabe investigative journalists. Not here to enjoy the beaches, the scenery, the food at all.
  12. Apparently, you believe that Prizer is offering a medication that contains secret ingredients? Really? Is there a history of that sort of patent violations like occurring? I believe Thailand is a member of the WTO and the treaty rules out that sort of activity.
  13. What makes this argument obvious nonsense is the assumption that she made this decision without consulting others. Presumably some of those experts she did consult are not obese. As for the vaccination being an unnecessary risk for a 20 year old to take, the data show overwhelmingly that it's more of a risk for that 20 year old not to take it.
  14. Did they shut down the beaches? Is there a switch somewhere that turns off the national parks? Are the temples and other cultural monuments closed? Is just farang food being served in Thailand?
  15. Well, Pfizer might have a sales division in Thailand. I'm not saying that they do. But even if that were the case, I don't see what the imposition of taxes would have to do with their profitability. Also, it's generally the practice of pharmaceutical companies to charge the highest prices in the USA. Anyway, in this case, ithe sale is being made to the Thai government. So those considerations are utterly irrelevant.
  16. There are a few dodges people without legitimate counter-arguments resort to. In your case, you make it personal. You've got nothing.
  17. First off, I don't care if you're vaccinated or not. These repeated claims by various parties who claim to support the rights of individuals not to be vaccinated are just shoddy pieces of social engineering. They provide no support to the validity of your arguments. Let's stick to facts and logic. Yes, plenty of people do indulge in such behavior. But as we know, getting people to change their behaviors, whether it's obesity, alcohol abuse, or drug abuse is very difficult because these are behaviors that get rewarded. with pleasure As far as I'm aware, non-vaccinating is not a behavior that delivers jolts of pleasure via the nervous system. Also, health the system is adapted to people with these behaviors. But right now the system is under threat from frequent surges of this pandemic.
  18. Nonsense. That's only the case if a private company is going to be selling the drugs in Thailand. The Thai govt is doing the purchasing. Pfizer will have nothing to do with how the drug is packaged and distributed. So there's no way taxes or the price it's sold for in Thailand will benefit Pfizer.
  19. His critique in part is that EVs won't lead fast enough to decarbonization. Not that there's no difference between the environmental impact of EVs as opposed to ICEVs.
  20. This comment of mine was misdirected. I should have written if you get ill before going and can't travel, then travel insurance won't cover it since it only covers at best your vacation inclusive of traveling there and back.
  21. Actually you can't unless you've got some black market source. As public health services note, this is mainly a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Hospital ICUs are being stressed mostly due to them. Those who have been triply inoculated pose little threat to that system.
  22. First off, you accused some pro-vaxxers of pretendinig to do it for others. You a mind reader? But there is a thing called enlightened self interest. That's what might be motivating them. You should look that concept up. People are "forced" to do things all the time. Pay taxes, wear a seatbelt, etc. You apparently believe in "a right not to be vaccinated". Rights have to be balanced with obligations. If you are exercising a "right" that gravely affects public health, maybe that shouldn't be a right at all. Maybe you believe that everyone has the right to help make the public health system crash. I don't.
  23. Well, actually it would be for the benefit of him were he inoculated. The net benefit is small but real. And the benefit to others is real, too. Just because someone is a parent, that doesn't mean decisions made by that parent for a child are wise ones.
  24. Also, the viruses coming from an vaccinated person are generally plastered with antibodies. So their potency may also be decreased.
  25. Well, if it's travel insurance then the policies take effect either when you begin your journey or when you arrive at your destination. So if you were vaccinated beforehand, which you would have to be, to qualify for entry into Thailand, then I don't think the insurance would cover any consequences of being vaccinated.
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